Boy With Luv

"Hello America!" Hoseok whistled, fiddling with the straps of his backpack and gliding down the sloping incline of the exit at the LAX. The sun beat upon the asphalt, rays of light bouncing off the sleek suitcases the staff were hauling into the two vans appointed to drive the members to their hotel. They had landed in the States a couple of days before their upcoming performance at the 'AMA's' and the boys were bursting with uncontrollable energy and nervousness.

Namjoon pulled his cap over his forehead to conceal his silver hair, not that it made any difference if the cheering hoard of ARMYs gathered outside the airport to await and welcome their arrival was anything to go by. "Well, boys, this is our time to shine."

Hoseok seemed to have taken this statement to heart for he was quite literally glowing, drenched in the bright sunlight. The young man was twitching and exclaiming in his usual booming voice and Namjoon had to stifle a laugh at the annoyed glares Yoongi shot him as they piled into the vans. Settling against the comfortable seats, he flipped out his phone to text Ji Ah, inquiring the time of their estimated landing. The videography team had boarded a flight a few hours after BTS owing to a few preparations they had to see to before flying.

"Texting your girlfriend?" Taehyung whispered from behind him and the rapper jerked his head up at the question. The younger man's features had shifted into his trademark boxy smile, grinning at him knowingly and the rapper didn't miss the sniggers that echoed in the enclosed space of the vehicle.

Privy to the identity of the culprit behind this little revelation, Namjoon inwardly groaned. "Hobi, you really need to learn to keep secrets," he sighed and Jimin coaxed his face into displaying mock hurt to tease the aggrieved rapper.

"Secrets? You weren't going to tell us, Hyung?" he whined in a singsong voice, earning him an exaggerated eye roll from Yoongi. The van was lolling down the bustling streets of Los Angeles, palm trees flanking the smooth roads and eager tourists milling about the lively city. The weather was pleasant and anticipation rippled in the atmosphere of the vehicle as the members waited for Namjoon's response.

"Oh, c'mon! You know I suck at keeping secrets, Namjoonie," Hoseok clarified cheerfully and his friend scowled at him. "Besides, you'd have to tell them at some point right?" He raised his eyebrows for emphasis, wriggling them and Namjoon chuckled despite himself.

"Well, of course I was going to tell you guys. But I wanted Ji Ah to be comfortable with it first, you know," he explained, watching the members nod in comprehension. "I didn't want any untoward complications after finally having reached this turning point with her."

Yoongi's brows furrowed as he twisted in his seat to face Namjoon. "So are you guys an official thing now?"

Namjoon bit his lip before answering. Honestly, he still didn't know exactly what they were. Ji Ah had been vague about the details, always brushing him off when he brought up the matter of tagging their relationship. Though he knew that that wasn't important, that labels were unnecessary, he still wanted some kind of validation which the videographer seemed uncertain about giving him.

It's okay, he thought. We'll get there.

He was aware that Ji Ah feared tainting his reputation with any unwanted scandal, probably the reason why she had refused to let him announce anything just yet. We have time, Joonie, she had assured him, let's find our way back to each other first. And Namjoon had agreed, like he always agreed to anything she said.

"I wouldn't say that just yet," he replied after what seemed like an eternity to the impatient Yoongi. "But we're definitely together."

"And here I thought we'd be hearing of the maknae's exploits first," the older rapper muttered with a glint in his eyes while the other members whooped and thumped Namjoon's back. Jungkook's eyes widened at the statement, a chortling Taehyung falling across the aisle, his body contorting with laughter.

"Hyung!" Jungkook complained, his face flushing but this just made the others laugh harder. It was only when the chaotic sounds threatened to spill through the crevices of the partition separating them from the driver and Sejin in the front that Seokjin hushed them all.

"Alright, that's enough laughing. We can't risk anybody knowing about this," he pointed out seriously and then addressed Namjoon in a rare moment of solemnity. "You know she could lose her job over this, right? That you could both be fatally scathed?"

