Arriving At The Miteer Familly Auction House

Hao Shen had been in Wu Tan City for two days now, he had interacted with the younger generation of the Xiao Clan for some time already.

Today, Hao Shen was thinking while walking around the Xiao Clan Estate by himself.

'Sigh, I should go to the Miteer Auction House to meet Ya Fei, she's my fiancee after all, what's more, she should already be aware that I'm in Wu Tan City since I didn't choose to keep my identity secret while I was fighting against the Jia Lie Clan.'

At the same time in the Jia Lie Clan, all the high ranked people had cold sweat flowing on their back while thinking about the expert that came visit their clan two days prior to now.


Two days before, Wu Tan City, Jia Lie Clan Estate.

Jia Lie Bi was currently sitting on his Patriarch's seat while clenching his fist thinking about what had happened some hour ago.

His son, Jia Lie Ao was beaten like a dog on the street by an unknown youth, Jia Lie Bi was enraged that someone made him lose face in his own territory.

"I will kill this little shit the next time I see him, send someone to monitor the Xiao Clan Estate, I don't believe that he will spend the rest of his life here!!" Jia Lie Bi ordered some of his clan people to go monitor Hao Shen's movements.

"Yes, Patriarch!!" Three people inside the room bowed and started to walk towards the exit, just as they were about to exit the room, the doors suddenly exploded.

"What's happened, who dare trespass in my Jia Lie Clan!!" Jia Lie Bi stood up directly in anger, a youth humiliated his son this afternoon and now someone directly breached in his clan's Estate, this was the biggest humiliation he had suffered in his whole life.

An immense pressure suddenly descended in the room making all the people present fall to their knees, a voice then resounded.

"I just came to give you a piece of advice, you better not have any plans towards our young master, if not all of your clan's people will die because of you, the master doesn't need to use his own hands to kill the like of you, I alone am enough." After saying this the pressure disappeared and the presence of the person also disappeared.

Jia Lie Bi looked as pale as a piece of paper as he slowly stood up.

'How the fuck is this possible, this piece of shit was really the son of a Dou Huang!!??'

"Pass my order, no one is to mess with the young guest in the Xiao Clan Estate, if someone dares to do anything to him, cripple him immediately." After passing his order Jia Lie Bi went back towards his residence.

'Shit, what is the identity of this guy, I should try to find some clues, he is not even fifteen years old but already as strong as a Peak 9-star Dou Zhe realm practitioner, his father should be a Dou Huang realm practitioner, so he should be a pretty young one, ... If I'm correct this piece of shit should be the Hao Clan young master, Hao Shen.

Shit, I offended this guy because of my idiot of a son!!'

Jia Lie Bi spent the next two days in absolute anger and he beat up his son a few times while calling him trash.

The person who came to the Jia Lie Clan Estate this night was obviously Xing He, he was a 7-star Dou Wang realm practitioner so suppressing a few Da Dou Shi realm practitioner was nothing difficult for him.


While Hao Shen was thinking, two persons approached him from behind, they were a boy and a girl.

"Hao Shen, what are you doing here by yourself?" Xiao Yan was the one who asked this question.

Hao Shen came out of his stupor and looked behind him, there stood Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er.

"Ohh, nothing, I was just thinking about some things, Sigh, it's nothing important.

Guys, I'm going to the Miteer Familly Auction House, I'll see you later." Hao Shen then turned around to leave.

"Haha, you're going to somewhere interesting, of course, I as your host should guide you there." Xiao Yan rarely excited the Xiao Clan Estate in the last year, he sounded pretty excited to go out after so long.

"Since Brother Xiao Yan is going out I'll follow too." Xiao Xun'er also decided to follow them.

"Alright then, let's go out." Hao Shen nodded his head and started to walk towards the exit of the Xiao Clan Estate.

After some time the three of them excited the Xiao Clan Estate and started to walk towards the Miteer Familly Auction House.

"Ahh, right Hao Shen, who're you going to meet at the Auction House?" Xiao Yan asked.

"My fiancee."

"Haha, that's why you seem so stressed, I understand now." Xiao Yan chuckled with Xiao Xun'er while walking with Hao Shen.

"Haha, you'll understand when you're older Xiao Yan, matters between a man and a woman are never simple." Hao Shen adopted an elderly posture while pretending to give advice to Xiao Yan.

"Hahaha, but Hao Shen, I seem to remember that I'm older than you." Xiao Yan laughed out and Hao Shen soon followed, the stress of his meeting with Ya Fei had disappeared while they were walking through the market place of the Xiao Clan.

Xiao Xun'er who wasn't speaking much looked slightly happy since it had been a long time that she hadn't see her Brother Xiao Yan laugh like this.

After some time the three of them exited the market place of the Xiao Clan and arrived at the central district of Wu Dan City, they soon arrived towards the place where the auction house was situated and stopped when they were before the door of the Miteer Familly Auction House.

"You guys can go do your things together when I'm meeting Ya Fei, or you could come with me, do what you want." Hao Shen then stepped inside of the Auction House