Did you have fun dissapearing for so long?

Professor Lin was hesitating to shake Allen's hand, still he relecutantly raised hand to do so but before he could take it back, Allen hugged him or that's what it seemed like...

Since Allen would never hug a stranger his years of misfortune made him mysophobic especially to strangers touch it would be strange for him to hug professor Lin, especially since Allen loathes the man.

However, to others it seemed like he was hugging professor Lin, according to their prospectives Allen feels sorry for the old man and appreciated his hard work thus he hugged... still only the professors knew what he was like and the horror professor Lin felt towards the "hug"

Allen "hugged" professor Lin as he whispered sweet words of nothingness, when Professor Lin heard Allen, he was out of breath, his breathing rapidly increasing causing his air way to block.

"I hope you leave without making a big deal, no ruckus, no Xi family, if not I will put you in prison for exploiting young students. Remember Xi family is mine not your young mistresse's"

Allen chuckles,his evilenss was evident, he didn't not appreciate people going against him or exploiting his goods against him.

Who did they think he was? A fool? Oh bi*** please!

To him his enemies need to be eliminated either by hook or crook but he was a law abiding citizen so he would not take ruthless action unless he has no other way.

He walked off from professor Lin and did not pay attention to his expression, if he did he would have witnessed an earth shattering horrified expression.

Why? why does he know? Professor Lin thought, he couldn't accept it, he has been very off-the-record for action and every action he took was of the backdoor. Just how did he find out? How?

He was traumatised by the revelation. For the last six months he was living in luxury, without Allen Xi he was over the ninth clouds. He did as he pleased.

Why was this scoundrel back? This man's every word was seemed like a blood debt to him.

Professor Lin didn't utter word, nor did he have the ability to do, no matter how much resentment he was holding, he has been let off easily hence for that he should be grateful to Allen. As Professor Lin looked at Allen with appreciation.

As for Allen, he was not bothered what professor Lin or others thought, neither could he care less about Professor Lin's gratefulness, to him he just removed an obstacle and a chess piece of the Xi family. And this was worth celebrating, he first step towards destruction and ressurection of his powers.

How delighting!

"As you can see professor Lin is unwell so he won't be doing any goodbye speech but if you have any questions you can ask him after the session. As for the good news.... hehehe wanna hear it?"

He grinned at his students, trying to entice the situation and maybe cause more commotion.

Since that's what he loves.


They were happy with bad news so the good news was just truly a bonus to them, hence they echoed 'yes' with a thrilled voice.

Allen blinked at them, as he was teasing them, his mood just lifted up more than he expected.

"Well the good news is.... Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrum-roll please ..." "Dum Dum..."

He waved his hands quieten down the noisy folks.

"Since am back, I will be taking over the head position and I will be holding two lectures every week it's not compulsory but feel free come. What do you think? Seems like a good news? Right! Youu can suggest subjects you want to study, Discuss amongst yourself, if you have any of you suggestions please don't afraid to ask."

Allen felt like it was really a good news, he was back doing the thing he loved while crushing his enemies. What a feeling!

The whole theatre room was full of applause, praises as well as appreciations due to the fact not all professor take time off from their busy schedule to hold lectures.

So the students couldn't help but admire their domineering but kindhearted professor Xi.

This contrasted with news of professor Lin retirement as if they couldn't careless about professor Lin.

It appeared more like they were delighted with his departure but enthralled by the news of Professor Xi's arrival. Ah the difference of attidues was heaven and earth.

Well who could blame them, since ancient humans were visual creatures, ergo they want a good looking professor to teach them, more over he was so charming, pleasing the eyes with his extraordinary aura, as his mellow sweet voice really impregnated their ears.

They were lost in discussing thus they did not notice couple of gentlemen walking into the theatre room. These gentlemen were unsual especially the middle gentlemen, he had an icy aura of Emperor.

They were none other than Emperor and his followers.

Even if others didn't notice them due to Allen's sudden announcement, that does not mean Allen didn't. He walked to to them "Deen Wang long time no see"

He looked at at the old man grinning, feeling quite thrill to meet the old man, however, Deen Wang felt like beating him for good. This stupid lad just arrived but caused so much commotion.

But it wasn't like he wasn't pleased with it. For a long time he wanted to remove professor Lin but because of that stinky girl from Xi family he couldn't do anything.

But it seems like Allen made his move, he would make many changes and for this Deen Wang was grateful. He and the group of trouble making lads have witnessed the magnificent show and couldn't be any more happier.

The little child he new grew up with such a large wings, it appeared like no could break it. If only he was truly a "boy" it would have been worthy opponent of this Emperor over their, Deen Wang's eyes lingered at Justin for few seconds before he looked at Allen.

Fortunately he ran away from his impended wedding, this change of situation made Deen Wang dearly look forward to the unknown and evolution of little Ali. This lass was something special.

"Boy where have you been? Did you have fun dissapearing for so long? Huh?"

Deen Wang's 'huh' had lot of pressure, he was so worried about this lad for the past months, ah he really needed a good beating for worrying others to death.

Others might believe Deen Wang was talking about Allen's "retirement" but Allen knew that he was hinting something else.