The rapper did know. The thought had constantly been poking the back of his mind but he always buried it in the deep chasms of his ruminations. Especially when Ji Ah whisked him away on a quiet date for a few stolen moments of privacy, or when she looped their elbows, laughing at some silly joke Namjoon had cracked, or when she was lying next to him, her hair spread over the soft pillows of her bed, her breathing erratic as their fingers intertwined, as their bodies connected in nothing but pure ecstasy and contentment coursing through their bones. "I'm well aware of that fact, Hyung. But don't worry. We're going to be careful until the time is right for us to make this public."

"What if that time never comes for the foreseeable future, Joon-ah?" Yoongi voiced the biggest concern plaguing Namjoon over the past few weeks of bliss and comfort he had enjoyed with the videographer. Something still lurked beneath their reconciliation but he couldn't put a finger on it. Gritting his teeth, he knew that it was a legitimate concern and the older rapper had every right to put it across.

"It will." The finality in his voice was inarguable, signaling the end of the discussion. Yoongi stared at him for a few seconds, his eyes fixed on the younger rapper in silent understanding. Then he smiled softly, sliding down into his seat again.

"For your sakes, I hope to god it does."


The towering hotel was almost imposing, its glossy exterior aglow with the light retracting against it. The pinnacle of the 'Elite Pier' jutted towards the sky, its tip obscured by the hovering clouds floating over it. Ji Ah whistled, lugging her suitcase through the revolving glass doors and surveying the atrium. It was twice the size of MSL's lobby, potted plants placed in neat rows on the fringes of the area. The floor to ceiling windows provided a breathtaking view of the foyer leading to the gardens and many swimming pools built for recreation. Plush sofas and tiny carved tables occupied every inch of the space in a clash of velvet and silver, mausoleum tiles reflecting blurry silhouettes and shadows.

While Jae Chan made inquiries concerning the floors assigned to Bangtan and their staff at the reception desk, Ji Ah plopped onto a sofa, whipping her phone out to call Namjoon. The feeling of addressing him as her boyfriend again was still too foreign, but with every passing minute and each feathery touch, the videographer was warming up to the idea. The call went straight to voicemail and she considered redialing when Jae Chan strode towards them. So Min and Kang Soo both looked up from where their heads had been nestled in their arms, exhausted due to the jet lag.

"So it turns out that Bangtan is currently out for an interview," he explained, eyeing his watch carefully. "They'll be back in about an hour so we have some time to rest before we accompany them to the 'AMA' rehearsals."

So Min groaned tiredly. "Inteview? Didn't they just land like three hours ago?"

"There's a reason they're deemed so hardworking, So Min," Kang Soo pointed out seriously and the woman frowned, swatting his arm.

"Yeah, thanks, Sherlock. Like I didn't know that already." She continued glowering while Kang Soo struggled to keep a straight face. After a few minutes of light-hearted banter during which Jae Chan and Ji Ah assembled their luggage in place to ensure everything was in order, the videographer's phone buzzed in her coat pocket.


Hey, love. In the middle of an interview. See you at the hotel?]

Ji Ah was aware she was blushing and inevitably drawing attention from her companions. She couldn't believe she was fawning over something as simple as a text message. [How is it going?]


Good actually. We're currently taking a break so I can talk. Guess what?]



The interviewer asked us to tell him something about each of us that nobody knows. Know what I told him?]

[I'm not telepathic, Joon, so you'll have to enlighten me.]

Ji Ah could imagine the toothy grin on the rapper's face at her reply and smiled. But that smile was instantly replaced by a raging flush in her cheeks when Namjoon texted his answer.


I told him I'm currently wearing black underwear.]

"Who're you texting? You look like you've been to hell and back." She faintly registered So Min's voice in the background but could barely think straight enough to muster a reply.

Hell indeed, but of the best kind.


Why don't you tell me, too?]

[Tell you what?]


The colour of your underwear.]

Ji Ah was certain her embarrassment was painted all over her face now. She wasn't an actor like Taehyung nor nearly as skilled as Seokjin to master her emotions which were currently all over the place and overpowering her senses. Getting a grip, she was adamant to have the last laugh over her quirky boyfriend.

[Why don't you find out yourself?]

She couldn't believe what she had just typed as a reply but the videographer didn't have time to dwell on it as Namjoon's text flashed before her eyes.


...Well, there goes my self-control. You better be prepared to take responsibility.]

