Life Must Go On

"Althea, did you inspect already the engines downstairs?"

"Yes sir! Engr. Rexor has already done troubleshooting it. But there is some errors in the component parts of electric machine in the laboratory room."

"Good. You ask Rexor to check it and make sure to assist him."

"Ok sir." I answered politely. That was Engr. Osbert Ong, our manager here.

Six months past already and I am here now working in a private company as a casual mechanical engineer. Eventhough I don't have a high salary like how the other engineers paid here, I still took this opportunity temporarily for my financial stability. This opportunity also will surely lead me to develop and enhance my skills in this trade area.

I'm not yet a licensed engineer since I didn't took the board examination last schedule because of the situation I have right now. Last few months, I insisted to my parents that I want to travel and find a job that suited to my taken course. And luckily, they agreed but reprimanded me to take care of myself considering that I'm baring my child.

I am already six months pregnant and my tummy is getting bigger and bigger as the time goes on. As of now, I'm renting an apartment near the company where I'm employed. My income is not enough to share it to my family. I have to pay three thousand for my apartment every month. I also have to pay for my monthly check-up not including the vitamins and other maintenance for the baby. I also have to set aside of my salary for my monthly allowance including foods and other basic necessities. Not to mention my savings for the preparation for my due date soon.

Last few months, I've work here in the company at the daytime then do my sideline job at nights. I had experienced online selling, buy and sell some beauty products, and also tried to sell streetfoods like fish ball, tempura, chickens intestines and etc. I almost tried everything as much as possible just to earn some money but not anymore until last month when I thought it was risky for the baby. But all the sleepless nights and struggles was paid off when I saved almost nine thousand in my savings unknowingly.

I did all of these so that I don't need to rely on my parents. I don't want to hear from them anymore for blaming me that this was all my fault. That I didn't consider them for paying them back for all their sacrifices just to send me off to the school.

As time goes on, just few months to wait for my due date. Luckily, my co workers are always considerate to me. Most specifically the higher-up in our department who happened to be Engr. Rexor, my superior.

As of now, the engineering department told me to assist only my superior and no need for heavy workloads. And that is what I just need to do for the whole duration of the remaining months before I will take my 3 months leave.

"Engr, I already notified sir Osbert about the troubleshoot you've done downstairs. And right now he ask me to assist you to inspect the errors in the laboratory room."

"Okay, you come with me but I don't need an assistant. I told you many times that you have to free yourself from stress. You didn't always listen to your superior." he explained then slightly tungle my hair and chuckled.

"But I've just got bored waiting inside the office and these will serve as my exercise anyways."

"Okay. okay. But right now, I just need you to check the tools needed and ask some staff to bring it here. I just need to check some connections."

"Ai Ai Sir!" then I form a salute facing him like a military. He somehow smiled.

"You always have this little craziness that I like." he commented then pinch my pointed nose.

"Ouch, it hurts!" I commented then gesturing like he pinch my nose hardly.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean it. " then he raised his two palms then we both chuckled.

After few minutes, I return to the laboratory room with the other staff who brings the needed tools.

"By the way, how many months are left before your due date Althea?" one of my co workers asked.

"3 months more, and I can hold the little hand of my angel soon" I answered while caressing my belly lovingly.

" You are gifted enough for having a baby in that young age Althea."

"I know. But I'm afraid for the future. I've always thinking if I can raise my child alone soon?"

"Trust your self Althea. Don't forget that God is always in our side."

" And you always have us if you need anything Althea. We will surely support you. Financially, emotionally and even spiritually. Don't hesitate to bother us if you badly needs our help. We are grateful to extend our assistance for you and for your child." Engr. Rexor added the statement of our co worker.

"Why not bother to accept Rexor in your heart Althea? As far as I know, this handsome guy escorted you since the first month after you were hired here."

"Nah, I'm nothing compared to this highly valuable superior engineer." I commented cheaplesly.

"I don't know why but this girl is always looking down her self. She seems to neglect my sincerity all the times." then he hild his right chest gesturing like he was hurt deeply but not in a serious way.

Reminiscing the moments few months before where he insisted to escort me and must win my heart. At first, he doesn't know about my pregnancy but not later on until I told him. Six years is the gap between us. I admits that he had the perfect look, handsome to be exact. Not counting his points as a licensed engineer but still know how to stand as humble as always. Though, he already know the fact that I am pregnant, he still pursue to escort me. He was willing to stand as a father to my child. But I declined him again and again until he accept the fact that I just wanted him as a friend and nothing more.

I don't want to pass him the responsibility as a parent. But eventhough I turned him off, he didn't stop supporting me financially and emotionally

But one thing I was proud of my superior was he knows how to separate business and personal matters. He never hold any grudges. In fact, he still continues visiting and never fails bringing fruits to my apartment. However, he reminded me that he was not courting me anymore so no need to feel uneasiness.

If we are in the work, we act like a normal employee doing their duties and responsibilities and I always remember our boundaries as my superior and me as his assistant. But during off time duty, we also act like a close friend and sometimes as my big brother. There are times were I ask him to cook something, buy anything what I'm craving for and sometimes listen to my nonsense emotional problems.

"What's wrong Althea?" Rexor asked as he observed my facial expression. I slightly bend and hold my belly not tightly.

"I don't know, I feel a dull back pain right now but I'm not sure. I don't know what is the cause of my upset stomach since yesterday also. And, a countless nights that I can't sleep."

"Did you already have your monthly check-up?"

"Not yet. My schedule will be this coming Friday." I answered in a soft tone. "I think I can hold it anymore. It really... hurts. I need to sit"

"I think you need a rest. How about I will send you off to your apartment? And I will tell the manager that you are not feeling well today." he offered.

"Can I? I took a lot of absences already. Is it really okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Althea, I'm too afraid of your situation right now!" he exclaimed. "Why do you look so pale? Do you feel something unusual? Not the usual pain you experience like a usual symptoms of pregnant?"

"I.... I ...think I'm going to faint..."