"Yea, I did it." You held your best student award high in the sky on your graduation day. "It's good." Yeri patted your shoulder.
"Oh shit! I forgot." You recollect your appa's words. Yeri got scared, "Forget what?" She asked holding your shoulder. "Appa said that he would come to pick me. I forgot. He must be waiting outside!" You yell and run out of your school or ex-school.
The moment you step out of your campus you eye a black GMC. Yeri had to excuse herself as she had to go with her parents.
You ran to the car and open to find it empty. You close the door and look around. Just then you see a muscle man. You grin. "APPPPPAAAA!!!!" You shout and ran to that figure.
He turns around with bouquet and a small gift. He smiles and hands over the the bouquet and gift to one of his guards. You jump on him and he swirls you before keeping you back on the earth.
"Oh! My lady looks beautiful in this graduation coat." He speaks and pulls your cheeks. You grin widely. "See I got the student of the year and academic achiever of my batch award." You show him your prize. He looks at it briefly and then laughs, "You are just like your eomma." He ruffles your hair. "Come on, let's go, she must be waiting and show her your awards." He said and both of you begin to walk Just then his bodyguard calls him out.
Your POV.....
"Sir?" Someone calls. We turn and see that his bodyguard Dasung, was holding a bouquet and a gift. He held them out to appa. "Oh Yea!" Appa laughed.
"This is for you, my little princess." He said as he hands it over me from Dasung. I smile cheekily and kiss appa's cheek. He took my hand in his and we got into the car.
The ride was a description on my eomma. "And then Your eomma pinched that boy who bet your uncle Taejoon." He laughed accompanying me. "Appa what about the time before she gave birth to me?" I asked.
I loved asking him the same funny things that eomma did. She was a good comedian. "Yaah! I have told that a lot of times." Appa puffed.
"Please appa. I love that so much." I begged him. "Araseo, But it's not that funny. When you get pregnant you will feel the pain. That time you will see what your eomma had to through labour wasn't funny." He cocked his brows.
"Excuse me Sir?" His bodyguards call him. "What?"
"We have reached here." The driver says. "Okay. Come on. Let's meet your eomma now." He says as he gets down the car with me following him.
He throws his hands on my shoulder pulling me close to him as we walk pass a pregnant woman and 2 men. One of them was crying and was on his knees. "Might be their parent." Appa sympathies for them. We reached eomma's grave. "Sooyoung-ah, look what our baby had got." He said caressing my hair.
"Eomma, see I got the student of the year and academic achiever award." I place the awards on her grave. "Today appa didn't attend the graduation ceremony though." I playfully puffed. The next second appa sat down next to me.
"Aniya! Sooyoung-ah I wanted to attend it but then I had to run to buy her a present for all the hard work she did for her graduation."
He whined. "You are good at making excuses." I said and he began tickling. "No..Ahahahahaha stop.haha" I burst out.
Author's POV....
Yoongi and Anny walked arm in arm. Just then they notice the duo. "Hmm. People these days don't even know how to silently pray for their loved ones." He sneered. "Oppa, you can't say that. As time passes people get used to visit their loved ones and spend time like this. They won't mind who mock them because for them spending time with their loved ones is more important." Anny rubbed his arm.
Taehyung caught up to them, "That girl is kinda cute." Taehyung giggled as he took a glance of you once more before getting a glare from Anny.
Not saying another word they walked away.
You and your appa spend around 2 hours talking with your eomma. "Sooyoung-ah, it's getting late. We should head back." Your appa stood up dusting off his dress and helped you get up too.
"Eomma, I will see you next Friday. I hope you remember the speciality of that day." You took your awards from the ground. "Y/N-ah, baby, go to the car. Appa will come now." He caressed your hair and you walk away.
"Sooyoung-ah, it's time for her to know how you were tore away from us and her to decide which path she wants to choose. Bless her for every step." He cracked a smile. "I love you and I miss you a lot."
He got in the car and found his daughter holding a pendant in her fingers. "Appa this looks beautiful and there is a picture of all three of us." You show him the pendant with a heart shaped locket.
He nods. The car gets on the road, Your appa glanced at you once a while. Suddenly he pulls you close to him and makes your head rest on his chest. You snuggle more and sleep. He then caress your hair.
He takes his phone and dials a number. It rings before a voice attendants it. "Yes Sir?" A female voice spoke.
"Moonbyul, I want your brother to be at my house tomorrow." He commands. "Yes Sir." She replies. And then he hung the call. You stir a bit which catches him off guard and begins soothing You, "it's alright sweety. Appa is here." His calm voice relaxes your body.
"Sir, do you think it is right to bring her to our world?" Dasung carefully asked not making his boss burst. To his surprise his boss let out a sigh, "She is the only heir for me. I can't let any other man take my position." He looked at your calmly sleeping face.
"But why Sir?" Dasung turned to have a look at his commander. "I don't want my daughter to be a maid for her husband. I want my child to be independent. I want to make her different from all the women in this place. I want her to be unique. She should be able to protect herself without anyone's help. Even without her husband. This will make herself realise the reason to be independent." He looked out at the night view of Seoul.
"She will be a good leader. The one better than me and my ancestors. And the first female gangster in this world. I know this is the involvement in the underground mess. But she is already indicating me her interest in it. The reason why I chose to be a gangster in here is to protect people and kill the evil. My ancestors have been doing it since this has started. Though they were small they were able to help people. After my great grandfather took this position this work has progressed. After me I want my descendants to follow us." He caressed your hair as felt you stir again.