Hao Clan's Story, Promise For The Future.

"Good, Good, you didn't disappoint me Shen'er, the professor of the Jia Nan Academy is here and the test will begin in two hours, you came out just in time." Hao Tian smiled when he said the first part, but his expression soon turned serious. "But before that, I have something I have to tell you, it concerns the history of our clan."

"What is it Father?" Hao Shen was pretty surprised to see his father become serious so suddenly.

"It's about time that you learn of this since you are the future patriarch of the clan, the other people think that our Hao Clan had started five hundred years ago, but this is something wrong, the first Ancestor of the Hao Clan is recorded to have been born more than five thousand years ago, he was called Hao Ming, and he was an orphan who grew up in the Black Corner Region, in Ancient time, people in the Black Corner Region were a lot stronger than currently, meeting a Dou Zong realm practitioner wasn't considered as a rare thing.

In this type of environment, peoples of this era matured a lot faster, and our Ancestor was the same, he couldn't be considered as a peerless genius, but he was still very talented and managed to reach the Dou Huang realm at twenty-three years old, that was the day his destiny started to change, he was pursued by some of his enemies when he entered in a historical remnant and stayed in there for more than ten years, his enemies all were thinking that he had died inside, but when he came out he had already become a Dou Zun realm practitioner, he killed all the clan of his enemies and started to control the whole Black Corner Region, nobody know what he encountered in the historical remnant but it is said that is battle prowess far surpassed his level of cultivation, when he was a 5-star Dou Zun realm practitioner he could fight with people at the 7-star Dou Zun realm.

But this is not the main point of the story, our Ancestor Hao Ming knew that even though he was the overlord of the Black Corner Region, there existed people largely stronger than him, people who had reached the Dou Ban Sheng and Dou Sheng realm, so he decided to become even stronger, and after another ten years of cultivation he reached the Dou Ban Sheng realm, at that time people started to be suspicious of him, it was normally impossible to advance so quickly in the Dou Zun realm but people didn't search more in depth since the peoples that had tried before were all killed by Hao Ming.

During these ten years, Hao Ming had also started a family without anyone knowing about it, that was our clan, the Hao Clan, we were growing quickly with the assistance of the Ancestor who could be considered as a strong expert anywhere in the Dou Qi Continent since he became a Dou Ban Sheng realm practitioner, but things continued to happen, another five years passed and finally, Hao Ming became a Dou Sheng realm practitioner, at that time, the whole Dou Qi Continent knew of his name, he became one of the peak expert in the world, and the only people who were above him were the practitioner who had reached the mythical realm, the Dou Di realm, but they stayed in seclusion most of the time so the Dou Sheng realm practitioners were the one who were who stood at the top of the Dou Qi Continent.

Years continued to pass without anything happening, our Ancestor continued to fight and grow stronger and stronger at a fast pace, when twenty more years had passed, he stood undefeated in the whole world and reached the peak of the Dou Sheng realm. After that, he disappeared for five years and when he reappeared once more he had become a Dou Di realm practitioner and become a God above everyone in the world, nobody know where he had gone for the five years he had disappeared but the progression of the ancestor could be considered as the fastest in this time.

The record that traces our Ancestor end there, but the Hao Clan received the last transmission saying that somewhere in the Dou Qi Continent, our inheritance waited for us to go and retrieve it, but nobody was strong enough to reach this level till that time, our inheritance remain undiscovered, and even our link with the Ancestor wasn't discovered, that is why every patriarch of the Hao Clan from that time till now receive this news in hope that they can find the inheritance and restore the glory of our Hao Clan." Hao Tian finished to tell the story of their first Ancestor to Hao Shen, he was very proud about their ancestor when he spoke about him, it was the pride from being the descendant of a Dou Di.

"That is why Shen'er, you who have the most potential since the beginning of the Hao Clan, I hope you can find this inheritance when you become strong enough, and let the world witness the glory of our Hao Clan's Bloodline once more, and when that day comes, we'll take the seat that was meant to belong to us and stand at the top of this world." Hao Tian looked at Hao Shen with pride and confidence while he said that.

Hao Shen felt his blood pulse when he heard his father speak like that, the seat at the top of the world was meaning to reach the level of the Eight Great Clan, this was an ambitious idea, but that was the goal of Hao Shen since the day he was born in this world, and seeing that the clan supported the same idea, Hao Shen couldn't help but grow excited.

"Then Father, I promise on my name as the Hao Clan's Young Master Hao Shen, I will make the clan stand at the peak of this world by becoming the strongest person in this world and I'll let our Ancestor be proud of the bloodline they left behind them." When Hao Shen said these words, a majestic aura came out from his body, and at the same time, in the far away starry sky, a little star started to revolve extremely quickly bringing with the rotation, a majestic aura of domination.