The videographer grinned gleefully at her victory but she couldn't deny the bubbly feeling spreading through her veins. She felt a few pairs of eyes on her, quickly looking up to see Jae Chan staring at her intently. "Everything okay?"

Ji Ah nodded but wasn't certain if she should elaborate. Something about the way the head videographer was looking at her should have sounded alarm bells, but she was too excited by the prospect of seeing Namjoon to register the warning in Jae Chan's eyes. Tugging at their bags, the videography team boarded the elevator to the 37th floor on which all of the Big Hit staff and Bangtan were staying.

To her surprise and happiness, Ji Ah's room was just a couple of doors down Namjoon's and a sudden idea gripped her. Once Jae Chan and Kang Soo had checked into their room and So Min had towed her bags into the one she would be sharing with her friend, Ji Ah tiptoed down the hallway towards the housekeeping cart. As she had expected, the housekeeper was in the process of cleaning one of the rooms and she approached the stout, kind-faced woman cautiously.

"Excuse me," Ji Ah said in perfect English, "but I was wondering if you'd be able to let me into one of the rooms on this floor." The woman asked why, raising her eyebrows with just a hint of suspicion when Ji Ah tried to assume an innocent demeanor. "You see, my boyfriend has the cardkey and I really wanted to surprise him." She pouted at the softening woman, raising her voice just an octave higher. "It's his birthday you see."

Somehow, it worked. Maybe because the housekeeper actually believed her or maybe she couldn't care less but the woman swiped a master-card against the lock to Namjoon's door, pushing it open. Ji Ah thanked her sweetly, stepping into the room and shutting the door behind her. It was spacious, gilded glass windows providing a startling view of the sprawling city. Twin beds were pushed against the walls, a lamp stand and ornate desk placed between them. A small coffee table with round chairs was positioned near the window and a steamed glass partition cordoned off the bathroom, the hazy outline of a huge bath tub visible within its confines. A large couch had been situated adjacent to the beds, the soft leather the colour of Namjoon's eyes.

One of his shirts hung from the hangers in a rustic wardrobe and Ji Ah wondered who his roommate was. She found her answer in the form of a Gucci tie looped around the chair placed before the dressing table. Laughing to herself softly, Ji Ah perched atop one of the beds and waited for Namjoon to return.

After roughly an hour, the videographer heard footsteps growing closer and laughter echoing in their wake. She instantly jolted up as her boyfriend entered the room, his jaw going slack when his eyes landed on her. The light caught in his silver hair, a similar light on his face when he saw her.

"Ji Ah!" The rapper almost sprinted towards the bed, wrapping his strong arms around her waist. "Don't tell me you broke in again," he stated amusedly, pulling her into a hug and squeezing her. "I can't have a convict for a girlfriend if they catch you on the CCTV cameras, you know." Ji Ah simply rolled her eyes and they fell backwards on the mattress, chuckling and grinning at the clumsiness of their movements. "But I'm glad you're here. I missed you."

"It's been all of, what, a day since we last saw each other?" she teased but the rapper refused to bite the bait. Instead, he opted to push her fringes out of her eyes and Ji Ah reveled in his touch. "How has it been going so far?"

Namjoon tilted his head, a thoughtful look in his orbs, his fingers playing with her hair. "It's been great. The reception has been positive regarding our debut here and I think it's going to go well. The interviewers seemed excited, too."

Ji Ah scoffed but Namjoon could discern the pride on her face. "Of course. And speaking of interviews," Ji Ah's eyes darkened as she gazed at him, "What the hell was that reply?"

The rapper laughed, his eyes crinkling and his arms tightening their grasp around her waist. "I remember you being pretty forward with your answer, too."

Ji Ah merely smiled, dragging her fingertip down Namjoon's chin and all the way to his clothed navel. "Well, I wasn't kidding, you know."

A heady darkness clouded the rapper's eyes, his lips mere inches away from hers. Ji Ah pulled him in for a kiss, the distance between them shrinking when a rumbling sound caught their attention. The pair froze, pupils dilating in fear as they looked at each other.

