Alina felt that her little life was meaningless or perhaps, her death was more meaningless.

Eh whatever, she was utterly confused. Her phone affirms that she was sent back 10 years in the past.

This means she was 22, but she doesn't believe it, since she already died. Maybe this was dream, a ridiculous one at that.

She just met a shameless man who didn't know what respect and personal space was! As a person who definitely didn't have enough integrity herself, she felt ashamed and embarrassed for that man.

If young master Li heard her, he would have to rethink about approaching her. It's gonna be a while...

While running away from that man's harassment, she had to take a different route, since her parents' men were lurking everywhere.

She clenched her teeth while cursing their ancestors to nine generations.

Alina felt that if those people didn't exist, these snakes wouldn't have come to this world in the first place. Sigh, what pity.

Her cheap family really knew how to lay a trap for others. Tut, she wasn't stupid, not anymore baby. She was going to bite them hard. She was so angry; these people are driving her mad.

Her family really didn't have any conscience, eating her food and living in her property but stabbing her back.

The mere thought of them chasing her made her hopeless, how did she become so powerless? She built an empire within three years!

And here she was sneaking away from her parents' people before escaping that horrendous area.

These men were searching for her like mad men. But so what, Alina didn't care much, this was the last time she will ever come here.

She had nothing to do with these people, if they come provoking her, she, Xi Ying Yue will have no mercy on them; she will make their lives so miserable that they will think twice before provoking her.

Good bye asshole of a family, hope you rot in hell. Muah.

This was their loss and has got nothing to do with her. She isn't the one losing her money, rather she saved herself. She was grateful. Amitābha


Unfortunately, she had to use her stupid phone. Oh, oh this baby was gonna take her hoooome. Yay!!

Well, can it be called stupid? She took a picture of that shameless man, she will use it well.

Hehehe, she smirked when she thought about her grand plan.

Thus, despite being an inanimate object, it was the most useful and efficient thing she had obtained ever since she enter this chaotic chapters.

Her cheap family wouldn't be this useful, all they knew was to wiggle their @$$ and snatch her things.

While she was jeering at her family, she was also appreciating her phone, even though this phone was nothing compared to her darling IRA (Intelligence Analytic Robot).

Alina named it while fiddling with its alphabetical order. IRA was a human intelligence analytic robot gifted by her grandparents.

It was one of a kind, a model made by the private team of Xi corporation robotics expert, just for Alina.

When she was young, she didn't know how to communicate with people, she was afraid of human interaction as a girl ever since what her parents did to her.

In addition to her eccentric personality as well as her disguise, interacting with people was difficult for her, let alone making friends.

And so her grandparents gave her a companion that accompanied her most of her life, to teach her and allow her to leave her comfort zone.

As a result IRA was a part of her soul, a friend she never had and an ally she could rely on without a second thought. This roguish robot was her baby, part of her little heart.

But fate was cruel, in her previous life, they tore her baby apart. She felt as if her heart was ripped to shreds. All she did was cry as they destroyed IRA when IRA tried to protect her.

Who said robots don't have mind of their own, bish please, if it wasn't, how would IRA try to protect her....

After her grandparent's death, her only shelter was gone, she was completely isolated, they took her every thing and like a weak little fragile woman that she was, she didn't retaliate.

She had to grit her teeth and endure it for seven years. Since then, she kept her distance and after her divorce she lived as her alias Allen Xi.

She was this close to her revenge and they killed her off. But karma was a vicious ancient bitch that's loves coming right back to it's target and this what Alina loved about karma.

What goes around comes around. But for now, this little baby will do. She used Umap app to escape this pandemonium, since she didn't know this place.