Passing The Government Exam | 2nd Class Police Sergeant


"Brother Shi,, turn that damn alarm off!"

An awfully high-pitched voice surprised Shi Xiaofei as he woke up. His head hadn't even left the pillow before someone came beside him and turned off the alarm.

Somehow, the voice was really familiar in a nostalgic way. It was as if someone familiar from the past was talking to him!

Suddenly, the experience of being shot and killed returned to him as his body fervently spasmed.

Shi Xiaofei wasn't as dumb to jump into assumptions like he was reincarnated or drugged; his first assumption was that he was dumped somewhere and was still alive.

Yet his assumption was destroyed the moment he saw the scenery before him.

The white sheets of the bed heavily contrasted the dark but mediocrely decorated room. Judging by the expensive stuff around there, he was in a hotel room.

Along with him on the bed was a sickly, pale half-naked man. His features were glossy and handsome, but he was staring at Shi Xiaofei like he saw someone wake up after three eternities.

The man barked, "Brother Shi, did you take heroine before sleeping or something? Hurry up, the exam's gonna start soon!"

Shi Xiaofei's eyebrows erratically spasmed as he looked around in confusion. The man on the bed rolled his eyes and ran towards the bathroom; knowing Shi Xiaofei would run there if he didn't first.

Ignoring the pressing feeling in his guts, Shi Xiaofei felt that he understood why everything was so familiar to him. Turns out, he was dreaming!

After a few moments of silence, an empty feeling began to grow in his chest as he leaked out a small chuckle.

It was an agonizing feeling: being deserted by all of your close ones and having your ambitions destroyed. Then having a dream like this...

Shi Xiaofei disliked having his dreams be broken. But the thing he disliked more was believing in dead dreams becoming alive.

Shi Xiaofei was sure, that his injured body was drowning in garbage or was about to be shredded to pieces in a meat grinder.

While he was deep in contemplation, his eyes found its way to a calendar and saw the date.

28th January, 2017.

2017...that year, he was 22 and fresh meat coming straight from university. His grades were mediocre, and so were his connections; turning him into a nobody in the world.

Shi Xiaofei burrowed his eyebrows.

He never saw a dream this...realistic.

Unfortunately, his thoughts were answered by someone other than him.

A deep, but cold voice rang out in Shi Xiaofei's head that startled him so much, he ended up jumping from his bed.

' I have bad news for you unfortunately, this isn't a dream. And neither are you still alive.'


At first Shi Xiaofei was just surprised. But moments later he heard a snap in his mind and stopped panicking.

'Do you understand now? I have took you back to the past. Now all that's left is, for you to pass this day.'

The voice left as mysteriously as it had appeared. Leaving no satisfaction to Shi Xiaofei's anxious and inquisitive heart, but he at least had his basic inquiries answered.

Shi Xiaofei wasn't in a dream; at least that much he understood after the voice in his head inserted a few memories in his head.

After being shot, he was instantly dead. There were no ifs and buts to the story, as he could certify that he was actually in pain that moment.

Shi Xiaofei wasn't in a dream; he was transported to the past. For what reason and how, he didn't know as an explanation wasn't offered to him. But all he knew was that, he was reborn and given a chance to live life again.

Shi Xiaofei wordlessly rubbed his aching forehead. He didn't know how he was so calm, but facing such a situation...he wasn't sure if he should be excited or fearful.

Nonetheless, a calm burst of relief came from his chest and cooled him down. Living life once again didn't sound so bad to him...

...since he had favors to repay.

Being from the future had its benefits...

Shi Xiaofei smirked brightly and looked at the calendar again. Today was 28th January; a recruitment drive was recently started by the Police. And hearing about it, he had hurriedly applied for the exam.

Be it the past or the future, the one thing Shi Xiaofei was crazy for was power. And government jobs were nothing but a way to get power!

Shi Xiaofei clicked his tongue. The examination he applied for was a 3rd Class Sergeant post; a post that was way below even the people that used to kiss the asses of his subordinates! But what could he do? He had to make do with what he could.

In his past life, Shi Xiaofei failed in this exam. But later down his life he joined the police in a higher post. Although the only downside was that he was way too old back then.

This time, Shi Xiaofei wouldn't waste too much of his youth. Last time, he thought he could do whatever he wanted to do, because he hadn't faced reality yet. Now, he would do whatever he could to become influential.

Shi Xiaofei was sure he'd pass this exam this time, because after years of giving exams, his brain had evolved. And further more...

He remembered the questions that came in the exam. Even though he didn't remember them that clearly, he was sure a few dozen would turn up on the exam.

The pale man from before burst out from the bathroom and faced Shi Xiaofei. "Yo, I finished reliving myself! You can go in now, don't take too much time though."

Shi Xiaofei nodded. He didn't remember the name of the man, but he remembered that his nickname was Lou and he came together with him for the exam. Lou and him both were from the same town, but from different universities so they weren't acquainted with each other that much.

The further reason he didn't remember Lou was because Shi Xiaofei didn't pass the exam but Lou did. And because of that, Lou became the living example of 'carp becoming a dragon` in his village and drifted far away from Shi Xiaofei. The last time he heard of Lou was back when Lou retired.

Yes, Shi Xiaofei was that old...ahem.



