Day 26 part 1

Lillian woke after a few hours sleep. When someone opened the door she went back to pretending.

"How long till she's up?" someone asked.

"Not sure depends on how much her body could handle the drug." another said.

"Just let me know when she is awake. I want to start torturing Wolf as soon as possible. My men say the is surching everywhere for this wife."

" Sure thing boss."

She heard the door close and opened her eyes.

"Did you get that?" she asked.

"Yes I'll let boss know."

A few minutes passed and he hidden gaurd said, "Boss said everything is ready you can wake up."

"Ok,... Someone help me, let me go, help me!" Lillian screamed out loud.

Soon some one came to the door. "Your awake."

"Please help me, where am I? Who has done this? Do you know who my husband is,?" She yelled.

He left the room with out another word. Soon he was back with a laptop and another man with a bag.

"What do you want?" Lillian said.

"Nothing much my dear, All I want is for your husband to admit he was wrong and apologize to me." Samuel Redford said.

He laid out all kinds of torture tools on the long dresser top and pulled up a program on the laptop.

Soon he could see Jakes face, "Don't listen to him It's a trap." She yelled.

"Shut up bitch", He slapped her.

Jake was angry at this, "What do you want Red Snake?"

"My money back, you have 10 minutes to transfer double of it back or I start playing with your wife."

"I do not have any of your money and this is black mail and kidnapping." Zane said trying to keep calm.

"Call it what you will but everything you have will be mine. So do as I say or she gets hurt."

"Lillian now!" Jake said.

With that a troupe of men busted in. Lillian took of her ropes and held a gun and the gaurd that was with her came out of hiding.

"Seems like the table is turned. The men coming up the stairs are going to take you to jail. One you stay there for life or Two fight it and you will disappear from this world. Everything before This was recorded but now it will be your word against mine." Jake smiled big.

"You bastard, I'll get you for this." he yelled as the men restrained him.

Lillian walked out and into her husband arms, "See I told you this is better."

He laughed, "Let's not do any of this again.


Charlie woke up with his Baby girl Hana in his arms. She was still sleeping.

He gently got up and showered, dress, and fix breakfast for her.

"Morning Baby girl, Hungry?"

Hana stretched and shook her head yes.

"Where you going?" She asked.

"I've some meetings at the Office this morning, then a few at the club tonight. Do you want to come with me? You can be my assistant." He said.

Hana was frowning at first till he asked if she wanted to come then her face lite up. "I would like that, let me get dressed."

She ran to her closet and pulled up a black pencil skirt, peach blouse with peach and black heels.

She quickly did her hair in a messy bun and put on light make.

When she walked out he was stunned she was the most beautiful thing in the world.

"How do I look?" She smiled.

"You can't go now baby girl how do I keep the other men off of you." he said.

Her face went blank and tears formed in her eyes.

He walked over and pulled her into an embrace. "I didn't mean it baby girl, you'll go with me. I love the way you look."

She looked up and he wiped her tears off her cheek. "I'm sorry, I never want to make you cry."


Zane walked out of the plane to be greeted by a driver with a sign.

He followed the driver to a car that took him to a building.

"Sir is waiting for you top floor room four." The driver said.

"I'll wait here to take you back to the airport."

Zane shook his head. He walked to the elevator at push the top button.

When he found room four he knocked.

"Enter" A voice said.

Zane walked in.

"Mr. Johnson?" The man said.

Zane nodded yes.

"I have asked you here to sign some papers."

Zane picked them up. Annulment papers for Zane Johnson and Gege McKenna.

"The two of you don't belong together. Her father and I have chosen a man for her. Sign the papers so we can continue with the arrangement we have."

Zane set them down. Stood up and took a few steps to the door.

"Mr. McKenna, with all due respect nothing in this world would persuade me to give Gege up. She is the light on my life. If this is all you want then I shall retrieve my wife and return home." Zane said.

"How must would it take?"

"You do not understand." He walked back and handed the old man his card. "Run who I am then you will know what I want."

Zane walked out. He took the bags from the car and hailed a taxi.

When he arrived at the place Gege was staying She ran out in tears.

"Get in the car we're going home." He said.

"But my things." She cried.

"I'll replace anything you need. The jet is ready to leave now."

As soon as Zane walked out of the office Mr. McKenna called his guy. Get me all the info on Mr. Zane Johnson.

ten minutes later, "Boss, there is nothing on him."

"What do you mean?"

"Some body erased his life. Ether that or he doesn't exist. Look at my granddaughter file. and call me back."

Ten minutes later, "Boss there is no record of her. Nothing. Who ever is doing this is good."

The old man then called the number on the back of the card.


"Can you give me information on Zane Johnson?"

"Are you the Father that gambles all the family money away or the gramps that tried to control everything."

"Grandfather" he said.

"You couldn't find anything could you. That's because I am to good to be true. Zane works for a man few really Know. Most call him Mr. Wolf. Zane has been with this person since grade school. Zane is very loyal. His money will make you look like a street rat. Does this answer your question?"