Going Back To The Inner Region, Start Of The Plan

Hao Shen looked at the group from the Wolf Head Mercenary Company who were fleeing as if nothing had happened, he didn't care about a mere 2-star Dou Shi realm practitioner like Mu She, so he let them go.

"You guys should be careful, they will probably chase after you once they get back to their headquarter in Qingshan Town, their Boss, Mu She is a 2-star Dou Shi realm practitioner, and none of you two are able to fight him currently." Hao Shen warned the two others since they had been on the same side during the confrontation.

"Thanks, Mister." Xiao Yi Xian was the first to reply.

"Don't call me like that, I'm not old enough." in his younger days, Hao Shen had always looked much older than his true age and he was even called as an elder by peoples older than him, so he was a little bit exasperated about this.

The two of them stood a little bit shocked when they heard this, but Xiao Yan suddenly looked like he understood something.

In fact Yao Lao could easily see Hao Shen's face even while he was wearing a mask, so he had described Hao Shen's appearance to Xiao Yan, even if Hao Shen face had changed in the last four years, Xiao Yan had been able to find the similarity, and the fact that Hao Shen was already a Da Dou Shi realm practitioner had already spread in the Jia Ma Empire after the test for the Jia Nan Academy had concluded, while combining all these facts, Xiao Yan had been able to understand the true identity of Hao Shen, but he didn't say anything.

Xiao Yi Xian then declared that she would go back to the Almighty Medical House in Qingshan Town she called her Tamed Magical Beast, and she left.

Hao Shen and Xiao Yan stayed there for a little more time, nobody spoke, and after some time, Hao Shen decided to depart, his destination was the Inner Region of the Magical Beast Mountain Range, he wanted to get his hands on the Rank 6 Beast Essence Flame of the Amethyst Winged Lion.


Some weeks later, Hao Shen had been observing the Amethyst Winged Lion's nest for some weeks already, he waited for Yun Yun to come and fight the Amethyst Winged Lion, he would save her and then wait for some time for her to go back to fight the Magical Beast, during their second fight he would go in it's nest and he would get the Beast Essence Flame, he would then possess three Beast Essence Flames, which would make his own Dou Qi Flame reach the power of a Rank 6 Beast Essence Flame, thanks to that he would be able to fuse four flames and power up his fighting prowess.

Hao Shen was cultivating while observing the Amethyst Winged Lion's nest as he always did when he heard a sonic boom like sound in the sky rushing toward the nest.

'It's starting.'

A mysterious woman lightly stood in the sky, she was Yun Yun, the leader of the Yun Lan Sect. Her calm and beautiful face carried a gracefulness and nobility that the simple dress she wore could not hide, sensing her, the Amethyst Winged Lion came out from its nest.

"Human woman, why did you come and disturb my rest?" The huge Amethyst Winged Lion in the sky suddenly roared using the human's language.

"I wish to borrow your highness' Purple Spirit Crystal." Yun Yun parted her red lips as her beautiful eyes stared at the Amethyst Winged Lion. Her faint voice was clear and moving.

"Purple Spirit Crystal? I can only drop a small piece every twenty years. Who are you to ask for it?" The Amethyst Winged Lion mockingly said.

"I can exchange for it with something that you need." Yun Yun seemed also slightly afraid of this rank six Magic Beast that was well known for its fierceness. Thus she was not forceful when she spoke.

"Exchange? Ha, alright. It so happens that I am now in the body transformation stage. If you can get me a Body Transformation Pill, I will give you a Purple Spirit Crystal. What do you say?" The Amethyst Winged Lion howled when it heard the woman's suggestion.

Hao Shen who was hiding far away couldn't help but laugh when he heard the Amethyst Winged Lion request, a Body Transformation Pill was a Rank 7 pill, the Purple Spirit Crystal wasn't at the same value at all, it seemed that the Amethyst Winged Lion was trying to rob people.

Yun Yun frowned and shook her head upon hearing the Amethyst Winged Lion's demand. With a soft voice, she said, "I'm sorry, There are only a few people in the Jia Ma Empire who possess something like a Body Transformation Pill. But if you are willing, I can use three rank five Monster Cores and a High Xuan Qi Method and Dou Technique that you can train with to exchange with you."

"Not interested. If you cannot produce the Body Transformation Pill then you should leave the Magic Beast Mountain Range." The Amethyst Winged Lion shook its large head, not hesitating to reject the mysterious woman's terms.

