chapter 3

Hayley POV



Bee- I stopped my annoying alarm clock, that was ringing to soon for my liking. It loud buzzing was waking me up from my slumber, much to my annoyance.

I got up groggily from my bed, letting out a small yawn as I stretch. I opened the curtains to allow some light in only to be met with California weather. I was met with raindrops plummeting against the window, dark grey clouds covered the blue sky.

I sigh and walked to my bathroom taking a shower. When I was done I got dressed in black skinny jeans, a long-sleeve floral crop top that showed a little stomach. I left my hair down and didn't bother with make-up. I slipped on my black converses and put on my locket, as always.

I walked out my room and downstairs, only to met another note by my parents.

Left money on the counter. We will be back in another month, don't worry we're staying at a hotel. Sorry honey.

Love you

Mom and Dad

I crumble the piece of paper and threw it away. I didn't care my parents were gone. Hell, they could stay as long as they want. I sigh and grabbed a granola bar before heading out the door.


I parked my car and got out walking in school. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion when I seen Paula, the school head cheerleader/slut run past me crying.

I notice a bunch of people huddling around a glass case. "Hayley!" I seen Lucas and Max running towards me with worry looks.

"What's going on?" I asked and they both glance at each other before looking back at me with depress looks.

"Mark was killed" Lucas said and my breath hitched. Suddenly the boy from the party came to mind. 'Well he could enjoy the last few hours of his pathetic life'...

Oh god! Did he kill Mark? I looked around feeling myself being watched, but found nothing. I turn back toward my two sad friends. "How was he killed?" I asked slowly.

"He was shot twice in the head, and left dead in an alley." Max and I cringe. Should I tell them about Mark's murder? He probably didn't murder him and I'm overacting... Yeah.

I look over to where people are standing and seen a glass case of Mark pictures. A few candles lit and and flowers by it. I felt a tug on my chest. Me and mark wasn't close but we were friends.

Lucas, Max and Mark was close, they were the popular boys here. I couldn't imagine what they are feeling, knowing there other friend is dead.

I jumped a little when the bell rang, signaling class about to start. "Come on lets get to class." Lucas mumble and we nodded heading to history.


"You guys are not eating?" I asked Lucas and Max who was picking at their food. They shook their head and continuing pushing their fork around the plate.

We were currently at lunch, and I watch as the two brothers gloom over the lost of their friend. 3

I frown at them, they were still upset about the Mark situation. I sigh and took a bite of my granola bar. "Do you guys want to come over today?" I asked and they nodded their heads.

"How about I buy pizza?" I asked, a smirk played on my lips as I said this. I know these two love pizza, like really love it so I hope it will make them feel better.

Their face lit up. "Yeah." They said unison making me smile.

"Woah who are they?" I heard Max ask staring at something behind me. I look behind me following his gaze.

My eyes widen when they landed on him. It was him, the boy from he party. But he wasn't alone, there was a group of boys behind him and I recognize them as they boys he was with from the party.

I quickly looked away biting my lip, which was a bad habit of mine when ever I get nervous. I notice everyone in the cafeteria was staring at them.

"What are you looking at!?" His voice once again brought shivers down my spine. I look towards Lucas and Max who as looking at me weirdly.


"Do you know them?" Lucas asked and I quickly shook my head making him raise an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded not making eye contact with them.

"Alright..." Max said awkwardly not pushing the subject, which I'm grateful he didn't.

All of sudden felt my self being watch and knew it was him. I ignored his gaze and continue eating my bar. But then I kept feeling his gaze on me and looked to the table about three tables away from us, where he and his friends sat.

My eyes connected with his dark blue ones and once again I was capture in them. I took this time to look him over. He had an well-define face, he had a strong jaw line, the perfect size nose. He had pink plump lips and his skin was tan.

He also had dark brown hair with a few blonde streaks. He had on a grey shirt, with black jeans. He was attractive....

I looked back into his eyes and seen he was staring at me with an smirk, I quickly look away and silently curse myself for getting caught checking him out.

We then continue eating lunch and I could feel his stare on me the whole time.


Me Lucas and Max then split ways since we don't have four period together.

I walk into science and sat in my seat. "Alright class let's get started shall we." Mr. Harwell said clapping his hands.

Throughout class the door slammed open but I didn't look up from my work. "Who are you and why are you late to my class?" I heard Mr. Harwell asked.

"Don't worry about who I am, and I had to....clean up something." My breath hitched when I heard a familiar voice. No no no no please don't let it be him...

I lifted my head and seen the boy from the party, with his friends behind him. I ignored the soft sighs of girls and scowls from the boys and focus on him.

"Well since your new I'll let you pass. But don't come to my class late or-"

"Or what sir?" The boy asked dangerously raising an eyebrow. I almost flinch at the cold look he was giving Mr. Harwell.

"Um um j-just take an seat." Mr. Harwell studdered and the boys smirked behind him, looking around. My eyes connected with dark blue eyes and I seen him smirk before walking towards me.

I tense when he took a seat behind me, his friends sat next to him. "Alright class back to what we're doing..." I ignored Mr. Harwell and stared out the window.

"So Logan you took care of the body right?" I tense when I heard their conversation.

"Yeah Ashton, left it in the alley like you told me to." I froze and Ashton/ the boy from the party chuckled.

"Did you take care of the witness Colton?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah I did."

"You guys do know what happens to people who tells or owe us money right?" Ashton asked and I felt his hott breath on my neck. Before he whispered something in my ear making my breath hitch.

"We kill them."