chapter 14


I zone out thinking about how Ashton took my life from me. My family, friends everything is gone because him!

I miss Lucas and Max, I miss their stupid pranks and stuff. But I can't see them, thanks to Ashton!

I snapped out my thoughts when I heard the door open. I wipe the tears that escape from my eyes before getting up from my bed.

I open the door to meet Val. "Hey come on As- hey have you been crying." He asked staring at my face. I wiped the tears before putting on an fake smile.

"No just allergies." I lied and he raised an eyebrow at me, clearly not believing me.

"Ashton?" He asked and I nodded looking at the ground.

"Hey he's not that bad!" Val defended and I snap my head towards him, an scowl on my face.

"Not that bad? He kidnapped me, physical hurt me, he even chained me up in an freezing-cold room!" I shouted angrily and a flash of sympathy cross his eyes.

"Oh and not let's forget I'm being claim by the crazed psycho!" I added "So yeah he's not bad at all." I said sarcastically before closing the door in his face.

I slid down the door and brought my knees to my chest. Tears where running down my face and I let them.

"Hayley! Hayley open the door!" I ignored Val's calls for me to open the door and got up laying on the bed.

I block out the noise and let sleep consume me..


"Where is she?" I asked my brother when I seen him walk in the room with no Hayley.

He sigh, "She locked herself in her room." He said and anger boil up inside me. Why did I agree to let them get their own room!

I got up and started making my way to her room but Val stopped me. "She really want to go home." He said with an serious and I raised an eyebrow at him.

I got out his grip and made my way to Hayley room. When I got there the door was locked. I groan and took out a spare key.

I unlock the room and was greeted with an sleeping Hayley. I shut the door but kept my eyes on the sleeping beauty.

I walk towards her side of the bed and bent down so we where face level. I watch her sleep before caress her face.

"What are you doing to me sweetheart?" I whispered and she stir a little. I brush some of her hair out of her face and watch as her parted.

"First your making me feel, then your making me care." I whisper and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I could sleep, like I could actually dream now.." I trailed off staring at her, taking in her features.

Her eyes flutter open and I was met staring at her blue eyes.

"Take me home." She begged and I croak my head to the side.

"I can't."

"Why?" She ask tears filled her eyes. I wiped the tear that fell down her cheek and smile at her. God what is she doing to me?

"I can't let you go sweetheart..not now not never."