Day 12 part 1

That night he stayed with his wife at Carrie's house and he took his wife home the next morning.

"Ok, make a list of things I'll need to make the clubs more secure. Also when I get home tonight there is something else we need to talk about."

"Ok, I'll call you later. Do you want me to send Zane the list of things needed?"

"If you could. I love you."

Lillian got to work on hacking into the list of clubs Jake owned, then made a list of things need to upgrade them so others could not hack in.

She worked until lunch time then laid down for a nap.

Pop arrived with Toby and waited for her to get up.

"Pop, why didn't you tell me your here?" Lillian said walking into the living room.

"You needed a rest. By the way the garden is looking good."

"Yes, your man sure knows his stuff. I was glad he kept working on it."

"How are you feeling now dear?"

"Tired, Thank you for watching my baby." She sat down next to Toby and stroked his head.

"He gives an old man something to do. I was thinking of getting a dog. Would you help me find one?"

"Yes, what kind would you want?" She asked.

"A Yorkshire Terrier" He said pulling out his phone to show her.

"A small dog that's hypoallergenic. Sounds good. Let me call a friend of mine who does dog rescue and see what he thinks." She said picking up her phone.

She was on the phone for about thirty minutes when she said, "We'll be right there."

"Well what did he say?" Pop asked.

"He has a two year old Yorkshire Terrier who lost her owner a few weeks ago. He said you could have her. Her name is lady."

They both got up and he put Toby's leash on and they left in Pop's car.


Jake and Zane had been in meetings all morning. Zane had recieved the list from Lillian and was getting ready to order the supplies she asked for.

"Will there be anything else Sir?" Zane asked.

"No, just get the things she asked for and send them to the clubs. When they get the supplies I'll get with her on where to go from there." Jake said.

His office phone rang, "Hello?"

"Sir, your mother is here." The receptionist said.

"Send her up please." He got up and walked to elevator door.

"Mother, what do I owe the pleasure?" He said hugging her.

"I come to ask you to dinner tonight." She said.

"I'll need to check with Lillian." He could see the sour look on her face.

"Why, I want to talk to you about your father. She does not need to be there."

"She has agreed to marry me. So you need to get along with her. She needs your help getting ready for the wedding."

"I will try, but just for tonight can it be just you and me?" She pleaded.

"Ok, just for tonight." He said. He did not know what his mother was up to but he would be on guard.

"Good, that makes me happy and I promise next week I'll take Lillian out for some mother daughter bonding."

"If there is nothing else mother, I really have a lot of work to do."

"No nothing else, I'll book a room at Our Place. Six thirty ok?" She said walking to the elevator.

"That's fine, see you there."

After the elevator doors closed he call one of his bodyguards, "My mother is getting ready to leave the building follow her and tell me where she goes."

"Yes boss."

Jake then got back to work but not before he called his wife.

'Hello ' She answered.

"Hey beautiful, I'll be a little late tonight. My mother wants to have a discussion over dinner at Our Place."

"Ok, I'll have dinner with Pop. We are on our way to get him a baby of his own."


"Yorkshire Terrier, A friend of mine has one."

"Ha ha a dog, ok have fun." His grandfather was a character.


Lillian and Pop pull up to 'Friendly home pet rescue'.

Lillian and Pop walk in and a little bell rings. They could hear all kind of dogs barking.

"Be right with you" came a voice from the back.

"No hurry." Pop says.

A big burly man comes out wiping his hands, "How can I help you.... Lillian you look great?"

"Hi Mike How are you?"

"Fine, Is this the man wanting the Yorkshire Terrier?"

"Yes, Pop this is my friend Mike. Mike this is my Pop-in-law."

The two men shake hand. "Well come with me,."

They follow Mike into a large open area with kennels along the walls. Mike pulls out of one cage a small Yorkshire Terrier that is winning. He then hands her to Pop.

"Her name is Lady. She is two. She's been fixed. She lost her owner a few weeks ago. He was 87. She has been depressed and not eating well. I was hoping that she would take to you."

Lady curled up on Pop chest and fell asleep.

"She has not sleep like that in a long time." Mike said.

"I'll take her." Pop fell in love with the little thing sleeping in his arms.

Lillian help him fill out the paper work. She then paid for the adoption fees and they headed home.

"Pop would you stay for dinner. I'll make Butter Milk fried chicken."

"That sounds good. I'll stay."

They dropped by the store on the way home to get all the things she needed. She also picked up dog food for Toby and Lady.



1:10 was dropped off at Beautiful Hair.

2:15 Came out of salon and followed her to Hank's Sporting Goods.

Followed her inside she was picking up a long range rifle and a box of ammunition.

3:00 Followed her back to Fairlynn Corporation but she went into the hotel across the street.

Followed her in. She book a room on the 11th floor 1123 till next Sunday. She then took up three bags one contained the rifle.

6:00 Left hotel and followed her to restaurant Our Place.

6:10 Walked in restaurant and was seated in room 3.