Day Three Part 4

At first she started to push him away but then she relaxed and let the emotions run threw her.

Her arms wrapped around his neck as he pushed his tongue into her mouth. She moaned and the need grew in Jake to posses her.

Their tongues intertwine as their passion grew. She tasted of sweet honey on a summers day.

Lillian could not think and her mind went blank. She wanted this man as much as he seemed to want her.

Soon they were both out of breath as they broke the kiss then he pulled her into a warm embrace next to his chest.

"I want to make love to you." He stated.

She was shocked. She was coming out of the high she was on. She wanted him so bad she could fill it way down into her soul.

"I can't. I'm sorry." She wanted to cry.

"I promise to be gentle as I can be, I know your first time may hurt some but I need to be inside you." His pants were getting tighter as his dick was getting harder at the need for this redhead.

"I can't... I am saving my self for the man I really marry." A tear fell down her face.

He reached up to wipe the tear away, "Then really marry me."

She did not know what to say. This was going to fast. She pulled away from him and walked a little ways away then turned back to him.

"I would love to say yes... but the answer is No." More tears were coming down now.

"Why?" He ran his hand through his hair.

"Because I don't want to get hurt. Jake in your world girl like me get hurt."

He was shocked. She was right, his world could chew up and spit out girls like her. Could he let her go.... No, he needed her.

"Lillian, my little red riding hood, I can not give you up. I need you to stay with this big bad wolf and tame him. You make me want to be a better man. I promise to always protect you." He walked over and held her once more. He would do anything to keep her close to his side.

"Then you should be able to wait for me. I need time." She said.

He agreed and they continued to walk side by side down the path. He stopped and picked one of the pink roses and placed it in her hair. "You are very beautiful." Then he kissed her cheek.

Lillian blushed, He would give her time. He was sure that with time she would agree to be his, because he refused to let her go.

With the sun going down it started to get chilly. When Lillian shivered Jake took off his jacket and placed it on Lillian sholder.

"Lets head in it'sgetting cold." He said wrapping his arm around her waist.

After taking Toby back to the kitchen they head up to the bed room. On the way they ran into Susan.

"Jake, Can we talk?" She batted her eyes.

"No" he growled.

"Please, We will be married soon and I need you answer some questions for me." She made a pouty face.

"Jake just talk to her. I'll wait for you in the room." Lillian said.

"Ok, I'll be there soon." He kissed her cheek and followed Susan into one of the guest rooms.

"So what do we need to talk about?" He said sitting down on one of the chairs.

"Jake, this has gone far enough. I know you said not to bother you for a full month but it was not my fault. Your mother told me to call you." She said sitting on the couch across from him.

"Susan, Why do you want to marry someone who despises you?" He sat there stoned face.

"I love you Jake. I have loved you all my life. I would do anything to be with you."

Soon a maid came in with some tea. Susan poured Jake some and handed it to him.

"Thank you. Susan let me say this. You are a smart girl who deserves a man to treat you as a princess. I work long hours and barely have time to sleep. You would not see me for days. I don't love you and I never will. So it's best if we just stop all this now." He finished off the tea and as he was getting up to leave he felt dizzy.

'What is going on' he thought.

"Jake you can't leave me. This is for your own good." She help him over to her bed.

Mrs. Wolf then came in, "Good, you got him to drink it. Now help me take off all his cloths." When he was naked his mother gave him a shot. "This will make him wild for sex. Make sure he leaves lots of love marks on you. Then he will have no say in marrying you."

"Thank you Mrs. Wolf." Susan said.

"Call me Mom, Monday you will be married to my son."

Susan then undressed and slipped under the covers and waited for things to happen.

It did not take long for his body to start heating up. His dick was painfully hard. The need to be inside someone growing.

"Jake my love I'm here. Make love to me."

"Lillian, I need you so bad." His vision was blurred and he could not tell who it was.

Susan did not mind pretendingshevwas someone else as long as she gets what she wants. "Yes my love take me I'm all yours."

He plowed into her but shook his head when she only moaned in pleasure. 'Lillian said she was a virgin'

Another heat wave went through him as he fucked her hard. He was like a wild animal and the more he heated up the harder he fucked.

When it was all over and they both were exhausted they fell into a deep sleep.

Susan was happy now Jake would be hers and the slut would be gone. She just hoped that she would be pregnant from his round of sex.

Lillian waited and waited for Jake to come back but when 11 o'clock hit she decided to go to sleep.

She just hoped that Jake would come to bed soon.