
"Quick, Jungkookie, cover your eyes!" Hoseok yelled, placing his palm over the maknae's eyelids hurriedly in an attempt to censor the scene unfolding before them.

The youngest sighed at his Hyung's exaggerated actions. "You're already doing it for me, Hobi Hyung," he pointed out, pushing Hoseok's hand away.

Namjoon and Ji Ah stood frozen, not daring to move even a fraction. "This really isn't what it looks like," the rapper clarified, holding his hands up. Ji Ah nodded in agreement hastily but the maknae only smirked.

"Isn't that what they all say?" he accused them smugly, earning himself a smack from Hoseok whose expression was screaming at him to zip it.

Ji Ah broke the awkward silence which followed by reminding them of the Korean barbeque. Hoseok snagged the chance her prompt thinking provided and dragged the maknae away. He instructed Namjoon and her to follow them to the minivan which Seokjin had somehow convinced Sejin to let him drive.

Once the pair had stalked off, Ji Ah and Namjoon faced each other, their faces blank. The rapper's eyes seemed to affix themselves on a spot on the wall behind her. "We're never talking about this. Ever."

Ji Ah sniggered at his statement. "They will," she said, referring to Hoseok and Jungkook. Though the pair hadn't witnessed anything controversial, they had still caught Namjoon and Ji Ah in a contentious position.

The rapper shrugged, not meeting her gaze. "They'll forget about it eventually."

Even if he wouldn't.

Namjoon was surprised at the sudden formation of such a thought in his head, shaking it as if in an attempt to erase all that had just passed between him and Ji Ah.

The woman chuckled softly, grabbing her handbag from where it rested upon the dressing table. "C'mon, we've kept them waiting long enough."

Namjoon pulled himself out of his turbulent thoughts, following Ji Ah to the parking lot where the minivan waited for them. The doors slid open to reveal Hoseok and Jungkook seated in the rear with Seokjin at the wheel. Yoongi had called shotgun while Jimin and Taehyung had already departed for the diner.

"Finally," Yoongi drawled, turning his head to address them. "I thought we'd have to ask the 95-liners to get us takeout."

"It can't be helped, Hyung," Jungkook piped up cheekily. "Noona and Namjoon Hyung were tangled with something. Literally."

"Jeon Jungkook!" Hoseok remonstrated, flushing furiously while Yoongi simply stared at him in bewilderment.

Ji Ah faced sideways to see the red tint creep into Namjoon's cheeks and resisted the urge to laugh out loud. 

"Jin Hyung," the rapper cut in quickly before the maknae could do anymore damage. "Can you please just drive?"


Ji Ah squirmed in her seat, discomfiture lacing every molecule of oxygen in the van.

Hoseok fiddled with his thumbs, constantly gazing out of the window. Namjoon, seated beside her, was as stiff as a statue and Ji Ah wasn't sure if he was even breathing. The only signs of life he displayed were when the vehicle hit a bumper and his shoulder brushed against Ji Ah's, making him wince.

The maknae, on the other hand, grinned widely throughout the entirety of the ride, sniggering relentlessly and eventually forcing Seokjin to ask him what he seemed to find so funny.

The only person who refrained from engaging in any frivolous action was Yoongi, and that was because he had fallen asleep, being too exhausted to analyze the tension in the vehicle.

Ji Ah was more than relieved when they finally arrived at their destination. Namjoon couldn't jump out of the van any faster if he had tried and she watched, convulsing with laughter, as he stumbled in his haste to put a safe distance between them.

The group made its way into a modest restaurant, an oak door serving as the entrance. Namjoon pushed it open and was instantly welcomed by the aroma of sizzling beef. He could taste the whiff of soju lingering in the air, loud boisterous sounds floating towards them as they inched deeper into the restaurant. A partition separated the dining sections, each table swathed with spices and sauces of various kinds.

A shout alerted them to the booths which their companions had occupied, the excited faces of Taehyung and Jimin clearly visible through the smoky haze of grilled barbeque.

"We thought you'd never get here!" Jimin exclaimed, motioning to the empty seats that had been reserved for the latecomers.

