The Devil

"Yah! Put me down right now jerk!"

"Hey! I said stop moving. You already hurt my back badly Althea!"

"Don't blame me. This is your fault."I shouted back. "Hey, hey, hey! Don't tell me...."

"Definitely yes!" he said and throw my back to the passenger seat carelessly. "Don't try yourself to escape or else you will have to pay double!"

"Crazy bastard!" I yell as soon as he seats on the driver seat. He didn't throw me back bad words instead he lean on me. His lips was few cintemeters away from mine and it almost touch my lips.

" What are you doing?" I ask helplessly. Afraid to move even a little bit. I found his hand holding the seatbelt and attach each ends to my stomach. As soon as what he did absorb to my dirty mind, I breath heavily for the realization.

"What do you think I am doing? Did you expect my kiss?"

"Bastard! What's wrong with you?" I ask. I feel like my chicks now are red.

"Wait until we will arrive Althea! You can call me anything what you want." then he grinned.

I don't know where we are going. The place is unfamiliar to me. What I am sure is I almost have a heart attack for the whole ride. He drives his car in an overspeed. We even almost hit the motorbike in front of us who was on his stop on the crossing section.

"Why are we here?" hesitant and afraid but still I ask him.

"I said why did you bring me here?" instead of answering my question, he grab my wrist and pull me over to the door.

"I swear to God, I will kill you if you will not release my wrist right now Paul!"

"I told you I will make sure you will regret for saying those words Althea!" he said angrily. I never thought he was serious as what he'd said earlier. Fear start to emerge on me as soon as he succeeded on grabbing me inside to his condo.

"What are you doing Paul? Stop whatever you are planning or else I will scream and ask for help." tears starts to form in my eyes. I don't know but I feel like his aura suddenly darkened.

"Scream?" he said angrily then push me brutally to the couch. " Make sure that you will scream louder that all the neighborhood can hear!"

"Paul...stop!" I pleaded but he didn't listen. He pull my hair and kiss me bitterly. I close my mouth making sure he cannot go inside and for the unsatisfaction. All of a sudden, he stop kissing me and place his weight on top of me. He start unbottoning my polo shirt. I was dumbfounded but still tried myself with all I can enable to stop him. Unfortunately, not later on, he successfully undress my upper part.

"Damn you!" I utter between my fears and tears. He didn't seem to notice me and continued what devilishly he was doing. Not satisfied, he easily carry me to his room and lay me down to his bed. Feeling lost of the game, I surrendered myself letting him whatever he want to do. Tears fall from eyes continuously but he didn't even care. He was about to pull over my pants when the door suddenly opened and a lady in her mid 40 entered!

"OH MY GOD Paul!" her reaction then she automatically step aback and close the door again.

"!" he said annoyingly and slap his forehead. He slightly move from me and seats at the other end of the bed.

"I'm sorry!" he utter. I pull over his white comforter to cover my body. Unluckily, my polo shirt was in his couch. Not willing to move, dumbfounded, and devastated of what he did, I keep on lying from his bed facing opposite to his direction waiting for him to go outside.

"Who is she?" I heared the lady ask him when I came out from the room. As soon as they feel my presence, both the pair of eyes darted to me. Only the towel was covered to my upper part. Without wasting any time, I excuse myself and huriedly pick my things on the couch and took my way back to his room without any choice left.

"You should have to marry her!"

"No, I can't mom! All of this are just a mistake. You should not take it seriously!

"Then you should have think your actions at the very beginning Paul. You should have control yourself. And what now, you don't want to take your responsibility? And when did your father and I teach you to become like this, huh?"

"This is normal nowadays mom. And I believe that you know that. This is not a big deal."

"May I excuse myself Ma'am but I agree to your son." I said angrily. "Beside I prefer marrying a person who doesn't have anything but willing to take his responsibilities. Not like the others that they used only their physical attribute to attract an animals."

"Did you just throw an insult to me Althea?" he asked angrily.

"Did I?" I asked innocently while staring him like I dig a knife trough his eyes. "And.... I apologize to say this..... but I didn't see your son as a husband material even a little bit on my own perspective." I continue with my pouting lips. If only be given a chance for a special award, I will be the best actress right now.

"Oh, and I forgot also to say this Ma'am, your son was excellent and recommendable in bed but his brain is totally damage. I think he has a crack brain and check up is badly needed for him."

He didn't let me finish talking instead he pull my arm using all his force and his fingers are digging on my skin painfully. As we went on their backyard, he push me cruelly that I was almost shove to the ground if only I didn't keep my balance on an instant.

"You exclude my mom here Althea or else...." he started.

"Or else what? Huh? Are the big predator has just lost his pride? Did I just hit the bullseye?" then I laugh sarcastically.

"Don't pretend as if you hate me Althea but deep inside in yourself, you also have the intense longing of me. You don't have to express yourself like you are disgusted to me but the truth is totally opposite.

"Wow! You are really unbelievable!" I exclaimed out of frustration. "Do you want to give it a try? I challenge you?"

"What do you want?" he asked confused of my offer.

"1 month. I will give you the whole month to prove your damn accusation. Let us see if I am really longing to be with you."

"Are you confident with your decision? Do you think you can resist me for the whole month?"

"I dare you!" I said confidently with my head raising

"Deal!" he agreed.