The night street glowed with the street lamps and other vehicles. The sky showed off it's twinkling stars and dearest cresent moon.
You were wearing a dark blue needle skirt till your knees with a white blouse. Your face was elegant without makeup. You were sitting on the back seat with your guards Kai and Taemin in the front.
You were deep in your thoughts about your life and this gang. You spaced out looking at the night sky.
"Miss Y/n?" Taemin called you. But you did not perceive the call. Not hearing any answer, Taemin looked through the rear view mirror while Kai turned back from his passenger's seat to check on you.
You sat there completely distracted by looking out the window. Kai sank back to his seat.
Kai and Taemin exchanged a glance.
"Seems like she is thinking about Jimin." Taemin looked ahead driving through the Saturday traffic. Kai placed his elbow on the window frame, it supporting his head and him looking at Taemin.
"Did I ever recently tell you how handsome you are?" He smirked. He knew Taemin disliked such compliments. Taemin gave him a gross expression, "Stop it Kai. I am not a gay." He replied trying to drive quickly through the traffic.
"These b*st**ds are not even moving their asses." Taemin yelled in the car. Kai shook his head with it and looked out of the window. "I hope you get someone Y/n." He whispered.
It was a flashy night club. All of you entered the club to find the place to be filled with darkness and neon lights. The music blarring out of the speaker even making your heart feel the vibration and your body.
People drunk and rubbing their bodies against each other and few dancing alone going with the beats. This was your first time ever coming to a club. You turned back to check on your members. None of them was there. That's when you realise that the whole time you were alone.
You sigh, "Idiots. Left me alone in this f**king place." You grit.
This place actually disgusted you. How the girls and boys just slam, grind and make out at this place. Somehow you wanted to get out. But you couldn't. Main reason, your car key was with Taemin.
You push and pull through the maniac crowd and reach the bar. It was as if crossing a flooding river. An attendant noticed you and came to your side. He looked in his twenties, ears pierced and soft eyes. He smiled before leaning on the counter, "May I help you?" He spoke loudly for you to hear enough. You nod.
"Is there any pub near by?" You shouted. He nods, "Just take right fron that door and walk straight, you will find it." He shouted.
You mouth him a thank you and head to the said direction. After reaching your destination, your breath steadied. The place looked beautiful and peaceful.
"Perfect!" You chime and walk to the bar. A cute girl appeared to you. She had sweet smile and pleasing personality. "What would you like to have ma'am?" She silver like voice asked.
"A cocktail." You smile back. "Right away." She snapped her fingers cheerfully.
You waited for the drink as she prepared it. Just then a man came and sat next to you. You side eye him and look back at the girl.
"A whiskey with ice." You heard the strong and shallow voice. For some reason the tiny hairs of your skin stood up. His voice was somewhat familiar which was hard to brush up from your memory.
You were about to check on him again when the opportunity was taken by the girl. "Here you go ma'am." She placed the small conical glass infront of you.
She then prepared the man's order. Your eyes scanned his features while he had his face hung low. He felt a bit uncomfortable and looked up. His eyes meeting yours. They were dark yet alluring. You did not seem to notice that you were staring at him.
But then he decide to break the eye contact and looked else where. He seemed familiar. His pointed nose, those seemingly monolid dark eyes, pale lips and shabby black hair. He looked in his mid thirties.
Wearing a pale blue jeans with a white shirt tucked in. As though coming from a gathering.
On the other hand he was having a hard time with you gapping at him. He had just returned from an anniversary party. He was tired and was getting to his routine.
That's when he saw you staring at him and making him feel uneasy. Earlier he broke the contact and sat there sipping his drink. For avoiding your gaze he was looking at the objects on the other side of the pub. Just after he had finished his drink, he turned to the attentant for another drink.
The girl prepared and gave it to him. He glanced at you to check whether you were continuing it. Well to his failure you were outstaring him. You had your eyes on him but were spaced out.
He didn't mind it and continued his work. You finish the cocktail and ask for a wine. She pleasingly poured the drink. You decided to take out your phone from your small hand bag and play games.
For an hour you sit there drinking small amount of alcohol so that it won't knock you out. The man next to you kept on drinking like there was no tomorrow.
