An evening , Me and Austrin were walking , on Riverside, together..... after such a very long time.....we were so close...
Now he had become a matured looking, bearded man ...he was tall...and redish white in walk together like this , after three long years , was an amazing feeling which I can't explain in words at least....on the day of our arrival , from airport to Austi's home...we both were sitting quitely , only my mom was talking throughout the way ... and we both were just smiling and trying to see each other again and again without getting noticed by anyone else . anyways,
the sun was about to set completely in some moments ...
wind was blowing musically in itself.
I was seeing the waves of the river water .
Austi :- hey ! did you miss me ?
me :- what do you think ?
Austi :- I think I missed you more .
me :- I hadn't time except my 7 hours sleep. but I replied your calls n mails ... immediately...or as soon as possible it was .
so ,now you can judge the answer of your question by yourself.
Austi :- hmmnnnnn ... okay ! still smart
me :- hahaha why ? shouldn't I
Austi :- dimpled tikki . ( pull her cheeks )
me :- laughs more loudly ...
...tikki !!
Austi :- shouldn't I ?
me :- you must makes me feel exclusive for someone..
Austi :- you have been always very special for me .
me :- hmn...
Austi :- you know ! you didn't change at all , still thinks a lot to express your feelings .anyways , you take your time . ( smiles) Howz you feeling here ? so far from your motherland !? hmn .
me :- yeah... India country , my people , I
am missing all soul is deeply connected to my motherland and there's culture.where ever I live in life ... I'll like to call n be an Indian first. I am proud to be an INDIAN
Austi :- yeah must be :)
you know tikki...
every new place brings new things for you.
might be something big has , brought you here .
me :- don't know ...
Austi :- huh ! how was your first weak ? I mean with your work ?
me :- it was good ... even I am feeling so honoured here ... thanks to you :)
Austi :-- no need of it . even I should thank you
me :- you !!! but why ??
Austi :- To come here .
me :- ohh hahaha you have started again .. (laughs aloud )
Austi :- I am not joking this time tikki , even didn't ever .
you are such a sweetheart.
most genuine person I ever met in my life yet.
you are always adorable.
(got down on his knees...holds her hand )
see , miss MATHUR ...
you are , and have been always , miser to express , what is in you ..but would not be ... I think it's the perfect time say which I have been always wanted...
me :- what are you doo ing ???
Austi :- shhhh quite and just listen ..let me tell ..don't stop me today please ...
me:- butt!!
Austi :- shh
look...I'll not make it lengthy...or more dramatic..
so saying you straight forward...
I can make you laugh.
you have a pure heart.
our souls have connected almost.
I always want to see you happy.
I am young , and independent matured guy .
Me :- and ?????
Austi :- and you have dimples...
me :- laughs
Austi :- :) :):):)
me :- huh ??
Austi :- will you marry me ???