Letting out a soft sigh, the mysterious woman slowly lifted the strange looking longsword in her hand and said helplessly, "If it is like this, then I'll have to use force."

"Ha ha! Humans are always like this." Seeing the mysterious woman's action, the Amethyst Winged Lion immediately let loose a thundering laugh. A while later, the laughter finally receded and its voice became cold once more, "I know that you are also a Dou Huang but if we were to really fight, it would be a real question of whether you are able to walk out of the Magic Beast Mountain Range alive."

'Sigh, this Magical Beast is really shameless...' Hao Shen was a little speechless while looking at the Amethyst Winged Lion

"You don't need to be concerned about that." The mysterious woman responded indifferently as she lifted her hand gently. As she did so, a small wisp of a green colored tornado suddenly appeared in the air. Initially, the tornado was only two meters wide but a moment later, the tornado began to expand and turned into a huge tornado that was over a hundred feet wide.

In the space between the sky and the ground, the green tornado whizzed and whirled, constantly uprooting the huge trees on the ground. The ferocious wind quickly crushed the trees down, filling the air with sawdust.

"Hmm! The Magic Beast Mountain Range is not the territory of you humans. You do not have the right to behave so atrociously!" The Amethyst Winged Lion eyed the growing enormous tornado and growled.

From its mouth, a deep roar echoed throughout the mountain range.

Following the lion's roar, the amethyst on its body shone brightly. In the blink of an eye, a savage purple flame violently surged forth from its body. The purple flame gradually spiraled upwards, finally forming an enormous pillar of purple that shot towards the sky.

During the time when Yun Yun waved her hand, the enormous green tornado in the sky rushed towards the Amethyst Winged Lion in an unrestrained manner, carrying a wind that howled frantically.

In the areas where the tornado passed, the forest on the ground was uprooted, turning the place into a flat yellow ground while many Magic Beasts fled everywhere

"Hmph!" Watching the spiraling tornado approaching, the Amethyst Winged Lion's mouth let out a loud snort. It flapped its wings and the thirty-foot pillar of purple flame pushed outwards and smashed towards the tornado.

The two enormous objects collided in the sky. The moment they did, there was dead silence in the air.

"Bang!" A roar of thunder abruptly blasted in the sunny sky.

The tornado and the fire pillar violently collided, unleashing uncontrolled and frightening energy. At the point of contact, ripples seemed to appear in the air.

"Bang!" A few minutes after the tornado and the fire pillar collided, they seemed to have exhausted their strength and died down with an explosive blast that echoed throughout the mountain range.

When the tornado and the fire pillar disappeared, Yun Yun who was quietly standing in midair finally started to move. The green wings on her back flapped and like lightning, her body instantly passed through the area where the energy was still in a turmoil and appeared behind the Amethyst Winged Lion.

The strange longsword in her hand stabbed forward. A spinning wind blade was formed at the sword's tip and spiraled at an incredible speed much like a green colored ball with numerous blades growing from it.

"Clank clank…" The longsword carrying the wind blades slashed at the body of the Amethyst Winged Lion, creating a clear sound in midair. However, the flashing slashes of the longsword only left a number of white scars. These white scars were present for a short moment before they disappeared.

Ignoring the ordinary attack from its opponent, the Amethyst Winged Lion swung its head, shooting a strong large purple flame about half a meter in size from the red helix shaped horn on its head.

The blazing purple flame caused Yun Yun to knit her eyebrows together as her empty hand formed a strange looking seal in front of her. "Wind Pushing Force!"

As her clear soft voice died off, a ferocious swirl of green colored wind was immediately summoned in front of her, blocking the purple colored fireball. Seeing that the attack by the purple colored flame was ineffective, the purple glint in the Amethyst Winged Lion eyes grew brighter. Its huge claws smashed at Yun Yun while carrying a beautiful purple light. Wherever the claws passed, it tore apart the air pushing against it, emitting a sharp screech in midair.

Eyeing the physical attack by the Amethyst Winged Lion, Yun Yun's face became more serious. A wind shield about two to three meters long suddenly congregated in front of her.

"Crack…" The enormous claws crushed the green colored wind shield. Under the magnificent purple colored light, a clear cracking noise sounded, immediately splitting the wind shield into numerous pieces that scattered with the wind. The physical attack of the Amethyst Winged Lion possessed a strength that could not be underestimated.

