It was almost mid-night. Jimin just dropped me out of my house. I slowly opened the door, sliding in the living room and tip-toeing to my room upstairs.
"Stop right there!" I heard the strong voice. I stay still and the lights are switched on. I close my eyes due to too much brightness as well as for being caught. "Open your eyes!" I hear him. I sniffle and pout, "Appa!" I cry and fall on him. Hugging him tight.
"I'm sorry." I burst on him. "Aigoo! What did you do this time?" He hugged me back. "I went to my friend whose mom is admitted in the hospital for a surgery, appa." I fake cried.
He rubbed my back, "Araseo, I didn't say anything. It's alright. Hmm? She will be fine. Hmm." He calmed me.
Certainly he fell for this. *evil laugh* "How is she now?" He asked after parting me. I wiped my tears, "She's in the ICU."
"Hmm..." he nodded his head. "Did you eat anything?" He softly asked. I nod.
"Okay then, go to bed tomorrow you have to come to the office." He said and I walk to my room.
Author's POV.....
"Hmph, she think she will fool me. Naughty girl." Your appa chuckled.
It was early morning around 7am when you were woke up from your beauty sleep by your very own father.
"Yaah,.... I have been calling you for an hour." He said opening the shutters of window. He turns around to see his sweet daughter wrapped in the blanket.
He removes the blanket and still you didn't move. He smirks when his regular idea pops up.
"Y/n-ah, let's go to eomma today. You remember you promised her to meet." Instantly you sat up. "Yea, I almost forgot that." You say it.
"Anyways that will happen later after your training." Your dad got up and folded the blanket. "Aniyaaaa! Appa please." You begin your whining. " No, today we have to begin and Jimin has already come to the centre." He said to which you nonchalantly get ready while he goes out.
"Today, we will kill the dummies." You laugh evilly as you comb your hair.
After 1 hour, your appa was waiting for you to get ready. "All ladies are same." He said as he glanced up from the newspaper to his wife's photo through his glasses.
"I am done." You show down and your appa is caught off guard with your dressing. "What?" You ask as you walk close. He scans you from head to toe with lips apart and wide eyes.
"Don't you think it's inappropriate?" He asks you. You were wearing a tank top with shorts. You check yourself, "Ani appa. It's fine. I have to sweat a lot today." You gave a proud smile.
He had no clue what to do with you. "There are going to be boys. You will be getting stared dear." He tries making you understand. "No probs dad." You waved your hand and march out of the house.
He could only sigh. "She's just like you." He glanced once more to the picture before removing his glasses and walking out.
On reaching the centre you race into the building without waiting for your father. The moment you get in, you try to find Jimin. You spot him talking to few boys. You ran and back hug him. "Jiminieeeee!!"
"Y/N?" He says shocked with your action. "How are you doing?" You face him not minding his friends. "It's been just a day, Y/N." He chuckles. You smile like a crazy girl. "I'm good. How are you?" He asked smiling.
"I'm good too." You swing yourself side to side smiling wildly.
"Oh, I forgot." He said recollecting his friends' presence. "Meet my friends." He gestured his hands to his friends. "This is Taemin, Kai, Taehyun and Chanyeol."
"Hi, I'm Y/N. Jimin's girlfriend." You said making Jimin choke and others widen their eyes.
"Y/N, no." He said and took you a bit far from them.
"What are you saying?"
You shrug. "I am you friend."
"But you said girlfriend." He exclaims.
"Yea, I am your girlfriend." You agree.
" How can you claim that?" His widened his eyes.
"Because I am your girlfriend." You stubbornly answer.
"No y/n. Girlfriend is something else. You are just my friend." He tried to make his words clear.
"Yea. So of course I am your girlfriend."
"Explain?" He folds his arms.
"Like I am you friend. But like the only girl------- friend. Not the love one but the friendship one." You explain to him.
He relaxes and sigh. "Y/N, you made them misunderstand. No problem. I will look after it." He said and walks to the group with you behind her.
"Anyways, let's just say that she is friend."
"Everyone form a line." You hear your father's voice and ran and stand first with Jimin and others following behind.
"Alright, make 7 columns with 6 rows." He said.
