Magical Beast Mountain Range

Hao Shen was currently in the Outside Region of the Magical Beast Mountain Range, he had left the clan four days ago and he rushed there since then.

Hao Shen had brought Xiao Hei with him, and the two of them had decided to cross the Inner Region of the Magical Beast Mountain Range, this was considered as something dangerous to do and in the Jia Ma Empire, the people who did such a thing were generally Dou Ling realm practitioner, and even them would act carefully when they entered the territory of a Rank 6 Magical Beast.

"Xiao Hei, it should take us a little more than a month to pass through the Inner Region of the Magical Beast Mountain Range if we run all the way, sorry but we won't train during this time.

We also have to stay focused to avoid ambush from other Magical Beasts." That was the plan Hao Shen had decided to follow, he wanted to reach Qingshan Town the fastest way possible, by doing that he would be able to use Xiao Yan's plot armor to memorize the Flying Dou Qi Skill and give it to his clan once he came back home.

After Xiao Hei nodded his head, Hao Shen entered the Inner Region and started to run.


A week later, Hao Shen was still running, but he didn't look exhausted at all, the reason was simple, he could absorb the surrounding Dou Qi at a much faster rate than before because his Dou Qi Method the Star-Fire Revolution Mantra had already become a Xuan Class Low-Level Dou Qi Method after he reached the Da Dou Shi realm.

Hao Shen was running when he suddenly felt danger, he dodged by jumping to the left, and the spot he had previously stood on exploded.

'I already found that something was trying to hunt me down, but I couldn't feel its location, but it seems that he couldn't wait anymore.' Hao Shen had discovered that something was following him since two days ago but he did nothing and pretended that he didn't found out about it.

In the Inner Region of the Magical Beast Mountain Range, there were rarely any Rank 2 Magical Beasts, the two reasons for them to stay in the Inner Region were, first, they were the cub of some powerful Magical Beast, second, they were part of a pack like the Fire Wolf that Hao Shen had gifted to his sister, it was banished from its pack so it came to the Outer Region.

Hao Shen started to use the Thousand Step Whirlwind Dou Qi Skill to fly in the air and he scanned the surrounding with his Soul Power.

'Where is the thing that assaulted me hiding, it isn't in the range of my Soul Power, but it shouldn't have been able to attack me at this distance if it wasn't... wait, there is a way.' Hao Shen began to think before sending his Soul Power underground and what he saw rendered him speechless, in the ground stood a giant mole, it looked at the spot where Hao Shen had previously stood in confusion.

'So it was like that, no wonder I couldn't find it, that Rank 3 Iron Fanged Mole was hiding in the ground all the time, I should have been more careful, but now that I know where it's hiding it will be easy for me to kill it.' Hao Shen current battle power couldn't be compared to the one he had before he became a Da Dou Shi, now he could kill opponents at the Peak of the Da Dou Shi realm since he also had a Dou Qi Armor, so killing this Rank 3 Mid Level Iron Fanged Mole was a very simple thing, what's more, Hao Shen's power was also strengthened if he used the two Rank 6 Beast Essence Flame he had devoured.

He immediately started to combine the two Rank 6 Beast Essence Flame, the power generated by the two of them could be considered as quite powerful, in any case, it wasn't something that a mere Rank 3 Magical Beast could endure.

The fusion process may be difficult for other peoples but for Hao Shen, this was extremely easy to do, he had devoured the two Beast Essence Flames so they had already become a part of him and he could control them like his own Dou Qi Flame.

After the fusion was complete, Hao Shen pointed a finger toward where the Iron Fanged Mole was hiding and the flame directly shot toward it, it was quite fast and reached the spot in less than two seconds, the moment the flame touched the ground, a big explosion happened, the ten meters surrounding the impact point cracked and became devasted, The Iron Fanged Mole was reduced to nothing, and it didn't even leave it's Magical Core while disappearing.

'Sigh, I didn't know that this attack was that powerful, what a waste, I didn't even get the Rank 3 Earth Magical Core, this could have been useful.' Hao Shen was a little disappointed about this fact but he was a lot more excited about the power he had used a moment ago, this was an attack that could even inflict injuries on a Dou Ling realm practitioner, and if he used it while using his Di Class Mid Level Dou Qi Skill, Hao Shen was pretty confident that he could injure a Dou Wang who underestimated him.

"Alright, let's continue, I only ran for a week and I already encountered three Magical Beast, I hope that I don't meet a Rank 4 Magical Beast since it would become quite dangerous, but even then I should be able to flee." Hao Shen then began to run once more, he was sure that he wouldn't encounter any Rank 6 Magical Beast since the path he had chosen didn't cross any of the Rank 6 Magical Beast's territories.


At the same time, a youth could be seen walking out from Wu Tan City.