Last Spurt

The whole Hao Clan's atmosphere had changed since this year began, it was because it was the last year before the Coming of Age Ceremony, that ceremony would determine the future of all the youths of the Hao Clan, even Hao Shen, Hao JinJing, and Hao Wei were like that.

The rules were simple, it was only a test of cultivation. If the young practitioner hadn't reached the 8-star Dou Zhi Qi realm by the age of sixteen he wouldn't be able to remain in the Hao Clan's City, and he would be sent to one of the many businesses of the Hao Clan, or he would be sent to one of the Hao Clan's Branches which were all around the Jia Ma Empire.

In simple terms, one had three possibilities after they became sixteen, first, they didn't manage to reach the 8-star Dou Zhi Qi realm, and in this case, their future cultivation probably wouldn't surpass the Da Dou Shi realm, second, they reached the 8-star Dou Zhi Qi, in this case they would be kept in the clan but they wouldn't be nurtured very much and would most likely reach the peak of their cultivation at the Low Stage of the Dou Ling realm, and lastly, if a practitioner had reached the 9-star Dou Zhi Qi he would then be nurtured to become one of the Elite Guards of the Hao Clan, and obviously there was one more probability, it was if the practitioner reached the Dou Zhe realm, if this happened, they would be able to participate in the test to join the Jia Nan Academy, and in this case, they would reach at least the Dou Wang realm in their life, but in each generation of the Hao Clan, there were only ten or so peoples who could reach this step, but this time should be quite different since Hao Shen had gifted some pill for Low-Level practitioner to the clan, there should at least be fifteen or more Dou Zhe realm practitioner.


Hao JinJing was currently training with her grandmother. She had been the one who guided her in her cultivation since she became four years old, and in the whole Hao Clan probably no one was more qualified than her, because she was the strongest female practitioner in the whole Hao Clan and she had reached the 6-star Dou Wang realm.

She was already a 8-star Dou Zhe realm and continued to cultivate quickly thanks to the pills Hao Shen had refined for her.


Hao Wei was cultivating while being guided by his father, he had already caught up to Hao Li and the two of them were 4-star Dou Zhe realm practitioners, they would be able to easily enter the Jia Nan Academy when the test arrived, but Hao Wei had a higher objective, he wanted to catch up to his cousin even if it was by a little, the problem was that no one aside from their grandpa and his First Uncle knew what was his current cultivation, the only thing he knew was that he could easily beat all the young practitioners of the Hao Clan easily while suppressing his cultivation level at the same as their, Hao Wei could also defeat all of them in one on one fight, even if he suppressed his cultivation to their level, but Hao Shen often fought multiple opponents and he still managed to defeat them, that was the reason that made Hao Wei see their difference in strength and he didn't want it to be as big as that.

He was born in the same month as Hao Shen and they were approximatively at the same level when they were younger but now he was already left in the dust, because of that he began to cultivate a lot more every day and he cultivation speed also went up.


Hao Li was currently outside of the Hao Clan, he came in the Outer Region of the Magical Beast Mountain Range to train his Dou Qi Skills before the Coming of Age's Ceremony, he had been here for more than two months already.

Hao Li could be considered a Martial Fanatic, there wasn't a single day where he wasn't practicing, he knew that he didn't have good talent, but he had been lucky and that had changed his life forever.

If he cultivated seriously, he would one day reach the Dou Zong realm, and at this realm, not everything relied on the talent of the practitioner, because to advance in the Dou Zong realm, the most important thing was to comprehend the Space Power in the world, this relied more on the comprehension than on pure talent, and that was why he was confident that he possessed a little chance to go even higher than the Dou Zong realm.

Hao Li had a breakthrough yesterday and he reached the 5-star Dou Zhe realm, it was mostly due to the different fight he had experimented with Magical Beast since he came here, his potential had been ignited by the deadly situation he had encountered during his training.


Hao Shen was currently siting at his usual cultivation spot under the waterfall, he was cultivating the Sky Soaring Scripture and he would soon breakthrough to the Third Stage, when he accomplished it his body would be stronger that anyone in the same realm in the whole Jia Ma Empire, theoretically it means that Hao Shen was nearly invincible in his own realm.

Hao Shen had been stuck at the Second Stage Peak Level for two months already so he wanted to quickly breakthrough, once it was done he would be able to concentrate his attention on his Dou Qi Cultivation once more, Hao Shen was able to breakthrough the Da Dou Shi realm at any time he wanted since three months ago, but since he wanted to eat the Three Lines Green Spirit Pill to breakthrough the Da Dou Shi realm and directly go to the 3-star Da Dou Shi realm he didn't do it.

The fact that he had stayed at the Peak 9-star Dou Shi realm allowed him to fully concentrate on the Sky Soaring Scripture during the last three months, and he had been able to make some progress thanks to that.

Three hours passed and suddenly, Hao Shen pores seemed to open and they swallowed a lot of Dou Qi around him, he could feel his whole body becoming stronger and lighter at the same time, he just had a breakthrough and he succesfully entered the Third Stage Low Level of the Sky Soaring Scripture.

'Alright, now there is only the ceremony and the recruitement left before I can leave the clan to go outside and train for three years, I want to participate in the storm that the main plot will start.' Hao Shen was very excited about the mutliples events that were coming, he would be able to become a lot stronger very quickly thanks to them.


Time remaining before the Coming of Age's Ceremony : Two Months.