And it was done in the next moment. You were pretty much amused with the discipline followed by these men.
"I hope you all know the reason why you all are here." His voice stern. With everyone answering "Yes sir!" including you. " You there." He calls a young man. "Name?"
"Youngwoo, sir." His voice ringing the silent room.
"Why are you here?" Your dad's powerful voice spoke.
"To protect and help the poor and the needy from the underworld, Sir." He shouted.
"Yes, all those who stand here should have that one aim in your heart before you come here to join."
He walked like a commander saying things for all others to understand the reason for their presence in this organisation.
"Alright, let's warm up for tomorrow." He yelled. "Push ups 50."
Hearing it your eyes pops out of their sockets. Never in your life you had ever done a push up. Yea maybe when you were 5 years, you tried and fell.
All the boys scatter in line and begin. You stand there with no clues on how to do. You notice your dad coming to you with a strict face. "Miss, why aren't you following my order?"
"Appa, please can I do something else. I don't know how to do it." You say trying to get his sympathy but to your horror, "60 push ups."
"Whaaat?!" You shout with horror. The boys stop their work and look at both of you."Appa, I can't!" You reply.
"70." He says and walks away. It was hard for you. You knew how your dad is strict when it came to work. You look for his assistant.
"Wang Shinsshi!" You call. He looks at you. You gesture him to come to you. "What?" He barks. It surprised you even more. "Sir, can you teach me how to do push ups." You say which was filled with respect and he eyes you before agreeing.
He showed you how to do and you follow it only to fail . You had only done 14 in an hour while the boys were now set free. "Whyyyy?" You whine. Just when you notice your dad coming, you begin your push ups. "Hoo-haa, hoo-haa." You act as though you were doing push ups greatly.
With your act, you gave a good show for your father. He wanted to laugh and tease you for your work. He suppressed his laughs and change his direction to Jimin and his mates.
"Jimin." You appa's voice alarmed him and the others accompanying. "Yes Sir." All said. "Jimin, help Y/N with the push ups. She has never done it in her whole life." He says it seriously. "I want you to assist her."
"Yes, sir." He said and your father walks away. "So, you guys head away. I'm left with Y/N." He says and walks but was stopped by Taemin, "Jimin, think about it." He said. He nods and walks to you.
The boys empty the centre with the today's section over.
"How many more?" You ask as you fall to the ground. "40 more." He chuckles.
He had sat next to you since the moment your dad's command and cheered you to do it.
"Ugh." You roll your eyes. "Count!" You shout and Jimin chuckled with your sudden rush to finish.
After 5 minutes, "How many more?" Your lousy voice asked. "36 more." He said while admiring you.
"That's it!" You shout. "I'm done." You say and lay on the floor. When Jimin took his mobile out of his pocket to check something, you became suspicious and crawl to thinking that he is messaging your father.
He didn't mind anything until he felt heaviness on his thigh. He looked down and saw you, which led him to scream lightly. Your face giving him a tiny heart attack.
You laugh with your head still on his lap. "Gosh, Y/N. Don't scare me." He closes his eyes with his hand on his heart to soothe. "Your face gave me a heart attack."
You pout. One thing you hadn't notice was that your dressing sense began to do something in Jimin's heart. Your bare legs exposed to outer thighs. He was controlling himself from getting in his protective mode.
"Jimin?" You suddenly pull out of his thoughts. "Hmm?"
"Do you have a girl friend?" You ask looking at his face. "Yea, you." He smiles.
"No, not friendship one. But love one." You sat up. "Well, I have one." He averts his gaze. Hearing it your heart clench. "Okay, is she beautiful?" You ask him.
He nods still not looking at you. You bow and get up. "Alright, Bye. Appa must be waiting." You say and run. You walk into the cabin where your dad was talking with someone. Walking casually not making him suspicious and you rush into the washroom.
You looked at your reflection, tears come out. You softly cry. "I Like you Jimin." You softly cry for 5 minutes straight.
Meanwhile Jimin walked to his bike. This was his second meeting with you and you ran away asking him that question. He knew what you tried to mean through it.
You wash your face and walk out as though nothing happened. You left home with your appa. You also decided that you would never be clingy or too friendly to him again.