Hao Li Story , The Final Winner

Nalan Yanran and Hao Li were currently standing face to face on the main stages of the Hao Clan's Arena, the fight would begin at any moment so they were very focused.

Hao Li was currently thinking about what he had experienced in the last year, he was originally only an untalented disciple but he was very hardworking since he didn't want to be stepped upon during his life so despite his lack of talent he still trained very hard every day, he trained harder than anyone but even while doing that he was not as good as the others who were the same age as him.

Hao Li was very depressed when he saw that no matter what effort he made he wasn't able to catch up to the top of his generation, he felt a little bit of hatred for the one who was standing there because of his talent but it was only till that one day who changed the vision he had of things.

One day, Hao Li was walking around the Hao Clan Estate while being depressed because his cultivation didn't progress despite all he had done, this day , he felt hate for the first time , this hate was directed towards the one standing at the peak of the current generation in the Jia Ma Empire , it was the Young Master of the Hao Clan, Hao Shen, Hao Li felt hate since he never saw Hao Shen train but the later was still able to progress at a fast pace, while he was grumbling by himself he saw something that completely extinguished the hate he previously felt, standing at the center of the waterfall at the back of the Hao Clan Estate the person he hated was enduring the water pressure while gritting his teeth and cultivating.

'Hah- HAHAHAHAH, so I was just a fool thinking that talented people didn't need to train, in reality It was I that didn't train hard enough despite lacking talent, the young master despite being the most talented youth in the whole Jia Ma Empire still train like a madman but I still found time to hate others while I lack talent, Hahahaha it turns out I was just a fool."

Hao Li felt enlightened and all the hate he had felt towards Hao Shen was replaced by heartfelt respect.

Sometime later he was sent to the north of the Jia Ma Empire to collect some herbs with other disciples, and while Hao Li was collecting a common Rank 1 medicinal herb he found the entrance of a cave that changed his life completely.

Inside the cave he received the inheritance of a Dou Zong realm Ancestor , this Dou Zong practitioner was named Qi Yanshui , he was like Hao Li and practiced Rock Type Dou Qi so Hao Li was able to use his Dou Qi Method , it was a Di Class Low Level Dou Qi Method named Impassible Boulder Heart and it permitted the user to have a stable state of mind no matter what the situation they found themselves in were, the Impassible Boulder Heart also greatly enhanced the physical defense of the practitioner and made their Rock Type Dou Qi as hard as rock.

Inside of the cave, he also found a lot of medicinal pills and ingredients that allowed him to reach the peak of the Dou Zhi Qi realm in less than a year , he also found three Dou Qi Skills manual ranging from the Xuan Class Mid Level to the Xuan Class Peak Level these skills helped him boost his strength in a short time and made him what he was today, he had accomplished his desire to fight with the peak practitioner of his generation and swore to himself that he won't let himself be distanced again.


Hao Li rushed towards Nalan Yanran using his weird movement skill and unleashed his Dou Qi for the first time in the competition.

When his Dou Qi erupted everyone except Hao Shen was shocked.

'HAHAHA, I knew it this guy is interesting he got himself a fucking Di Class Qi Method!'

Nalan Yanran still reacted pretty quickly and used her Wind type Dou Qi to dodge the continuous attack of Hao Li

The fight continued for a long time but finally ended when Hao Li depleted all of his Dou Qi, he dropped towards the ground unconscious but before he could reach the ground a hand stopped his fall.

The whole audience was surprised, a young man had appeared on the stage while the fight was still going on.

The youth was Hao Shen who decided that he would do a favor to Hao Li before the Yun Lan Sect could cause any trouble for him due to the level of his Dou Qi Method.

To the audience, there was no peculiar message in this gesture but the elders of the Yun Lan Sect were speechless while they looked at Hao Shen.

'Hehehe, try to touch him now of bunch of old farts.'

The Yun Lan Sect Elders understood his message and gritted their teeth in defeat, on the other hand, Yun Yun was shocked, she had observed Hao Shen burst of speed and managed to catch a glimpse of his current cultivation, she couldn't tell the exact level but she was sure that it was above the 4-star Dou Zhe realm, it means that Hao Shen had cultivated from the first star to the fourth in less than a year, this was an never heard of speed in the Jia Ma Empire.

"The Competition End here, the victor his Nalan Yanran from the Yun Lan Sect, Congratulations, the pill should be given to the winners in the following year when Alchemist Gu take the time to refine them, you'll be able to get them from me at this time." Said Hao Tian.

After the congratulation ceremony ended, the disciple of the Yun Lan Sect started the trip back towards the Yun Lan Sect.

And it was also at this time that Hao Li awoke from his coma.