Chapter 1: The Sharpest Weapon

A mysterious person wearing a black hood discreetly posted a task in the Royal Mission Board nearby the main gate of the palace. The scene was witnessed by the personal maid of the Seeress and immediately reported it to her. Fumiya received the controversial quest poster and examine it.

"The person responsible for this is surely a man, a man capable of blocking my time reverse skill", she calmly said, grinning.

"Milady! So you cannot determine who's the culprit? how did this happened? Someone is developing a skill to defeat you, the royal family will be in danger", the maid said, worrying.

"Prepare to visit the King", Fumiya ordered.

The palace is made up of stone walls like one in a medieval era. However, they wore clothes according to their class, a job system created by King Godwinson I, as he built the kindgom ages ago.

Among them, the Divine Seeress Fumiya looks different. Her clothes was uniquely made just for her and she doesn't even belong to any of the class system. It was rumored that she was the reason why Gondwana Kingdom was capable of ruling the entire Pangaea Supercontinent and remain strong through the years since it was founded.

Fumiya entered the Great Hall and handed over the poster to King Godwinson VII. The King read the quest:


Reward: 100,000 Gonds

Explore the underground Dungeon of the Lost Rodwina Kingdom

Report to: Raven with a red scarf

The King crumpled the poster and ordered to burn it.

"What a treacherous act! Find the culprit and behead him!", the King said, clenching his fist.

"My King, don't waste your energy in capturing a small mice even if you kill it over and over a new mice will come again", Fumiya said.

"Then what do you suggest?", the King replied.

"Let's make them believe that they are winning so that we will capture everyone and destroy them without going against our principle to gain public trust", the seeress said.

"So you want to play along? Ahaha! ha ha! Brilliant!" , the King said.

"However, there's one more thing we need to do", Fumiya said.

The next day, the King announced an important decree that allows people from across the land to freely select their job regardless of status and clan. The celebration will be conducted a week from now to give time for headmasters to prepare examinations and activities for the adventurers.

The announcement became a hot topic within the palace and the ministers gathered in their room to talked about it.

"This decree might anger the different clans who mastered the jobs according to their bloodlines, I hope this won't trigger a civil war", the Minister of Treasury said.

"As long as we have Fumiya they won't go against our King's will", the Minister of War replied.

"Didn't you heard the news that Fumiya's skill was cancelled by a strange man", the Minister of Defense uttered.

"In that case we must give our support to the Royal Consort, I heard she came from a wizard clan, let's pay a visit", the Head Minister said.

The Ministers left the room and was surprised to see the seeress outside. She looked at them with her usual neutral expression. The Ministers trembled in fear and gulped their saliva to ease the dryness of their throats.

"A disaster is coming in your homes, if you don't hurry now you won't be able to save them", Fumiya warned.

The Ministers immediately rushed and ordered the royal knights to go to their homes. The next day, everyone was shocked about the suicide of the Head Minister and the Minister of Defense amidst the attack of redcap goblins to their family.

The King declared the incident as an accident and ordered to stop the investigations.

It has been three years since the King's only daughter fell into a deep slumber. King Godwinson VII firmly believe that his resolution to the job system will invite more skillful adventurers to aid the princess and the royal family. The public symphatized with the King and wanted to help. They sincerely joined the celebration for welcoming the new adventurers and assisted on preparing the feast.

When that day has finally come, the main gates of the palace opened widely for the first time to welcome hundreds and thousands of adventurers. It was the first celebration held after a long time of grief for Princess Kiyomi. The adventurers were given a set of basic clothes and packs to change. They filled up a paper with their information and dream job. They enjoyed the rest of the day on the feast prepared for them.

The next day, the adventurers were ordered to go to the cram hall for their first screening.

The headmaster of the novice class arrived at the hall to meet the adventurers as their instructor for the day. Everyone was surprised as she landed on the ground with her beautiful wings on. She entered the hall with a white saber as her pet companion. She was wearing a valkyrie outfit that matches her silver long hair.

"A pleasure to meet you all, I'm Freya Bouvardia and this is Oduru", she said, stroking the fur of her companion.

"As for introductory—", Freya was interrupted by the giggling of some adventurers at the middle.

Her piercing eyes moved towards the direction of a young lady with a wavy long hair.

"Miss Bridget Rutgard, I believe there's nothing funny to laugh at, please observe your behavior since you're a true bone"

Bridget replied with a menacing look from her fiery blue eyes and behave herself as if it was against her will. After the incident, Freya continued the lecture.

"Before you reach your dream jobs, be reminded that all of you will become a novice under my care, don't belittle yourself and remember that an expert in anything was once a novice, so always be grateful", Freya said.

"The novice class is the most flexible job here in Gondwana Kingdom, we can equip any weapons and armors, and tame any companion we want, however our class can only equip wings and not mounts", she added.

The adventurers were amazed and started to talk about it among themselves.

"Normally, the novices can take the level E quests posted in the Royal Mission Board, the tasks are basically about cleaning, assisting, delivering, and gathering where you can earn little experience and money for your survival as an adventurer, but since this is a great day for our King, I'll give you a bonus question that if anyone answered it right all of you will pass this stage and will be able to choose your first-tier jobs", Freya said.

The adventurers were intrigued and started murmuring with each other as curiosity filled their faces.

"The question is, what is the sharpest weapon?", Freya asked.

Just as the tension and excitement of the crowd rises, Bridget firmly stood and answered.

"There's nothing stronger than a wizard's staff, magic overpowers anything", she said with a vile look.

Freya crossed her arms under her chest and slightly raise her left brow.

"As expected to someone who came from the wizard's clan, unfortunately, your answer is incorrect", Freya said.

"Seems like all of you will not pass, prepare yourselves when I return", she added.

When Freya was about to leave, another novice stood up. She was breathing uneasily while her shaky hands hid itself by grabbing the edge of her novice skirt. Freya noticed her and pause to hear her answer. She breathes deeply, as if she was taking in all the courage in the air to put her head up and bravely speak.

"The sharpest weapon is our mind", she said.

Freya's eyes enlarged out of surprise and said "Elaborate your answer".

Meanwhile, the seeress is in the Great Hall and is conversing with the King. Fumiya said,

"It is easy to kill and be killed, a kingdom who wins by sword will just be temporary—

Back to the cram hall, the novice girl continued her explanation,

—while the one who who uses wit will have a long and lasting legacy"

Unknowingly, they uttered the same words simultaneously.

"Brilliant!", Freya said, smiling ear to ear, she clapped her hands and congratulate them.

Everyone rejoiced except Bridget, she was overshadowed while the novice girl gained all the compliments and praises.

"I'll prove you all that magic is the real thing!", Bridget uttered to herself.

Everyone left the cram hall to proceed to their rooms and then, there's a strange lad who stared strangely at the novice girl from afar.

Back to the Great Hall, the King complimented Fumiya.

"You're such an ace for the kingdom, however, there's only three years left before the awaited ceremony for the princess, I hope we got to find her heart soon and awaken her, I don't want to lose a precious gem like you", the King said.

"I felt that her heart is just nearby, just be patient my King", Fumiya replied.