Emerald Demonic Flame, Three Lines Green Spirit Pill

Hao Shen rushed back to his courtyard after receiving the flame of the Emerald Demon Tiger from his father. He arrived there after ten minutes and the sat down before his Alchemy Cauldron directly, he had waited for this moment for more than a year.

'Alright, calm down, I first need to devour the Emerald Demonic Flame, but I also have to separate the Dou Qi contained in the flame and store it away, if not it will make me breakthrough and I won't be able to eat the Three Lines Green Spirit Pill.' Hao Shen had decided to do this the moment he received the Beast Essence Flame, he won't use the Dou Qi inside of the flame to breakthrough to the Da Dou Shi realm but he will use it to break through one more star after he digested the Three Lines Green Spirit Pill's Medicinal Energy.

Hao Shen took the jade bottle and swallowed the Emerald Demonic Liquid, the moment the liquid entered his throat, he felt an extremely hot fire energy starting to spread in his meridian but he stopped the flow of Fire Energy, it was a dangerous move since he would have to store it inside of his meridian while he refined the Emerald Demonic Flame. After he had stopped the energy flow, he started to direct the flame toward his dantian, he could feel his meridian hurt each time the flame passed through them, and soon the flame reached his dantian, but Hao Shen didn't smile, he could feel that one of his meridians had a crack, just as he was about to inspect it, he suddenly felt a wave of medicinal energy emerge from his dantian, it rushed directly toward the cracked meridian and restored it to normal.

'What just happened ?!' Hao Shen was shocked but soon he recovered and sighed in relief, that was the effect of the Meridian Raise Pill he had swallowed three years ago.

'Luckily I had this thing if not the devouring process would have been hard.' Now that Hao Shen's meridians were perfectly formed, he started to revolve the Star-Fire Revolution Mantra, the Emerald Demonic Flame was soon devoured completely and Hao Shen could feel a new Flame added to his own.

"Alright, sigh, it was dangerous but now that it's done I only need to refine the Three Lines Green Spirit Pill and I will be able to directly become a 3-star Da Dou Shi realm practitioner.."

The Three Lines Green Spirit Pill was refined with two central ingredients, they were Green Flame Grass, and Black Sky Flax, the others ingredients weren't anything rare, but the most difficult part was that the Alchemist who refined the Three Lines Green Spirit Pill needed perfect control over his three flames. This step was the hardest for others, but for Hao Shen this was the easiest, because his Dou Qi Method devoured the Beast Essence Flame, they directly became part of him, and thus he could control them like they were his own Dou Qi Flame, in other terms, Hao Shen possessed perfect control over any Flame the moment his Dou Qi Method devoured them.

'Alright, I'll start now, I need to refine the Three Lines Green Spirit Pill in less than four days since the entrance test for the Jia Nan Academy will be held at that time.'

Hao Shen started the refining process directly after he reached his peak condition, the Three Lines Green Spirit Pill was a Rank 4 Pill, and for Hao Shen who was already a Rank 5 Alchemist this wasn't anything difficult to refine, the process took two days to be completed.

'Sigh, I refined this thing for two days, and I had to replenish my Dou Qi three times by using pills, I hope they are perfect Three Lines Green Spirit Pill.' Hao Shen was exhausted after this round of refining, the reason was simple, his Alchemy had long since surpassed his cultivation, a Rank 5 Alchemist was often at least in the Dou Ling or Wang realm, but Hao Shen wasn't even a Da Dou Shi yet, his Dou Qi Pool could be compared to a 4 or 5-star Da Dou Shi but that still wasn't sufficient.

When he opened the cauldron, a rich medicinal flavor errupted from it and filled the room, Hao Shen saw a green pill inside of the cauldron, three lines could be seen on it, it was the mark of a perfect Three Lines Green Spirit Pill.

'Sigh, seems that I succeded.' Hao Shen sighed in relief that he wouldn't have to refine this pill once more before he reach the Da Dou Shi realm.

"it's finally time to have my breakthrough, I should reach the 3-star Da Dou Shi realm in three days or so."

Hao Shen then swallowed the Three Lines Green Spirit Pill and started to cultivate.


At the same time at the entrance of the Hao Clan's City, a convoy of the Jia Nan Academy entered the city, the passerby looked at it with great respect, they walked in direction of the Hao Clan's Estate since that was the place where they rested when they came here.

"Professor, I just heard something incredible" A young woman clothed in the Jia Nan Academy uniform told the lady in charge. the lady was dressed in green and was standing prettily with a grin. The smile on her pretty face was warm and her eyes looked around quickly. The tenderness in her gaze was like clear water quietly passing through, causing people to become intoxicated by the lady's special vivid gentleness. The voluminous and exquisite posture, leaked out a mature loveliness that was molded by the years.

"Hmm, and what did you hear?" She asked gently to the student.

"Yes, I've heard that the Young Master of the Hao Clan had reached the Peak of the Dou Shi realm while he is only fifteen this year." The student replied respectfully but her eyes were filled with awe, it wasn't rare to see a Dou Shi realm practitioner in the Outer Court of the Jia Nan Academy, but a Peak 9-star Dou Shi realm practitioner who was only fifteen was something that she didn't heard yet in her life.

The eyes of the professor widened when she heard this.

"Are you sure about this new?!"

"No, I didn't get to meet him face to face, but everyone seems to talk about it in the city."

"Good, you did a good job by telling me about it, I'll go ask to meet him when we reach the Hao Clan." The professor replied and excused the student before continuing to walk toward teh Hao Clan's Estate.