For You

'Woah! What the hell. Where is this smoke coming from?' Somin thought as she dropped down the bags full of groceries.

She came back from shopping and the first she sees is a messed up kitchen with smoke all around. And in the middle of the mess she sees Jin who's staring at some black substance in his hand.

"What the hell Jin?! What did you do to my precious kitchen?!"

Jin looks at Somin with tears in his lovely eyes.

Her eyes widen and she immediately asked him

"What's wrong? I'm sorry I yelled at you."

He looked at her and said through tears,"My cupcake..... is ruined."

"That thing was a cupcake?" Somin asked while pointing towards it.

Hearing that he cried harder than before.

"Shit! I'm so sorry! It's just that it doesn't look like a cupcake. Why were you trying to make it anyway? You know you're not good at baking things." she said while wiping his tears and black spots on his face due to the smoke.

"I thought that since tommorow's your birthday so I will bake something..... but...😭😭" tears were falling off of his eyes as if he was crying the whole Han river.

Hearing this, Somin's heart overwhelmed with happiness. She was again on cloud 9 but then she stopped herself from getting her expectations too high.

Somin loves Jin. This one sentence is really cute to hear but when the reverse of it doesn't happens it hurts.

Yes, she did confess to him but he turned her down saying he doesn't want to get into a relationship as he failed to maintain one.

Jin flicked his finger in front of her eyes and said, "I'm trying to make you happy and you're lost in your daydreams!"

Hearing this her face immediately darkened as if he asked her for her kidney. Jin kept nagging her and she couldn't hold it in anymore and burst like a balloon.

"You know that you don't have to do all this to make me happy. There's only one thing I desire and you're refusing to give it to me! Don't you dare tell me that you're trying to make me happy when you know that you're the only person that makes me happy!!"

".....I can't love you..... I'm sorry...." saying this he took his coat and walked towards the door.

Before leaving he took a look a Somin and then closed the door behind him.

After the door closed, she broke down. All the emotions that she's been concealing from him came out, flowing like a waterfall. She tried her best to forget that she has feelings for him and tried to move on but.... she just couldn't.

Everytime she's around him it feels like all the wilted flowers in her hearts started to blossom again. For him she pretended that she was happy, when in reality she was sad.

It broke his heart to hear her cry, moreover he hated the fact he was the reason that made her.

Jin didn't leave after closing the door. He stood with his back on the door, silently listening to her cries and letting his own tears fall.....