Surprise, Breakthrough


"Hahaha, Shen'er you don't have to worry, grandfather assures you that she is beautiful." Hao Lei seemed delighted to see the surprised face of his normally cool faced grandson.

"But I'm only eleven and I don't want to get married yet."

"Hahaha, you don't have to worry, the marriage will happen when you reach sixteen, the girl is three years older than you so you should be happy, what's more, her background is also top notch."

"But grandfather, I don't even know her." Hao Shen still insisted.

"Hehe, she also doesn't know you yet she accepted it quite easily."

'Like she wouldn't accept, I'm the youngest prodigy of the three strongest clans in the Jia Ma Empire, her Elders would have forced her even if she didn't want to.' Was what Hao Shen was thinking but he didn't dare to say it.

"Haha, I know what you are thinking Shen'er, she wasn't forced I can assure you of this since she is the granddaughter of an old friend of mine, I would never let anyone force her." Hao Lei seemed to have seen through Hao Shen.

"Sigh, can I at least know her name?" Finally asked Hao Shen.

"Of course you can, she is Ya Fei the granddaughter of the actual head of the Miteer Family who is also Brother Hai's younger brother.'"

Hao Shen stood there dumbly without saying anything.

"Grandfather, did you just say Ya Fei?" Asked Hao Shen to make sure he didn't mishear.

"Hehe, yes, she is very beautiful despite being so young so you're one lucky guy." Laughed Hao Shen's grandfather.

After some more chatting, Hao Shen's grandfather told everyone to go back to their own activity and told Hao Shen to stay behind to talk a little more with him.

"Shen'er, your father told me about you, I asked the Miteer Family to get their hand on the strongest Beast Essence Flame they could for me and they got me a Black Inferno Flame, I bought it for you, take it." Hao Lei said gently to Hao Shen."Also, you better take good care of your little fiancee since she is such a good girl, she even calls me grandpa so I won't let you off if you make her sad." This one was said jokingly.

"Sigh, yes grandfather" Was all Hao Shen could reply;

"Good, you can go now, I need to spend some time with your grandmother since she seems quite pissed that I left for such a long time."

"Good luck grandfather." Hao Shen then left the courtyard and went back towards his own with an additional Storage Ring.

Ten minutes later he arrived at his courtyard and entered it only to saw the lazy pig Xiao Hei still sleeping.

'Okay, I should take a look at this Black Inferno Flame to see if it can be useful.'

Hao Shen took out the container where the Beast Essence Flame was stocked of the Storage Ring and looked at it, while looking at it he felt a flow of information directly entering his brain, it came from the Star-Fire Revolution Mantra and it said that the Star-Fire Revolution Mantra could devour the Beast Essence Flames and take their power and property to add them to itself.

'Hehe, it seems that this Star-Fire Dou Qi Method possesses more hidden features than I tough. If I use the star energy to refine my own flame and I later devour Beast Flames my flame can grow exceptionally strong.'

Hao Shen then took out the Black Inferno Flame from the container and swallowed it, he felt a burning sensation everywhere inside of his body but it also seemed that the Black Inferno Flame possessed a slightly corrosive property, Hao Shen started to revolve the Star-Fire Revolution Mantra to calm the flame.

One had to know that Beast Flame possessed extremely savage nature that made them even harder to tame than Heavenly Flame but this didn't affect Hao Shen as he wasn't taming them but devouring them, so in less than an hour the Black Inferno Flame was devoured and an insane amount of Fire Dou Qi was sent inside of Hao Shen meridian, using the Star-Fire Revolution Dou Qi Method he quickly refined it and directly had is breakthrough the 7-star Dou Zhe Realm.

"Hehe, I was slightly faster than I expected"Hao Shen slightly opened his hand and a Black Flame with some Red Spot flickering every now and then emerged from his palm.

'I can even use the Beast Flame and the Star-Fire Flame separately, it's quite useful if I ever want to disguise myself.'

Hao Shen then closed his hand and thus stopping the flame.

He took out his new alchemy cauldron and started by refining some easy pill using the fusion of the Star-Fire Revolution Mantra and the Black Inferno Flame to refine the ingredients he had to use.

He started by refining some easy Low-Grade Rank 1 pills to make himself more familiar with the new flame.

'It's surprisingly easy to control, It should be thanks to the fact that the Beast Flame was completely devoured and not just tamed.'

The Black Inferno Flame was very powerful since it came from the Rank 6 Beast the Hellfire Giant Snake so the refining was extremely quick.

'Okay, I should start to refine the Lightning Circulation Pill for Big Sister right now right now so that I can give it to her tomorrow.'

Hao Shen took out the necessary ingredients and started the refining, the whole process took him four hours and he was slightly exhausted after the refining.

'Hehe, no wonder the Lightning Dou Qi Affinity is considered to be the rarest, even though it was a Rank 1 Pill I had to use all my Dou Qi to refine it, I shall go to sleep now.'

Hao Shen took away Xiao Wei from his bed and went to sleep, he awoke the next day before the sun rose and stood up, he directly went towards the training field and sat cross-legged since the sun would soon appear in the sky.

'I should use this opportunity to stabilize my Dou Qi since I just had my breakthrough yesterday.'