You look at him for a while determining the reason for heavy drinking. Just then he looked at you. You cock your head surprised with eyes wide.
His face clearly said that he was annoyed. "Excuse me miss?" His deep voice errupted from his vocals still not looking at you. "Yes?" Your voice low for some unknown reason. "Why are you staring at me?" He raised his lowed head.
The think that amazed you was that even in his drunk state he was able to speak fluently.
You genuinely shrug your shoulders looking somewhere else. "I'm sorry." You mumble.
"Hmm." He hums understanding something while running his index on the rim of the glass. "What is your name Mr.?" You ask him.
Though in his druken you wanted to know such things so that may be he could be of some help. This was how you had made contacts with powerful people.
If this person was someone whom you think is then ofcourse you would bring him in your contacts.
"What is the use for you to know my name?" He asked. His dark orbs meeting yours and sending a chill down your spine.
"Just to know. So that umm... if we crash into eachother somewhere I can know it is you or may be if I need any help I can ask you." You said pleading.
"No use for you miss." He said and turned to the attendant. "Three glasses." He ordered. You simply nod. You don't give up.
His drinks were sereved. Just as he brought of the glasses to his lips, "My name is Y/n." You raised your hand for a shake. His actions stop mid air and looks at your palm then you.
You give him the most appealing smile you could ever do. He scoffed and you pull your hand back feeling offended.
"What?" You raise your brow and pout. "Do I appear like a boyfriend material for you?" His eyes narrowed. "Noooo." You shake your head.
He gulped his drinks and stood up to leave. Seeing that, you stood up too. He walked to the cashier to pay while you followed him. He paid and turned back to collide with you.
He groaned and moved. You catch on to his hand. He looks at you confused, "What?" His voice became stern. "Can you pay for me too?" You pout and plead.
"No." He closed his eyes and tried to pull his arms. "Please."
"No." His eyes cleared it. "This why you were asking my name. Just for some free drinks. Huh?" He gritted his teeth.
Seeing it you jerk his hand. "Fine. Then don't." He was stunned to get that reaction. But he could care less about it and took steps. You paid it quickly and run outwards.
You see him getting on his car which was parked quiet far. You run up to the car while he got in. You hold on to passenger side window frame. The windows were down. "Atleast help me. Please. I really need help." He closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead.
"Listen woman, if you think you can get in my pants, you are so wrong. I am taken by someone." He bluntly replied. You give a 'not so understood' look. "Well I don't have any needs to get in your pants and I don't care whether you are taken or not." You narrow your eyes.
"I just need a f**king help!" You shout at him to make it clear. "How can I believe you?" He asked looking at you. You roll your eyes. "If I do what you think, then kill me. No ones ever going to come after you." You nod your head.
He rolls his eyes. "Why should I help you?" He asked you. All you could make was a poker face, "Because this is not my town. I live in Busan. I came here with my friends to celebrate her engagement. But they walked into the club while I made my way to pub. I cannot stand the club activities. While we were having drink in there, they messaged me that they are going for a night stand and that I am left out. They told me to get some place in here and meet at a cafe near the SM entertainments." You said this to him.
"Well you can go to bus stop and catch a bus to Busan." He said laying back on the seat. "Well I am not in an appropriate dress and men can harm me. I am scared to travel alone." You act.
He took a deep breath. "Fine. Get in. I will leave you at some motel." He unlocked the door.
You sit in. "Not to a motel. Can I stay at your home?" You ask him as you wear the seat belt. You look up to find him death glaring at you. "I am scared to stay anywhere alone." You reason him.
"This is what I said. You want to have a one night stand with me!" He roars. "No!" You shout. "Like I said. Kill me if you find out me doing that." You reply him.
He sighed and started the car. You look out the car and hum a song. He hears and began to get irritated, "Can you stop that?" His voice razored. "Stop what?" You turn to him.
"The humming." He said while side eyeing you. You mouth a 'Oh' and kept quite.
"What is your name by the way?" You ask him again. He did not reply. You simply nod and look out. It was silent for a while. "Yoongi." The voice startled you. Again you mouth a 'Oh' and nod.
The ride was silent. "You said you were taken." You break the silence. "Like a girlfriend or wife?" You ask turning to him. He did not answer and drove the car.