A glare from Namjoon silenced the witty retort Jungkook was about to spew and they all plunked into the chairs, the delectable flavor of beef and meat making their mouths water.

Bang PD passed bottles of soju and cans of beer around, toasting to the success of the album and the health of all those present in his midst.

Ji Ah pondered if she should drink, acutely aware of her low alcohol tolerance. Her decision was made for her when Seokjin thrust a bottle into her hand, encouraging her to take a swig from it. Initially, Ji Ah did so reluctantly. But as time passed and the pieces of meat began to disappear, Namjoon noticed her refilling her glass more than once.

Ji Ah began to get tipsy and he watched in amusement as she challenged Yoongi to a drinking game. Namjoon already knew who would win, knowing his Hyung's high tolerance for alcohol.

And so he wasn't surprised when Ji Ah slammed her glass down, her face an unhealthy shade of white. Struggling to stand up, she excused herself to get some fresh air.

In their intoxicated states, nobody noticed Namjoon slip out after her. Seokjin and Sejin were exceptions to this being the designated drivers, and so was Jungkook who was still underage. But they didn't stop the rapper.

He found her by the sidewalk jutting out from the entrance towards the blinking lights of the street. The air was clammy and Ji Ah rubbed her face vigorously, trying to get a bearing on her surroundings.

Namjoon, who had managed to stay sober, plopped down beside her quietly. She turned to face him, her features shifting into a contorted smile.

"I think I'm going to puke," she slurred, her head beginning to loll forward. Namjoon clutched her arm to prevent her from sprawling face-first on the ground and chuckled.

"I'd be surprised if you didn't, especially after all that soju. Yoongi Hyung is a champion when it comes to such games."

"I knew I would lose," Ji Ah said after a while, her voice so low that Namjoon had to lean closer to discern her words. "I guess I just needed an excuse to go all out, you know."

Namjoon's eyes widened at her confession, wondering what could have been the cause of this indulgence. He received his answer when Ji Ah met his eyes, a sorrowful glint in them.

"And I think I'm going to lose our bet, too."

Namjoon smiled softly, loosening his grip on her elbow when he was sure she wouldn't topple over. "If it makes you feel any better, I don't really care about it anymore. I actually want you-"

"But I do!" Ji Ah interrupted him, her inebriation not dimming her vociferous eruption in the least. "I do care about it. I thought I would win, but now I know that I can't. Not against you, not anymore."

Namjoon didn't know how to answer, watching Ji Ah's features settle once more. Her voice grew milder as she lowered her head, her fringes falling over her eyes. "I'm not perfect. And I know that's what you used to think back when we were together. But I'm not. And I don't think I'll ever be worthy-"

It was the rapper's turn to interrupt her. "I disagree," he said firmly, lifting her chin so that their eyes met. "I think you're strong and brave and that you deserve every good thing that comes your way. Nothing will change that."

Ji Ah smiled, marveling at how convincing the man seated beside her could sound. She almost believed what he had just said. "When did you get so wise?"

Namjoon grinned at her. "You told me to love myself. That's exactly what I'm trying to tell you."

Ji Ah blinked, surprised that he still remembered the painful conclusion to their stormy relationship. Was it possible that something good had come of it?

She averted her gaze, fixing them on her entwined fingers and suddenly recalling their conversation at the cafe. "I miss them you know," she said in a low voice. "My family."

Namjoon nodded in understanding, beginning to comprehend the sensitivity that lurked beneath her sturdy exterior. He felt like the two of them were beginning to reconnect, this new, unnamed bond between them unfurling their innermost concerns.

"Then I think you know what you have to do," he reminded her gently and Ji Ah nodded almost imperceptibly. She knew exactly what he meant.

"I think we should go back in," she said after the two had shared a moment of companionable silence. "The others must be wondering where we are."

Namjoon highly doubted that but followed Ji Ah in anyway, steadying her whenever there was a risk of her falling flat on her face. The feast was proceeding in full swing and Bang PD had uncorked a bottle of wine, sloshing it into the glasses placed on their tables.

