Psychic Powers

"Michael, it's you!" a soft and excited voice was heard that made Michael snapped out of his daze.

"Oh, Tita Mj, yes it's me. Hehehe," scratching his head while smiling and reluctantly proceeded to give a hug to Mj.

Mj received his hug with enthusiasm with a quick flashback on her mind of how she took care of him when he was still a toddler and said, "Oh, you have grown so much and you are handsome."

"Hehehe, thanks Tita."

"So how have you been?" asked Mj while signaling her hand for Michael to take a seat.

Meanwhile, after telling her mom that Michael is here, KM went directly to the kitchen and started cooking. It was her own way too to avoid Michael's loving gaze on her.

"I'm good, I'm good. Actually I was showing KM about my new invention of teleporting. I actually teleported from New Zealand to the park here nearby where KM was," Michael with all smiles.

"Oh really? You're a scientist now? I remember when you were still a toddler, you asked me about who created the stars and the moon. And when I answered God created them, you continued to ask me who created God then. hihihihi." Mj, in amazement.

"Hehehe, I guess it's my curiousity of nature around that led me to become a scientist now."

"Yeah, speaking of curiousity, how did you become one? I mean did you went schooling for this or went to a training?"

"Yeah, at first, I volunteered to be an apprentice of Dr. Dexter at his lab, during my vacant times while I was in my high school."

"Dr. Dexter, the one who helped me wake up from a coma?"

"Yes, he is the one and only scientist and psychic at the same time. Hehehehe," proudly smiled Michael.

"So are you a psychic as well?"

"Nope, unfortunately, I'm not! I'm not as gifted as him."

"That's alright, you're doing good in what you are good at, inventing, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, thanks Tita. By the way KM have mentioned to me earlier that you had a psychic power yourself, Tita and that she inherited it from you. I'm curious how did you do it or managed to developed it or enhanced it?"

"Hahahaha, you're still as curious now as you were as a toddler, Michael. Anyways, to answer your question, from time to time I'm using it as there were times that I'm seeing premonitions in my dreams. Mostly kind of dreams that will happen in the future or in the near future. And there were quite several premonitions that after I had dreamt about it, actually happened for real."

"Oh yeah, how?" Michael continued his curiousity.

"Hmmm, there was one instance that I dreamt about my school principal, back when I was still in the Philippines as a public school elementary teacher. In my dream, she is gonna have to die out of some illness. After I woke up from that dream, out of my concern and kindness, I immediately prayed to God that she would not die, and that instead she would just suffer from a lesser illness that would keep bothering her from time to time. And indeed she had suffered from such illness. I didn't had time to check what was her specific illness then although I knew she surely lived, because few weeks after that, Karl met a car accident, and I needed to come over here at Belgium to help take care of him."

"Wow, that was indeed a heroic act of kindness of yours that was unknown to her then."

"Yeah, I don't mind if all my acts of kindness is unknown to the person concern for as long as I'm able to help." smiled Mj.

"You're admirable Tita. I wouldn't wonder that KM inherited your talents and virtues too. 'Coz she has a best example in you." Michael complimented.

"Yeah, she's learning," she smiled as she remembered that only weeks ago, KM had asked her to teach her doing household chores and cooking. And she's the one cooking right now in the kitchen.

"So what else does KM learned from you Tita, aside from her psychic powers?" Michael queried more, in his own way of getting to know more deeper KM his beloved, since he noticed earlier that she's avoiding his gaze on her.

"Hmm, too many to mention. But which did she already tell you then?"

"She mentioned about you taught her to cook. Where is she right now Tita? I didn't see her after calling you to come and see me," inquired Michael since it has been more than 30 minutes that he has not seen her. Wow, he just realized that he missed her already! Hehehe...

"She's actually at the kitchen cooking for our lunch. Let's have our lunch here together okay, Michael?"

"Okay, thanks Tita. No problem," Michael smiled happily while at the back of his mind he thought, "I would love to, Tita, specially that I could spendtime with KM and at the same time get to know her better through you. It's like hitting 2 birds at the same time. hehehehe."