Works of Art

Needless to say, the next succeeding days were Mom MJ and KM, doing the household chores manually (without using machines), and cooking their meals for 1 week. The maids were just dumbfounded as they have nothing to do then. To them, it feels like they were having a 1 week break with nothing to do, but just watching the mother-daughter tandem, doing the household chores and cooking.

At last, after a week, KM have mostly learned the basics of doing the household chores and cooking. She just need to master it all along the way. And the maids have resumed to their duties.

However, there were some changes, as KM would help them maids from time to time. She instructed them not to bother cleaning her own bedroom and not to wash her own clothes. For from now on, she's the one cleaning her own bedroom, washing her own clothes and folding it, neatly arranging it to her personalized walk-in closet.

Once again, the maids were dumbfounded at these changes KM did. But after a few days, they learn to let her be.

On top of that, even if her body was tired from doing the household chores and cooking, during at night, she still checked her emails online and chatted some men, trying to get to know them deeper.

From time to time, she continued chatting Pramul and Fitz and then proceeded chatting others too.

She began chatting as well the next ones in her list...

"Hi, how are you? Sorry for not replying your messages. For I have been very busy lately."

Sincero replied:

"That's alright, I understand. I have been busy too at my work. Can we videocall? It's easier to talk that way than typing..."

"Sure." KM replied.

And as soon as she replied, a video call request coming from him could be seen in her screen, of which she then answered.

"Hi, KM, it's nice to meet you and see you!" Sincero then waved his hand and curved his lips into a smile.

Seeing him the way he waved his hand, she instantly thought, "Is this man a gay? Hmm... but he is a fabricator... don't mean he is not! Hmmm, I remember that if you asked a guy how would he look at his hands, and if he would look at his hands straightened upside down, that means he is a gay. But if he looks at his hands in a half fist with palms facing him, then he is a real man. Might as well, I would test him that." A smile curved into her lips as she have planned to test him.

Seeing KM seemingly on a thought, he checked, "KM, is there anything wrong with my face, or something?" Sincero with a raised brows.

"No, no. Sorry, I just thought of something..." She sighed once and then continued with a curiousity look in her face, " "Anyways, How do you look at your hands? Will you show me, please?"

Sincero was taken a back and asked, "What, you want to see my hands? Why?"

"No reason in particular! Since, you are a fabricator, I'm curious, how do you look at your hands? It's not that I want to see your hands, but rather, I want to see you, looking at your hands," lied KM.

Having understood her point, Sincero then abided to her request and said, "Okay, here, I'm looking at my hands now," at this he extended and openned his palms turned it upside down with straightenned fingers. It's like he was looking at his fingernails that way.

"Okay, I see it. Thanks. You seem have a rough hands. But it's alright, you're a man and a fabricator anyway. Your work must be of hard labor then," she complimented with a smile trying to hide her confusion or conclusion?

"That doesn't make sense! The man looked at his hands like a gay would? Hmm, wouldn't it be like because he is a fabricator, that's why he does it that way?" she thought to herself. And all the more she got confused, but she couldn't dare to ask him directly if he is really a gay or not. Out of curiousity, she found herself wanting to get to know this guy more.

"Hmmm, it may be hard for other men, but for me it's not that hard. I love my work and fabricating is like a work of art to me, hehehe," Sincero chuckled proudly.

"I see, how long have you been working as a fabricator then?" KM in a curiousity looked face.

At this, Sincero put his thumb and his forefinger supporting his chin, thinking for a little bit and then said, "Hmmm, more or less it's been 12 years, I think."

"I see, so you have been a fabricator since you were 22 years old then. What types of vehicles do you fabricate?" KM continued.

"I fabricate almost all types of vehicles. But, because of the kind of company I worked with, I mostly fabricated big trucks like excavators and such! If you want to know me and my type of work I'm doing, I can send you my files of videos about my company and my kind of work." smiled Sincero.

After Sincero had sent his files, she then, watched his videos about his company and what he called, his 'works of art'.