Rank 4 Low Level Alchemist

Hao Shen had started to cultivate the Sky Soaring Scripture for four months already, he had already reached the Peak Mid Level of the First Stage and he would soon have another breakthrough.

Like he had expected, the difference in strength between the different levels was indeed big, Hao Shen felt that if he fought with a Peak 9-star Dou Shi realm he would be able to easily defeat him.

Hao Shen's cultivation had reached the 7-star Dou Shi realm and he became stronger once more, he also continued his training in his differents Dou Qi Skills, he did it since they were already quite high ranked, the lowest leveled skill he used was a Xuan Class Low Level, it was the Flash Slash, Hao Shen had already mastered all nine stages of it but he decided to continue his training since he was pretty sure that nine slashes were not the limits, theoretically speaking, there shouldn't be any limit to this skill in terms of number, if he could slash his sword faster he would be able to make it stronger but in reality it wasn't that simple, Hao Shen had trained this Dou Qi Sword Skill for more than two years already and he had reached the ninth stage more than a year ago but he still didn't find the way to surpass it.

Hao Shen was currently thirteen years old, so he was just two years away from the start of the main plot, once the plot began things will become interesting in the Jia Ma Empire, and Hao Shen will be able to become stronger thanks to that.

Hao Shen had a little theory as for why some persons possessed plot armors, it wasn't based only on the authors, the proof was that the world he lived in was a real world, so the plot armor that made a normal person a protagonist was something that was decided by the Will Of The World, it was something like the Fate of a protagonist, and since he had a plot armor, it means that he had been recognized as a protagonists by the Will Of The World the day he was born, it means that his potential was unlimited.

This world only had a single person with protagonist fate before, and that was Xiao Yan, but since Hao Shen was born a second one had appeared, it means that in term of probability, Hao Shen could go and become a practitioner of The Great Ruler Stage, and he would then be able to reach the peak of the universe.

It was currently the middle of the night, Hao Shen was training his Alchemy, he felt that he was very close to a breakthrough and he will soon become a Rank 4 Low-Level Alchemist.

To be considered as a true Rank 4 Alchemist, one had to refine a Rank 4 Pill, it was pretty simple, but in reality this wasn't so easy, the Rank 4 was the first rank of the medium ranks, it was a clear limit, once one reached this stage he wouldn't be considered as a beginner Alchemist anymore, this was clearly seen since most of the Alchemist's Guild Branch Head in the Jia Ma Empire were currently Rank 4 High Level Alchemist, but this was obviously true only in a weak place like the Jia Ma Empire.

Hao Shen was currently thinking about what pill he would refine, he wanted to refine some pills for the clan since it was them that gave him all his Medicinal Ingredients, the truth was that it was his father that gave them to him, but he knew that the pill he was able to refine wouldn't help his father, he also couldn't refine a Three Lines Green Spirit Pill because he had only two flames at the moment.

The Three Lines Green Spirit Pill was a Rank 4 medicinal pill. A normal Three Lines Green Spirit Pill is able to help a Dou Shi break through and enter the Da Dou Shi class. If a Da Dou Shi were to consume it, it has a somewhat low chance of raising the strength of the person consuming it by one star and there are no negative medicinal effects.

The Three Lines Green Spirit Pill is divided into three different grades. Each grade would result in an extra circular Pill Line forming on its body. If it is able to form three circular Pill Lines, it means that it is the highest grade of the Three Lines Green Spirit Pill. Those below the Da Dou Shi class should use these medicinal pills of the highest grade with caution! If a Da Dou Shi were to consume this pill, he would have some chances of raising his strength by three stars in a short amount of time. At the same time, there is also a certain chance of the medicinal effect backfiring. The strength of those who receive the backlash may decline one or even two stars. However, their lives would not be endangered.

In order to refine the Three Lines Green Medicinal Pill of the highest tier, one would need three different flames. Moreover, one must have perfect control over the three different flames. Otherwise, the chances of failure are extremely high. Those who have yet to meet the requirements should act cautiously.

A Da Dou Shi has only one chance of consuming the Three Lines Green Spirit Pill while he is within this class. If he were to consume it at another time, he would end up wasting his effort and the medicine because of his resistance to the medicine after taking it the first time. If one were to be promoted to a Dou Ling in the future, one can still consume it another time. However, even if one were to succeed consuming once again, it would at most help raise one's strength by two stars. Moreover, the chances of failure will also increase by a few folds.

The ingredients needed to refine the Three Lines Green Spirit Pill are the Green Flame Grass, and the Black Sky Flax.

But Hao Shen wouldn't refine this pill tonight, he had to get another Beast Essence Flame if he wanted to be able to refine it.

Hao Shen had chosen to refine some pills that made the cultivation of Dou Zhe realm practitioner faster, with these he would be able to help the clan's younger generation become stronger.

The pill he was going to refine was the Rank 4 Low-Level Dou Qi Circulation Pill, it allowed a Dou Zhe to absorb surrounding Dou Qi two times faster, but it was only useful to someone under the 9-star Dou Zhe realm, at this point one had to rely on his own efforts to breakthrough or one had to get his hands on some Rank 4 High Level Pills that helped a Dou Zhe realm practitioner to breakthrough to the Dou Shi realm.

Hao Shen then began the refining process.

An hour later he sighed, he had completed the refining process but his Dou Qi Pool (Dantian) was mostly empty.

'Sigh, I'm finally a Rank 4 Low-Level Alchemist, but it's no wonder Rank 4 Alchemist are mostly Da Dou Shi and Dou Ling realm practitioner, the cost in Dou Qi is simply too much for a Dou Shi, luckily the Star-Fire Revolution Mantra allows me to expand my Dou Qi Pool a little each time I breakthrough a star, now my Dou Qi Pool should be comparable to a 1-star Da Dou Shi but it still used all my Dou Qi, seems that I'll have to be careful when I refine Rank 4 Pills in the future.

I should go give these pills to father, I'll let him handle the distribution process.'

Hao Shen then stood up and went to give the pills to his father.

When Hao Shen gave the Dou Qi Circulation Pill to his father, Hao Tian was shocked, he knew that Hao Shen had only become an Alchemist two years ago, but he was already at a higher rank than the highest ranked alchemist in the Hao Clan.

Hao Shen was exhausted after the refining so he soon went back toward his courtyard and went to sleep immediately.