"Shit! I think it's the boys-"

"Namjoon Hyung, you're in there right? We have a guest who's here to meet us!" Taehyung called out merrily and Ji Ah hardly had the span of a few seconds to slip out of the rapper's grasp and slide under the bed, the narrow space barely enough to conceal her frame. Namjoon bolted to his feet as the door swung open, quickly straightening his hair. The owner of the Gucci tie ambled in, the rest of the members following along with none other than Steve Aoki.

Steve Aoki was in Namjoon's hotel room with the rapper's girlfriend hiding under one of the beds. Isn't this just great? he lamented internally.

As it turned out, the bed in question belonged to Taehyung who plunked on it, the sudden weight causing the strings to creak and Ji Ah winced. Of all the places to be caught in the act.

"RM! So good to see you man!" Steve was saying, shaking Namjoon's hand and simultaneously hugging him. Jimin had seated himself on the leader's bed, Jungkook beside him. Yoongi and Hobi occupied the chairs while Seokjin, Steve and Namjoon took the couch. "I'm so glad we could meet."

"Steve, hey! Yeah, this is great," Namjoon stuttered, still reeling from the shock. But he composed himself, not wanting to alert the members to anything remiss. He just hoped Ji Ah could hold out long enough for them to be alone again. "So what's up?"

"Steve Aoki Sunbaenim says he has something to announce," Yoongi declared, an excited lilt to his tone which was mirrored on the rest of Bangtan's faces. "So we decided to gather in your room. Jungkook's idea."

Namjoon shot an irate look in the innocently clueless maknae's direction and forced a smile, turning to face Steve. "What is it?"

The longhaired man smiled, his eyes wild with enthusiasm. "How would you guys feel about a 'MIC Drop' remix?"

Namjoon could only stare, unable to believe his words. Yes, they had wanted to collaborate with western artists to rediscover their own strengths and weaknesses and improve their music. But with someone like Steve Aoki? It was like a dream come true, daunting but exhilarating at the same time.

"I'm down!" Hoseok exclaimed and Jungkook bobbed his head in assent. Namjoon found himself agreeing too, but decided it was too soon to make any decision. The other members voiced their interest and the leader promised Steve that he would get back to him with the details pertaining to the collaboration. The man agreed, smiling and hugging all of them once more as he bid them a happy farewell, inviting them over to his house, an invitation Namjoon gratefully accepted.

"Do you guys realize how big this is? A bloody remix with Steve Aoki himself!" Yoongi said with the most fervour he had displayed ever since stepping foot in the States. "We're really and truly about to go worldwide."

"Hey, I have an idea! How about involving Desiigner too?" Jungkook suggested and the others keenly noted what he had to say. Namjoon was fascinated by the prospect, but he was also worried about Ji Ah. Glancing at Taehyung's bed, he wondered how she was faring in that claustrophobic space.

But before he could invent an excuse to usher them all out of the room, he watched in horror as Taehyung accidently dropped his phone and in his haste to retrieve it, pushed it further under the bed with the heel of his foot. The silver-haired man sprawled on the ground on all fours, while Ji Ah held her breath in absolute terror. She shifted slightly to move away but Taehyung chose that very moment to look under the bed, his eyes growing wide with shock.


But the woman silently held a finger against her lips in a pleading gesture and Taehyung gulped quickly. The members had turned towards him at the slight rise of his tone, questioning looks on their faces. Yoongi was studying him queerly and Namjoon resisted the urge to bury his face in his hands. "Ji?"

"Ji Chang Wook is an amazing actor!" Taehyung blurted out in an attempt to rectify his earlier outburst, bumping his head against the lamp in his attempt to rise. The members burst out laughing at his fumbling words and Namjoon relaxed when the younger man ushered them all out under the pretext of visiting the restaurant to grab some food. It didn't take time for the boys to agree, hunger gnawing at their empty stomachs.

Once the room was silent again, Ji Ah heaved in relief, sliding out of her hiding place. Namjoon had an apologetic look on his face, his palms splayed out in a placating motion. "Sorry about that!" He grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers and pulling her close. "So where were we again?"

Ji Ah breathed in his scent, their bodies falling against the mattress, their arms around each other. It was enough to make her relinquish all hold on reality, enough to quench all her doubts about their future. It was enough to make her believe that this would last, that they would last.

Never once realizing how easy it would be for their time to run out.