Where Did You Come From?

Eight Years Later And A Few Months Until The Release Of Love Yourself: Her

"A documentary?"

Kim Namjoon tried to process the words that their CEO, Bang Si Hyuk, had just uttered. The leader of Bangtan Sonyeondan, the rest of the members flanking him, was seated in the cozy office located on the top floor of the building which housed Big Hit Entertainment. The afternoon rays of light retracted against the smooth surface of the glassy windows and the room was warm, owing to the summer that had just enveloped the city in a sunny hue.

"But aren't we supposed to be working on our next album?" Min Yoongi interposed, chin resting on a calloused palm. Park Jimin and Jung Hoseok nodded in agreement and Namjoon raised a questioning eyebrow too.

Bang PD studied them seriously, the wheels in his head whizzing as he struggled to put forth the little idea that had taken root in his brain. "Well, yes. And this documentary will be a record of your journey as you create it." He looked at the expectant faces around him, though the features of the members were clouded with bewilderment. The CEO sighed as he addressed them again. "What I mean is, it would be interesting to document the making of the album from scratch instead of just releasing snippets in the form of Bangtan Bombs. I think it may be a source of delight for the fans. And a means of self-reflection for all of you."

Kim Taehyung's head snapped up at the last sentence as he registered Bang PD's words. "You mean recording our journey as we look inwards to produce new music?"

"Exactly!" Bang PD claimed excitedly. He had noticed that the boys, though at the height of their success, still required some introspection. As humble as they were, he wanted them to attain a truer sense of fulfillment, something that could be gained through a newer approach. Their Wings tour was nearing its end, and it was time to open a new chapter by paying a proper tribute to the ones that had preceded it.

"I think it's a good idea," Kim Seokjin began slowly as he glanced sidewards at Namjoon. "It may also be a good opportunity to familiarize fans with how our music is created and produced."

Namjoon nodded as he looked at Bang PD. "Are we announcing this project?"

The CEO shook his head. "No. It is a strictly confidential endeavor, one which will only be revealed upon completion. Till then, it has to be a closely guarded secret."

"And who will be shooting the documentary?" Jeon Jungkook piped up excitedly.

Bang PD beamed at him, relieved that the boys were displaying positive reactions. "A team from the MSL news station will be arriving at Big Hit to relay the particulars of the project. They'll be shooting it too."

"I'm kind of enthusiastic about this," Hoseok chimed as he surveyed his members. "I mean, it's not everyday we get to do something like this."

Namjoon was still dubious. He wasn't sure how much of a success this enterprise was going to be and he felt a little reluctant to share the most intimate processes of how he made his music even with people like his fans. He knew ARMY loved them unconditionally, but it was still a daunting prospect.

A cool hand patted his shoulder, the sensation penetrating Namjoon's reverie. He turned around, his eyes locking with Yoongi's as the older rapper shot him a reassuring smile. "It's going to be fine, Namjoon-ah. We're in this together."

"You bet we are!" Jimin added and Namjoon allowed himself to relax a little. How difficult could this be?


"Very difficult," Lee Mi Na snapped as she glared at the tall, lean woman seated across her desk. It had been a busy day at MSL and the Head of the Productions section had just about had it with the un-preparedness of her team. "This is a very difficult situation for us. So Min was supposed to be there over an hour ago!"

"So why am I being yelled at? Unless you didn't notice, I'm not Kang So Min," Hong Ji Ah drawled lazily as she met her boss's fiery gaze. Of course she was the one being reprimanded. So Min had decided today to be the day she took a leave without informing anyone. Least of all their fuming boss.

"Do I look like I care?" Mi Na retorted, her forehead creasing in irritation. She flung a paper note at Ji Ah who barely caught it in time. "Go to this address now. As So Min is a part of your sub-unit, you'll take over her neglected duty of visiting this agency and providing them with a schedule of the filming of the documentaty."

Ji Ah's eyes widened as her words sunk in. She was aware that the CEO of a famous and popular K-Pop boy band had signed a contract with MSL, though their identities had been on a strictly need-to-know basis owing to the importance of the project.

"You want me to go?" she asked uncertainly, her fingers instinctively reaching up to smooth her brunette tresses which had tumbled out of her bun.

Mi Na's eyes flared as she crossed her arms. "Do I look like I'm talking to empty space?"

Ji Ah rose, her hackles rising with indignation. "But today is supposed to be my day off!" She couldn't believe it. One day, she had had one day and even that had been rescinded. So Min was dead meat.

Mi Na resumed her position on the velvet seat, not meeting Ji Ah's eyes. "You can blame So Min for that. Most girls would die to cover this band.Now get over there."

Ji Ah's feet trudged out of the plush office as unwillingly as they had trudged out of her apartment at the sudden summons. But it couldn't be helped. She studied the words on the crumpled piece of paper as she revved the engine of her car. There were no names, only an address which led her to a remote part of Gangnam.

As Ji Ah parked her vehicle, approaching the entrance to the tall, glass-coated building, her eyes widened in surprise. She strode towards the revolving doors, her heart beating wildly as she realized where she was.

Big Hit Entertainment.

No. It had to be a mistake. Mi Na probably meant to write the address of EXO's agency or GOT7's or any other boy band which was not represented by Big Hit. Ji Ah was about to whip out her phone to call her boss when a tall, well-built man approached her. Round glasses perched atop the bridge of his somewhat pudgy nose as he extended a muscled hand towards her.

"You must be from MSL. I'm Manager Sejin. It's nice to meet you." He had a pleasant demeanor, but that did nothing to alleviate the anxiety which had pooled in Ji Ah's chest. All these years...no. She absolutely wouldn't think about that.

Ji Ah returned his greeting, resolving to regain her composure at all costs. This was her job. And she wouldn't let her past get in the way of it.

And besides, he probably didn't even remember her.

Sejin led the way through a series of corridors, finally halting at double glass doors. "So Bang PD is currently in a meeting. But a member of BTS will see you now."

Any hopes that Ji Ah might have harboured of the group being other than the one which had just been mentioned were instantly extinguished. But then again, that had happened the minute she had stepped foot into the building.

Focus, this is not the time to dwell on bygones.

Ji Ah took a deep breath as she entered the room. The first thing that struck her was the homely feel of it. It was probably one of the studios; instruments and technological apparel of all sorts were strewn about the space. Her discomfort had momentarily been forgotten until her eyes landed on the figure who had been standing in the middle of the room.

The man was tall, and dressed in beige pants and an oversized hoodie which hung loosely over his toned frame. Light brown locks spilled over his forehead but his hazel eyes were clearly visible. Eyes which were wide with shock as they studied her. Kim Namjoon had gone completely still the moment Ji Ah had walked in.

"Kim Namjoon."

Her conviction that he wouldn't remember her wavered with every second he stood there without speaking. But it was fully destroyed when he did speak.

"Hong Ji Ah!?"