Emperor Li is Gay

Justin looked at Adam "How do you know him? How is he related to your wife?"


Sounds of aloud bomb dropping in their mind made them deaf...

Everyone was gobsmacked by Justin's sudden initiative.

Justin didn't realise that he just dropped an atom bomb...

Was he for real? He was actually taking initiative to ask about someone?

Oh god, that person wasn't even a woman?

By chance was he gay? Oh my god! This would be a piece of groundbreaking news.

There were dazed, letting their imagination run wild, getting the best of them...


They could imagine what would this news do to those hopeless girls, they can actually hear the hearts breaking.


These weirdos looked at the Emperor as if he was an alien, gazing at him, wanted to know what was going on inside his head?

A/N: I am highly offended.

Justin felt a bit creeped out by their behaviour. He didn't understand what he said was so wrong for them to look at him like he just stole their girlfriends?...

He looked at them, as cold air seeping out of his body, he asked "What?"

Questioning them of their rude stares, where were their manners? In the toilet? A glint of light passed through Justin's eyes.

They were tonguetied, what can they say?

That Emperor are you possessed?

By chance have you given your maiden heart to a man?

Hah! If they have a death, for sure, go ahead.

Everyone composed themselves.

Adam didn't want to be beaten up by this Emperor so he looked at the Emperor, replying to his questions...

Slowly and mindfully, trying to give him as much detail as possible, seems like he was back in college giving a 20 mark detailed psychology essay, fish his life... Sniff...

"Allen Xi is my wife's adopted cousin, he was adopted in Xi family when he was 14 years old, although there isn't much information about him.

He has always kept his distance from people, but he is much closer to his second uncle Jason Xi's family than his own adopted family.

In addition to that he grew up closely with the daughters of the second household, hence he is technically the brother they never had.

Thus, he told his cousin sisters about his retirement.

I am not sure though since he disappeared after the elders passed away.

But, you should be able to recognise him, his name resounds in the business industry.

The well known antisocial young master Xi, the apple of the two elder Xi's eye's. Low-key but master mind of Xi Corps."

Adam sounded like he was a robot giving information, mechanically, others looked at him in pity, feeling sorry for him, but, Justin seems satisfied with Adam's response.

Justin Li nodded his head, of course, he knew that man, a man who kept himself away from the society but had full control of his situation.

But, Justin didn't realise Allen was a professor here and apparently he was a pushover too, to think he would have a such a character.

Now that's hard to believe, someone who rules the business world happens to be a weakling.

What bullshit? Justin was betting his life that this evil devil was no simple man.

He was even more intrigued to know more about this professor Xi.

While he was contemplating his sudden unusual interest to someone other than that woman, he heard a chuckle, it was none other than the stupid chatterbox.

Who couldn't shut his mouth once he opened it?

Jay found everything just amusing, feeling little excited of his findings he started discussing

"Don't you think those two siblings are well matched. Hehehe Justin, you should know?"

Justin looked confused what should he know? This stupid boy... or grown arse man.

Justin really wanted to roll his eyes at him.

Seeing everyone so confused, Jay just couldn't contain himself.

"Well you know, your cousin Jame's runaway bride, she happens to be deen Wang's favourite professor Xi's sister. Alina"

The name Alina made Justin heart thump, causing his heart to skip a heartbeat, this woman who has suddenly appeared in his life but disappeared from the face of the earth.

He has been looking for that crazy but enchanting woman for a month now, ever since he met her, he couldn't get a wink of peaceful sleep.

Justin wondered where she disappeared to?

He didn't really care about the fact that she was his cousin's runaway bride, he really wanted to see her and maybe possess her.

This was his sudden obsession, he had from meeting the woman just once, he felt like she was just meant for him.

Justin doesn't know if it's what they call love or desire to possess. Either way, he wanted to see her once again to confirm.

Now that he thought about both siblings were as mysterious, these two siblings were the heart and the eyes of the two elder Xi, thus they didn't have enough information on them. The elders truly knew how to hide their treasures.

He couldn't even find which university that veiled woman attended, as for Allen he was registered here in Metropolitan city university and he just found out.

These siblings had very eccentric personality, and he didn't really count Carolina, he has seen her hang out with James and knew a whole lot when he investigated the Xi family, hence he has no positive feelings toward the third child of Liam Xi.

However, It really was a coincident that both people were related, now that he thought about it, why did Allen's and Alina's aura seem so similar, maybe because they were related.

While Justin was lost in thoughts, Adam was intrigued "What about it?"

Jay was getting frustrated, why were these people so slow, even a snail was faster them.

"Don't you think it's mysterious how when Alina appears, Allen disappears. Now that Alina has disappeared, this Professor Allen is back. You guys don't find it fishy?

Both siblings have the tendency to disappear. You guys don't think there is more to it? I mean why do the siblings never appear together? What if?"

Justin looked thoughtfully at him, but shook his head, even though he was never seen the siblings together in person, the elders wouldn't take such a great risk, also both of the Xi heirs have been seen in televisions and other media outlets together.

Hence it was impossible, this guy and his imaginations. Smh

When Adam heard Jay, he burst out laughing, he couldn't continue himself

"You serious? Just because you haven't, doesn't mean others haven't seen them together. Just to clarify Allen is Allen and Alina is Alina. The elders aren't that outrageous to dress Alina up as a man"

Jay deflated like a balloon when he heard Adam and here he thought he has discovered something, Sheesh way to make himself a fool.

But, what they didn't realise was that Deen Wang was looking at them thoughtfully, he hasn't spoken after introducing his favourite person, he let the youngsters discuss about him.

He really enjoyed it but he didn't realize the one with less IQ would figure out something no one has discovered for years. Tsk

While each was lost in their own thoughts, someone started coughing "Em....we should leave?"

'???' Everyone was confused and then they looked around, oh lord Jay almost lost his balance.


Li & Xi illusion Box

Xi "If I happen to be man would you marry me?"

Li: "You are a man?, Let me check"

Xi: "..."