The Amethyst Winged Lion let out a low roar as its attack broke through the opponent's defense. It twisted its large body, unleashing another ferocious attack with a speed that did not match its enormous body size.

Faced with the Amethyst Winged Lion's relentless attack, Yun Yun could only choose to dodge. After all, it was foolish to attempt to take on the abnormal strength of the former.

In the sky, the Amethyst Winged Lion's body continued to make quick motions and Yun Yun repeatedly retreated. It appeared that she had fallen into a disadvantageous state but thankfully, she did not receive any injuries from the beast.

Seeing the large sun beginning to disappear into the horizon, the Amethyst Winged Lion which had been attacking tirelessly suddenly stopped. Its red eyes with a purple glint carried an intolerant and majestic appearance as it stared intently at the noble looking lady.

'Sigh, there is still sometime before I can reach the Dou Huang realm, I already can't wait for that moment.' Hao Shen was watching the battle excitedly, he liked to fight strong opponents, so he decided that he would come back here when he reached the Dou Huang realm and he would fight the Amethyst Winged Lion at that time.

"Human female, you have eroded much of my limited patience!" The low roar of the Amethyst Winged Lion shook the woods in the mountains.

"As long as your highness is willing to hand the Purple Spirit Crystal over to me, I promise that I will not disturb you again." Despite being hunted for an entire afternoon, Yun Yun still appeared both graceful and noble. A fierce swirl of wind appeared and disappeared around her when she spoke.

"Since you are so ungrateful, don't blame me!" A lion's roar carrying a faint trace of anger escaped from the Amethyst Winged Lion's large mouth. The light on its body grew increasingly intense until the bright light finally began to eclipse that of the setting sun.

The strange state of the Amethyst Winged Lion was also something that Yun Yun was cautious of. Her face gradually grew even more serious as she felt the unnatural flow of the energy around her. A violent gale began to blow within an area that was dozens of feet wide.

The purple colored light began to envelop the entire place. After a moment of preparation, the light abruptly shrank and in just the blink of an eye, the wide hovering light had shrunk into a deep purple light pillar that was half a foot wide.

"Amethyst Seal!" As the purple light flickered, the Amethyst Winged Lion's roar reverberated throughout the mountain range.

At the instant when the dark purple light pillar appeared, the mysterious woman's face changed. The powerful Dou Technique was quickly released before it could finish.

"Splitting Wind Dance!"

Following Yun Yun's call, the space in front of her began to fluctuate. Numerous huge dark green wind blades that were over a hundred feet in size appeared in the air. Then they linked together, forming something that appeared like a cylinder of blades that spiraled at extreme speed as it moved forwards.

"Bang! Bang!" The space where the purple colored light pillar and the spiraling wind blade passed through became distorted. An instant later, the two crashed against each other, releasing a frightening sound similar to two meteorites colliding.

Briefly, after the purple colored light pillar and the spiraling wind blades crashed into each other, the spiraling wind visibly appeared to be weaker. In just a short moment, the spiraling wind suddenly exploded while the purple colored pillar merely dimmed slightly,

After overcoming the spiraling wind blades, the purple colored light pillar appeared to be at ease as it broke through tens of wind shields that the mysterious woman had put up. It finally shot into her body.

Right after the attack by the purple colored pillar of light succeeded, the Amethyst Winged Lion's huge body appeared in front of Yun Yun. Its huge claw unleashed five extremely sharp purple colored spikes that viciously shot towards the latter's head.

"Wind's Peak, Killer Meteorite."

Just as the huge claw was about to penetrate Yun Yun's body, the strange sword in her hand suddenly trembled.

A thin mysterious beam of light that was about the size of a thumb instantly shot outwards.

The light beam even made the air quivered.

"Crack!" The beam of light shot towards the Amethyst Winged Lion's head, but the beast's astuteness led it to lower its head slightly, resulting in the beam of light hitting the red horn on its forehead. In an instant, the hardest part of its body was cleanly cut in half.

The sliced horn caused the Amethyst Winged Lion to feel immense pain. It let out a violent lion's roar as its claw slashed forward with a fierce force, smashing heavily against the mysterious woman's chest.

Following a piercing metal clashing sound, the mysterious woman who received the heavy blow threw up a mouthful of blood. With a pale face, she abruptly turned around and flapped her green wings. Her body flickered mysteriously and an instant later disappeared into the horizon.

'Alright, I should move quickly.' Seeing this, Hao Shen then rushed in the direction were Yun Yun had flown, it was time to start his plan.