Little Jade Bottle

'Then let's see how can I get all these Ingredients.' Hao Shen began to think.

'There are two methods I can use, one could allow me to collect tons of Medicinal Ingredients quickly but I'll have to destroy this Medicinal Garden, the other is to let this Medicinal Garden as it is, this is a possibility since the Medicinal Garden should be more than two hundreds years old, but it still remains uncovered by anyone.

Also, there is this skeleton, the bones are White like pieces of Jade so the practitioner had at least reached the Dou Zoung realm, but to be able to possess an aura capable of frightening Rank 3 Magical Beast two hundred years after his death the practitioner was most likely a Dou Zun realm practitioner, the question is, why would someone this powerful plant his Medicinal Garden here in the little Jia Ma Empire and also why is the highest ranked Medicinal Ingredient only of Rank 6, most Dou Zun realm practitioner are rich as hell so a mere Rank 6 Ingredient can't enter their eyes.

To this there are once more two possibilities, the first one is that this expert was fleeing something and consumed the other Medicinal Ingredients to restore his strength while the other was that he was a poor Dou Zun realm practitioner who couldn't afford anything above the Rank 6, but it's most likely the first reason since I basically never heard of poor Dou Zun realm practitioner in the original novel.' Hao Shen analyzed the situation the best he could with the little clew he had.

After carefully thinking for some time Hao Shen began to scan the floating platform with his Soul Power. After he was certain that there was no trap present on the ground he stepped forward and advanced towards the skeleton of the Ancient Practitioner.

Hao Shen reached the skeleton in less than twenty seconds and looked at it more carefully, under the skeleton right hand was lying a Storage Ring, it seemed to be quite a High-Level one. Hao Shen took the Storage Ring and searched through it with his mind, there were only three things inside of the Storage Ring, one was a note and the other a small jade bottle and another bottle containing a drop of blood.

Hao Shen took out the note and started looking through it.

"To the one who founds this note, I don't know how much time has passed since the day I died but thanks to fate you were able to come to this place, this means that our meeting was a destined one so I shall give to you the last thing I possess, it is also one of my most precious treasure.

But before I introduce it to you, I'll tell you more about me, I am Mo Zun, my true name was Mo Xian, I was an 8-star Dou Zun realm practitioner and was considered a well-known figure in the central plain in my time.

I found the small jade bottle in ruin I explored with some of my friends during an exploration, we all gained benefices from this exploration, but unfortunately one of the people who had participated in the exploration divulged the fact that we found some things inside of the ruin and it caused our doom.

My friends were killed one after another, the first being the one who divulgated the news, I was the sole person who managed to escape and I fled to this remote corner of the Dou Qi Continent were I created this Medicinal Garden hoping to recover my strength one day, unfortunately, I underestimated my injuries and was near death when I wrote this letter, the clan who killed us all is one of the eight great clans of the Dou Qi Continent, the Hun Clan since they suspected that the ruin we explored was left behind by a Dou Di realm practitioner, I understand the strength of the Hun Clan so I don't hope you'll take revenge for me but if one day you can feel the bloodline of my descendant I would be very grateful if you could help them, I let in the Storage Ring a drop of my Blood Essence to help you.

Now, about the Litlle Jade Bottle, it is called the Millenary Jade Garden, indeed, the whole Medicinal Garden is, in fact, able to be stored in the small jade bottle, if it is used with Wood and Aquatic Magical Cores as its support it can boost the growth of Medicinal Ingredients inside of it. To you who received the Millenary Jade Garden, I hope you will be able to become strong and be able to defend yourself no matter what you face." Hao Shen finished reading the note shocked this little jade bottle was, in fact, a legendary artifact, if it was Ranked, based on its use it could easily count as at least a Rank 8 Item, in fact, it could even become a Rank 9 Item if it was supported by the correct Magical Cores.

'Holy shit, this thing could cause even the Eight Great Clan to start a war if they knew of its existence.' Hao Shen was shocked at first and he decided that he will never reveal this Millenary Jade Garden before he was at least a Dou Sheng.

'it's good that I don't have to harvest the Medicinal Ingredients for now since, I have already collected some Rank 1 and Rank 2 Wood and Water Magical Cores so I should use them.' Hao Shen took out the Millenary Jade Garden from the Storage Ring and focused his mind on it, a second later he opened his eyes and saw an enormous Medicinal Garden, the one on the outside was only a small part of the world inside of the little jade bottle, at the center of the garden stood a pool like thing, Hao Shen arrived before it and threw all his Water and Wood Magical Cores inside.

Suddenly, it was as if the Millenary Jade Garden had come back to life, the air seemed to be purified and the Dou Qi inside was augmented by a lot.

'Okay, now that I have done that I should transfer all my Medicinal Plants inside of the garden for them to continue their growth.' Hao Shen transferred the content of his Storage Ring inside of the Millenary Jade Garden containing all the rare Medicinal Plants he possessed, he didn't even have to arrange them himself as it was done automatically by the Millenary Jade Garden.

After all the plants were transferred inside of the Millenary Jade Garden Hao Shen willed for the outside Medicinal Garden to come back inside of the Little Jade Bottle and exited the Millenary Jade Garden after it was done.

'Okay, only one more spot to visit, but what the hell is this place, I got a Mystic Blue Lotus and now a Rank 8-9 Artifact.' Hao Shen found the situation incredulous but he tossed it in the back of his head and started to walk back down the mountain.