Seeing the closed and busy streets, Shi Xiaofei felt lively once again and started humming a cheery song. But the Lou beside him was boiling in fear and anxiousness.

Walking with each other on a footpath, that too inside a crowd, they couldn't see each other. Shi Xiaofei was dressed simply in plain clothes just like Lou, but they were slightly washed out, which made them look like village bumpkins.

"Brother Shi, I've never been to this part of the city before! Where's the bus stand?" Lou asked in a small nasal voice.

"Bus stand? Why do you even need a bus? We'll just catch a taxi!" Shi Xiaofei waved his hands and hailed a taxi.

Lou gulped. "Brother Shi, are you sure you have money for the taxi? Didn't we spend it all on the hotel room yesterday?"

Shi Xiaofei frowned, but still dragged Lou inside the taxi.

"Don't worry, I have money. It's just that I want to talk to you about something in private..."

"Lou, do you know what you want in life?"

"Me? What I want in life...? Of course, it's providing money for my parents. That's my first wish...well, and marrying a beautiful wife... It's not much, but it'll satisfy me."

Shi Xiaofei handed Lou a small book and chuckled. "A man can't have dreams that small. Let me ask something. What'll you get for passing the exam"

" A 2nd Class Police Sergeant post. Way above the post of my uncle who's police. And he's a Head Constable!"

"Good, so, if you want to pass the exam; read whatever I've marked down in this book. I swear on my mother you'll find everything in here, on the exam."

Lou stared at Shi Xiaofei for what felt like a minute, and nodded. Apparently, he held a high amount of respect for Shi Xiaofei. So he didn't think he would cheat or try to undermine him.

" Sure Brother Shi. It's not like i have much time to revise anyway, so I'll just memorize a few answers from here."

"Good, you won't regret it."




"Your ID card and admit card please."

Shi Xiaofei handed his belongings and identification to the examiner and entered the hall. The examiner yawned and kept on inviting people into the hall; not really checking their belongings, but asking for it only due to formalities.

No man in China had guts to try to cheat in a government-held exam. No matter if they were the sons of big bureaucrats or the daughters of minister-level politicians.

Shi Xiaofei waved at Lou and smilingly sat down on his chair. The window beside him shed light and threw air on his body; helping him keep his calm.

Soon, the examiners distributed exam papers to the examinees; starting the exam!

And just like everyone in the hall, Shi Xiaofei felt his breath get stuck in his throat the moment he looked at the question paper.

Apparently, the memory of an old man...isn't that bright...




Well, at least he managed to get a passing number...oh well...

Shi Xiaofei exited the hall with a familiar pain in his fingers and a burning expression in his eyes. His ego was badly hurt.

From the other hall, Lou came sprinting with enthusiasm and hugged Shi Xiaofei; making him hit a nearby door.

"Brother Shi! Brother Shi! Everything you m-marked down came on the exam! Fuck! Fuck!!"

Of course, one or two actually did come on the exam, but the rest...err.

"Told ya!"

With a grim grin, Shi Xiaofei laughed. He was sure he'd pass, but wasn't sure if he'd top it though.

"I can't believe they came on the exam! Like, I was so fucking nervous the entire time, I felt as if my heart would blow!"

"Looks like I was right, Lou. Anyway, we should better return home. If we don't return home today, we won't have enough money tomorrow to do so."

"Y-yeah, we probably should. Still, I can't believe this is happening right now...damn. H-hey, how did you know what'd come on the exam, huh?"

Shi Xiaofei laughed and walked out of the building, following behind him with curiosity written all over his face was Lou.

"Oh it's nothing, just intuition."

"Yeah Brother Shi, as if!" Lou rolled his eyes. Nonetheless, he was smart enough to guess Shi Xiaofei wouldn't truly answer him, so he didn't ask again.

Shi Xiaofei coughed and told Lou to go and buy some train tickets, while he excused himself for a stroll around the area.

Shi Xiaofei wordlessly shifted through the crowd and glanced at the sky. Unfortunately, it was still noon, so the heat hadn't disappeared yet.

He wiped his forehead and bought a pack of cheap cigarette from a nearby grocery store. Looking at the cheap cover on the packet, he smirked.

It'd been a long time since he smoked; much less with his favorite brand: Traveler's Whisper. It was cheap, but it did the job.

While staring at the street, his chest was suddenly filled with emotions he couldn't name. The people passing by sometimes looked at him, but didn't focus on for long enough.

"These gazes...after noticing them, I suddenly feel like I'm young again. Young and...insignificant, like a speck of dust flying in the air."

It had been a while, since the distinguished and influential Shi Xiaofei had been looked at by gazes so...nonchalant and uninterested.

Shi Xiaofei had reached the apex of his dreams in his last life; but he forgot about the journey he underwent to reach it. Turns out, the true fun is in the journey.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter anymore. I...have another chance now. This time...this time, I'll relive the journey of my life once again."

"But this time, my dreams aren't the same."

Shi Xiaofei wordlessly smirked. His eyes flashed a vibrant dark, as he exhaled deeply and closed them.

"Chairman Deng, in this life, I will decimate you. You took away my career, my love and my life; surely that meant I turned into a loser in your eyes, yes?"

"Above all, I hate being a loser. After all, no matter what, I've always won. This time too, I'll win."

Coldly laughing, Shi Xiaofei threw the pack on the road and left.