"You can save her?" Lilian asked doubtfully.
I shrugged. "I think so." I replied reaching into my pocket and pulling out the shard I had received earlier. It just so happened to be for foxes. I was a bit skeptical of the coincidence of the matter. Though I didn't see a reason to voice it out.
"What is that?" Selia asked then seemed to realize what it was. "Are you sure?" she asked.
"No." I replied then looked to Vanessa and her teary eyes, "But I will do it anyway." I wanted to put the blame on Vanessa's charm, but I knew better. The fox was obviously mistreated and hurt, and I had a way to save her. What was the point in withholding the possible cure. Getting a better fox queen? I would rather save a life and figure out the rest later.
I poked the fox with the pointy end of the gem shard getting a drop of her blood onto the shard then poked my own finger with the other side. Once both of our blood was on the gem shard it flashed a brilliant red then quickly subsided to a dull red glow.
"It actually worked." Zephirah said sounding surprised.
"Was it not supposed too?" I asked while looking at the fox. She still looked bad in a starved skeleton sort of way, but despite that I had the feeling the danger had passed.
"It shouldn't have." Zephirah agreed. "Fire Tailed Foxes are innate beasts. They can't become beast queens."
"Why?" I asked.
"The racial representative needs to be intelligent, so only magic beasts can be bonded to a gem or gem shard. Innate beasts just don't have the intelligence." Zephirah explained.
I frowned then looked over to the fire dryad who was watching us intently.
"Lilian, is the danger passed? Did this save her?" I asked.
Lilian flew down to the fox's side and looked her over for a few moments. "Yes, the contract with the gem shard bound her soul to shard preventing further deterioration. If you synchronize it to the dungeon core, the damage will be able to be repaired." she told us. "If you want exact details of how this worked, you need to find an expert."
I nodded then used my mana to access the cage around the dryad and loosened the restraints. "She should be fine now." I told her.
"Are you sure?" the dryad asked.
"As sure as we can be. Lilian is the closest we have to an expert." I replied.
The fire dryad seemed to relax. "Good." she said then began to weep quietly.
"Any idea why the orb released her like that?" I asked.
"Didn't you think about letting her out?" Elisia asked.
I shook my head. "Not in her condition. Her time was stopped in there. Wait, how does that work?" I asked confused at how they could hear and speak to us if time had stopped for them.
Everyone looked around but no one answered.
"None of us are time mages. We just know it works." Vanessa spoke up for the group.
I frowned but let it go. "But why did it spit her out?" I asked again.
"Security." Selia spoke up. "Seth probably had it set that if anyone but him touched it she would be ejected. That way the dryad couldn't just grab her orb and run away. That kind of spell wouldn't have changed when you gained ownership as it was set to him specifically."
I called Seth a few choice names in the silence of my mind.
"So now what?" Zephirah asked after rolling her eyes, I forgot she could read most of my thoughts.
"Some upgrades to the house, then I need some sleep." I replied.
Vanessa smiled at me then looked at the items on the bed. "Jason, do you trust me?" she asked.
I frowned. "I am not sure." I replied honestly, I had no idea if there was any brainwashing left. Even without the brainwashing I honestly had no idea what her feelings about me and my dungeon were.
"Her brainwashing disappeared with her death." Zephirah informed me helpfully.
I nodded at the information then hesitated a moment before nodding. I might not know her feelings, but she seemed happier since she came back, and I wanted to trust her. The image of her lying on the ground her throat ripped open passed through my mind, and I never wanted to see that happen again.
Vanessa gave me a brilliant smile before throwing herself at me. Her arms wrapped around my neck as her lips pressed against mine. They were soft yet firm, sweet, and just incredible, but before I could really enjoy the kiss she was gone.
"Better wake up, she took off." Selia spoke up waking me from the bliss.
Just as Selia had said Vanessa had taken off. She had also grabbed the orb full of water, two of the white crystals, and three of the blue rocks.
I headed for the door, really curious as to what she was going to do. While I would hate to lose the resources we had gained from Seth, it was all free stuff so I wasn't bothered by the thought.
As an afterthought I released the dryad from her cage. Having saved the fox I doubted she would harm us. Especially as the fox needed to synchronize with our core to get better.
Outside we found Vanessa standing by the well. "Here goes nothing." she said then dropped the two crystals and three blue ore hearts into the well. After that she held the orb over the well and released the water into the well. It came out in a torrent, but despite the rapid release of water that exceeded a fire hose, the orb continued to release the water.
"And what is this supposed to accomplish?" Selias asked over the sound of the rushing water.
"While I was in the company I learned a few things, one of those things is about the well. At the bottom of the well is a water heart like the ore hearts. It converts the ambient mana into water, Nurture Water specifically." she replied.
"That is good to know, but what about all of this?" Selia asked.
"To keep all the water that the water heart is constantly making in this ambient mana rich environment, all the water is continually compressed to stay inside the well. The more water the higher the compression." Vanessa replied.
"Wouldn't that eventually explode?" Selia asked.
Vanessa asked. "Yes, but it would take ten years at the earliest. None of the companies dungeons have lasted that long." she replied.