Ji Ah downed the wine in one gulp, dregs of the sweet substance trickling down her lips. A strong urge to wipe them away formed in the rapper's head but he mentally slapped himself. Get a grip on yourself, Kim Namjoon.

As the night dragged on, Ji Ah declared it was time for her to leave. "It's getting late, and I sense a migraine coming on," she said, her syllables distorted owing to the excessive alcohol she had ingested. So Min announced that she would hitch a ride with Jae Chan later, waving for Ji Ah to leave before her.

She nodded and tried to rise but her feet faltered as she almost tumbled to the ground. Namjoon held her arm, helping her stand as he scrutinized her dazed state.

"I don't want to let you go alone," he mumbled, almost too softly for the others to hear. But Ji Ah did, and she chuckled at him.

"Will you offer to drive me then?" she teased Namjoon and he blushed, scrambling for a reply, not missing the smirk Jungkook threw in his direction. Ji Ah shook her head with a smile and extricated her arm from his grasp.

"I would, but I can't drive," Namjoon finally said and she thanked him, stating that she would hail a cab. But before Ji Ah could leave, Seokjin's voice halted her in her tracks as he twirled the keys to the minivan.

"Well then, it's a good thing that I can."


Following the directions Ji Ah had given him, Seokjin pulled up in front of a tall building, imposing gates guarding against any intruders. Namjoon had accompanied them, wanting to make sure that Ji Ah got home safely much to his chagrin. He couldn't fathom why he cared when he knew that she was in the safe hands of his Hyung.

Ji Ah was snoring lightly, having been lulled into a deep slumber by the soothing motions of the vehicle. Namjoon looked her over carefully. "I think she's going to need help getting to her place."

Seokjin nodded and the rapper asked him to wait while he dropped Ji Ah off. Delicately extracting her from the cozy cavern of the van, Namjoon slung her arm around his shoulders, his arm wrapping around Ji Ah's waist. Her inebriation impeded her from taking even a step without slipping, and he had to hold her tight.

Ji Ah had told them her flat number in advance and Namjoon had no trouble finding her apartment. Fumbling with the keys that he had recovered from her bag, the rapper twisted the door open, the automatic overhead lights coming on as they staggered into Ji Ah's dwelling. He guided the semi-conscious woman across the dimly lit living room and into the spacious bedroom which she shared with So Min.

Namjoon flipped on the lights and had almost reached Ji Ah's bed, which he recognized by way of the frames cluttered over the bedside table, when he almost tripped on an object.

The rapper miraculously avoided a painful fall, cautiously laying Ji Ah on the bed and bending to investigate the cause of the hindrance. His eyes widened as his hands closed around a pair of handcuffs which had been strewn on the floor. Studying them, Namjoon's eyes flitted over to Ji Ah's prostrate form and wondered if they belonged to her.

He straightened, moving towards the assistant videographer, a sneaking suspicion taking root in his mind. "No way. Are you into something weird?" But even as the words left Namjoon's mouth, he blushed, impulsively envisioning a most inappropriate scenario. What the hell is the matter with me? he chided himself.

He turned to leave when Ji Ah's arm shot out suddenly, pulling Namjoon towards her. He couldn't break the fall, landing right next to the drunk woman. The rapper tried to wriggle out of her grasp, but Ji Ah held fast, squinting at him.

"Joon-ah," she whispered softly, the scent of wine still fresh on her full lips, lips Namjoon couldn't seem to tear his eyes from. "Will you stay?"

His breathing stilled, ragged breaths escaping him. Ji Ah reached out, seizing the handcuffs. And before Namjoon could realize what she was doing, the brunette-haired woman had clasped them around his wrist, handcuffing the rapper to her bedpost.

Ji Ah giggled sultrily while Namjoon stared at his cuffed hand in utter disbelief. "You can't leave now, Joonie."

"Where are the keys to this?" he demanded frantically but Ji Ah had already nodded off, her hair falling across Namjoon's shoulder as she leaned on him.

The rapper could hardly grasp the situation, struggling to free his hand but to no avail. And from where he stood, or rather lay, there was no other choice.

Namjoon was going to have to spend the night in his ex-girlfriend's bed. With her in it.