Start Of The Trip , Towards The Outer Region Of The Magical Beast Mountain Range

It has been 3 weeks since Hao Shen became a 1-star Dou Zhe realm practioner , he had finished to prepare for the trip he was about to make.

For his destination , he decided to go to the outer region of the Magical Beast Mountain Range since the strongest Magical beast in this region was just a Rank 2 beast.

'Sigh , it was very hard to make Father and Mother allow me to make the trip'


One Week Before

Hao Shen was curently eating wis his whole family , even his grandfather was here.

"Father , Mother I want to make a training trip in the outer region of the Magical Beast Mountain Range." Said Hao Shen suddenly.

"Not Allowed."Calmly snapped back his Mother

"But Mother , if I want to grow stronger , I don't have any other choice."

"You're only eleven years old this year so you can go there when your older."

"Mom , I only want to go in the outer region , I won't be in any danger as I'm now a Dou Zhe , the strongest magical beast in the outer region is only of Rank 2."

"You're not allow- "

"Xue'er let him go."Interupted Hao Tian before Hao Xue'er could finish her sentence.

Hao Shen's mother looked surprised at the fact that her husband said that , it was in general him who was the most protective of their childs.

"Shen'er , You know that even in the outer region there is danger , and I don't speak about Magical Beast , the viciousness of Humans is far more dangerous than any Magical Beast."said Hao Tian seriously.

"Yes Father , I know what could happen but I still want to go to become stronger."replied Hao Shen seriously.

"Good , thats how the men of the Hao Clan should live , a life as a coward would let a bitter taste in our mouth after all , you can go , come back at least once every three months."

"Thanks Father!"Hao Shen then stood up happily and went to prepare his trip , he had many things to get.


Flashback END


Hao Shen was fully prepared , he had bought a rank three cauldron at the auction house , it was bronze colored and seemed pretty simple , the advantage was the fact that he discovered that the cauldron was never used before.

He also bought a Sword as he decided to use the sword in this life , sword was named the kings of weapon in his last life , it was the most profound weapon.

His Sword was just a Rank 1 Sword made of Dark Steel , he practised the sword with a wooden sword since he was seven years old so he was familiar with the weapon in general but he still did some move with it to adapt to the steel's wheight.

After an hour he was ready to depart , he said goodbye to his family member and moved out , his destination was already set and he would take aproximatively three week to reach the entrance of the forest.

After a couple of days , Hao Shen had already moved very far from the Hao Clan Town and entered the Iron Bull Town.

The Iron Bull Town was a little town with less than 2500 people living there , the overlord of the city was Tie Niu , he was the leader of the Iron Bull Mercenary and was a 4-star Dou Shi realm martial artist.

The Iron Bull Mercenary was a mercenary group specialized in protecting merchant during their travel and they rarely failed.

It was a town near the Magical Beast Mountain Range it was slightly over a week away from the destination of Hao Shen , he decided to stop here as it was the nearest city from where he wanted to enter the Magical Beast Mountain.

After booking an Inn , he went to tour the town and see if he could buy some interesting things , when he asked the directions to some people in the strict they told him that the biggest market was the one under the rule of Tie Niu.

He went in the direction they directed him to and soon arrived to the said market.

There were a lot of people and the atmosphere was lively.

It was said in the region that Tie Niu was a very upright person and he treated every citizens of the Town well as he was born and had grew up here.

Hao Shen started to tour the market place to search for rare herb he could use to make the two affinity boosting pill.

The ingredient he lacked were not too rare and could be found here , after he bought them , he went to the inn he stayed at and asked the shopkeeper to not disturb him for the next few days.

He closed himself in his room to learn alchelmy.

Hao Shen was born with Supreme Alchemy Talent which mean that in theories , he could comprehend anything Alchemy Based hundreds of time faster than ordinary people , but this was just theory , it was maybe true for the theory behind the different ingredient used and the knowledge about the different property but he still needed to practise his flame control.

Thanks to his practice from the past three weeks , he was able to control his flame very well , with this type of control he could at least rivalise with Peak Rank 1 Alchemist.

Since he got all the ingredient needed to refine the Fire Boosting Pill and the Wood Supporting Pill , he would be able to refine them after some time , so to refine is first medecine , he choose to refine some healing pills , he failed the first three atempts but succeded on the fourth.

After some hours he had ten bottle of three Low Healing Pill , it was a Rank 1 pill made for beginner and was not considered of high quality as it didn't have any effect after becoming a Dou Shi.

Now that he had experience about alchemy he decided to try to refine the Wood Supporting Pill.

'Wood Supporting pill countains the Nature Supporting Root which need to be burn a long time at a low temperature and the other ingredient are no problem either as those two pill receipt won't exists for at least another thousands years.'

In this curent time line , the two pills he was about to refine were completely unknown.

The Fire Accumulation Grass and Nature Supporting Root could boost their respective elemental affinity if they were eaten but the effect was minimal so it was not considered a precious treasure and most alchemist didn't want to lose their time studying them.

But one thousands years from now , these two grass would shock the world , at this time an overwhelming prodigy of alchemy who reached the peak of alchemy at the age of 70 would found that if these two herbs were mixed with another cheap ingredient , they would have an enormous effect on the affinity of the person who ate the pills.

At that time these two plants were already quasi-extinct so the production of the pills were quite law , but now these two plants were just very very rare , not extinct so he could make them and profite of their effect without too much difficulty.

The sole problem with these pills was that one person could only consume it one time in their life as it wouldn't have any effect after that , what's more one had to be under the Dou Ling realm to consume them , if not the foundation would already be too deep to be changed.

Once he calmed down he started the refining process , he started to melt the ingredient one per one and after some time he melted all the ingredient with the Nature Supporting Root being the last one , the last was also the most difficult so he didn't panic and took a big inspiration.

He started to melt the Nature Supporting Root slowly at a slow temperature , and after some time it finally started to melt.

Once the process was started , it could never be stopped so once he had started the melting he poured all his soul strength in the cauldron and surounded the Nature Supporting Root to spot the slightest change it could have , maybe by luck he succeded in the end.

'Sighhh , Even if this was luck I succeded so I can be proud of myself!'Was thinking Hao Shen

After the melting process , was the condensation process but it didn't pose any problem to Hao Shen since this process was more theorical than practical.

And so after six hours of refining , his first true Rank 1 Pill was created.