I frowned at Vanessa unsure how to take that knowledge, then again we weren't in the same position as those dungeons.
"Again, good to know, but…." Selia prompted.
"If we can create the right circumstances, the water heart could evolve into a living water heart." Vanessa replied. "By adding all of this living water to be compressed with the water heart, plus the high ambient mana, and the physical materials of ice crystals, and blue steel ore hearts. We should have a good chance of success!" Vanessa explained happily.
Selia frowned, "I'm not so sure." she replied.
"The company seemed sure it could work, but getting ahold of such a large quantity of living water was difficult, even for them." Vanessa explained.
Selia nodded, "In theory it could work." she admitted. "It just doesn't seem likely."
"Trying shouldn't hurt." I spoke up.
"Do you even know what the difference between a living water heart and a water heart is?" Selia asked me.
I shook my head. "Nope." I replied.
Selia lowered her head. "Why did I have to get saddled with an idiot." she grumbled.
I frowned. "Would you prefer and intelligent asshole?" I asked.
"And if I said yes?" Selia asked me.
"Then you can call your father, see if he will take you back." I replied coldly. "Rena can even go with you if you want."
Rena flapped her wings and flew over to land on my shoulder. "Staying." she said loudly making sure we all knew her opinion. "Stopping being a spoiled brat Selia. He might not know everything you would want him too, but it is obvious he is intelligent. He can learn. An asshole wouldn't even bother, just level you up and lock you up in a bedroom. Is that what you really want?" Rena chastised her friend.
Selia seemed incredibly surprised then lowered her head. "No." she said. Then a moment later she lifted her head again. "I am sorry Jason." she told me.
That was a quick change of heart, too fast for my liking. It seemed Rena was well aware of how the other dungeon lords could be, and Selia knew that, so maybe it was legitimate.
"Its fine." I said then looked back to the orb that was still releasing water into the well. "Is that going to be too much?" I asked.
Vanessa bit her lower lip then shrugged. "It shouldn't be." she replied though it was obvious that she wasn't all that certain herself. I walked closer then reached out to the orb, I thought about knowing how much water was inside the orb. The answer I got back wasn't clear, but using the gallon measurement I was used to, it seemed like somewhere in the upper trillions.
I stared at the orb in shock. That little orb was holding a respectable sized lake worth of water. It really didn't seem possible. Suddenly the water seemed to start rushing out of the orb even faster.
Vanessa smiled brilliantly then dropped the orb into the well. "Its working!"
"How can you tell?" I asked surprised.
"When an elemental heart starts evolving into a living elemetal heart it will start drawing all the similar element to it to fuel the change. Since it started to change it started to draw the water from the orb in, increasing the flow." Selia explained it as she stared at the well in awe.
"Jason, I already apologized, and I meant it. I was just frustrated with my father for being him." Selia told me drawing my attention back from the well.
I wasn't sure that made sense but she did seem sincere.
"I just need to make sure I can stay." she told me.
I nodded. "As long as we don't have another one of those outbursts." I agreed.
"Deal." She agreed.
"What do you need the living water for?" I asked, there was no way she was apologizing again and explaining just because she felt bad.
"Everything. I am a pharmacist by trade, it's why my father thought we would be such a good pair. You could grow almost all of the herbs I need for my research, and selling my medicine would make more than the plants themselves. A source of living water would be an incredible improvement to my work." Selia replied.
I nodded, it wasn't a bad idea. It was actually a really good idea. "It will take some time, we need to grow and gain access to all the plants." I told her.
She nodded. "That's true, but it is still a better opportunity than any of the other dungeon lords were willing to offer. At best I could have gotten one level to plant my herbs, and even then it would be at risk of invasions from outsiders who would trample or harvest them."
I laughed. "That is still a possibility here." I reminded her.
"Yes, but we will use all the floors, right?" she asked.
I shook my head. "Not all, but most of them. Some might need to be used for animals like those blazing bulls and silverfire chickens."
Selia hesitated then nodded. "Yes, those would be a useful addition, defensively, financially, and it never hurts to have extra food on hand." she admitted.
I smiled. "Yeah, it is a good idea to have extra food." I agreed thinking back to my conversations with Vanessa and the fact that the company didn't offer any kind of food crop. It was still too early to be self sustaining.
There was a rumble then a pillar of blue light rose up out of the well.
"It worked!" Vanessa cheered.
"Anyone know what kind of water we were pouring down there?" Rena asked.
No one did.
"We will see soon." I commented.
"I could have mutated a bit." Selia told me.
As the bright pillar of light faded an orb of water floated up out of the well. Then the well crumbled and disappeared as it was absorbed by the dungeon.
"That can't be good." I grumbled.
"We will just have to rearrange the dungeon floor a bit." Zephirah said appearing over my shoulder.
"Should just make a new floor, we have the money for expansion." I replied.
"Yeah." Zephirah agreed.
"What were you doing?" I asked as Vanessa reached out to the orb and drew it to her chest.
"Remodeling the house." Zephirah replied.
"Couldn't wait for my input?" I asked.
"You're a guy, I made sure you had a big bed and a shower, beyond that do you even care?" Zephirah retorted.