Climbing outside on a rope, I stood at the center rifle a vast forest where nine matter which way I turned, it all looked the same. Being wary of the strange girl who helped us out, I stood up and cleaned myself as I got a better look at, Cub.
Gulping as her beauty, was twice as more beautiful than she lead me in to believe. Looking away, I turned to the wither girl and asked her where we were and who she was.
"We must go… it's not same here. "
Ignoring us, she turned and began walking while holding a metallic crossbow. Walking behind her, Cub gently held my arm and as I froze for a moment, we picked up the pace.
"Grizzly… what happened to you? You're all beat up. "
"I… Was in a fight with a couple of third years from another school. I'm okay. "
Stopping me as she rolled up her hand into her sleeve and touched my wounds softly.
"I'm fine… Cub. Are you okay? "
As she lifted her gaze to me and the girl, we both wondered if my wounds were relevant at all in our current situation.
"We must keep moving before more hunters arrive. "
Walking up as Cub stayed behind me, I asked what hunters were and where we were exactly.
"This is the boundary between heaven and Earth… Purgatory. You two must had made a deal with the man in the suit… He is a demon, and he brought you both here to give you a chance at repeating your debt… whatever wish or deal he granted you, I could care less. All that matters to me right now is saving the newcomers who are brought in every now and then at random. "
"Newcomers? You mean, there are more people like us who made a deal with that guy? "
"Indeed… you two are fortunate I found you first before the other hunters did… they would have killed you both on the spot… well, the girl would have taken longer until her death… its an ugly existence. Even I'm not immune to what this place does to people. It's sickening to say the least. "
"What exactly is our purpose here? "
"You, me, everyone here has nine purpose… we either kill each other or be killed. It's that simple. "
"Killing? T-that's insane! "
Turning around to meet Cub, she then looked her in her eyes and spoke.
"Be happy you at least have someone to depend in… I arrive here all alone… I was almost-... If a hunter hadn't recognized me, I would have been better off dead the moment they found me in a box. You should count yourselves lucky you met me. "
Nodding slightly as the girls tears began falling, we went in as she took us down a steep slope and opened a hidden bunker room that was hard to find.
Stepping inside as we sat down on the wooden made furniture, Cub held my hand as the girl shut the door and slid a thick, piece of wood onto the doorframe.
Afterwards, she took off her equipment and sat down on the table as she poured herself a drink.
"Aren't you going to have some? "
Cub turned her down as I stood up and took a long drink.
"So! What can you tell us and what did I gave to do to keep her safe… Tell us everything. "
Having sat across from her as she told us about her life, Cub held my hand under the blanket as we listened.
"Well… it first started with my father. He, much like everyone else here, was dying or on the brink of death. I was only twelve years old at the time when a man in a strange suit came and offered me the deal. Agreeing and saving my father, the man came the next day and took me away. The next thing I knew, I was in a pitch, black box. Time passed until, much like you, someone came looking… Hunters. "
Clenching my hand as the mention of the word seemed to verify Cubs uncertainty and fear.
"Well, when they found me. They jumped down and were about to touch me when from above, a tall man ordered everyone to stop… Jumping down and meeting my gaze, he spike my name and with it, he gasped with joy as we were childhood friends… He then fed and clothed me as he explained what happened after my sudden disappearance from town that day the man took me away.
He then said that twenty years had passed since then as he made a deal with the same man in the suit for his son who was dying of sickness. Having made the deal, here we were, twenty years intimate the future and with it, began my span of research over this place. The best conclusion I drew up, was that we were win a place where time and space are different… "
"Purgatory… "
"Hmm… As it stands, you two are the first I've ever seen to have had the luck of meeting me. "
Lenaung is as Cub asked whether we were the first she saved, the girl nodded with an ominous gaze.
"How long have you been here? "
"Like I said before, time and, night or day don't work here. So, I could have been here first years, days, or even less if a second has gone by. I truly don't know… However, those I came across a while back said that there is a faction here who is giving away weapons to use in other people… Essentially, this place becomes a mass warzone where the top rule. To this day, whatever it may be, I have theory that multiple people who made deals, end up here.
Meaning, we are cursed to either fight or die here in exchange for our wishes being granted. It's been so long, I've nearly forgotten what a human boys face looked like. "
Holding onto my hand tightly, I understood Cubs jealousy and asked if she knew anything else.
"Well… if you want to run. You head straight through this door and in… a short while, you will hit a tall, cobblestone wall… made out if human bone. I don't really know what's in the other side, however, incentive you pass up the thick fog, this I've seen disappeared. "
"Anything else? "
"Hmm… There's an abandoned fort made by a group if hunters a long, while back when I first got here… it should still be operating, though, now it's being used as a shelter for runaway slaves. "
"Slaves? "
"As I already told you, this place has no nationality, no rules or anyone strong enough to keep order. Anyone is free to commit any crime and get away with it… that's the problem you two are facing as long as you have her… by your side. It'll be a difficult battle."
"I'm not an easy man to say I'll protect her, she knows that. I also know she is string and will fight to stay alive. It doesn't matter what this stupid place is to me, I'm do what I've always done and protect my home. "
Looking at my resolve, they both slightly gasped and in that moment, I turned to sneeze.
"Ugh… why did he have to ruin such a moment. "
"He's an idiot, actually. "
"Oh. "
Standing up in my seat, I looked at them both and stood up as I wanted to know which way was to the place sge mentioned.
"Huh? Huh?! Are you mental! You'll die right away! "
"As long as I have a reason to live, I won't be dying any time soon… trust me. "
Thinking it over, she was hesitant and gave me a general direction on where to go by pointing.
"Thanks… I also ask you take care of Cub. I'm need to go alone for this to work. "
Turning me around as Cub slapped me with tears in her eyes.
"I'm going! "
"Okay… First. You are aware we are in some deep, magical crap right now and two! I can't let my reason fire living get killed off when I get there. "
Startled, she blushed and as I turned to take head out she asked me to come back first her when I finished.
"Don't worry, now that I'm your mama bear, I won't let anything bad happen to you. "
"Really? "
"No, that was a lure to make me feel better about giving my life to a girl I just met… "
Smiling with a slight chuckle, she began to cry as I headed off.
"He's a real piece of work isn't he… "
"He's a jerk, but, he's my jerk. "
Hanging upside down from a rope in the center of what looked like a scene from a zombie movie, I was out of my element when the supposed hunters spoke to me.
"You must either be the dumbest, oh my god, giant idiot to ever pick a fight with the fort! "
"Yeah?! Well… in my defense, you all suck! "
"Oh! The mouth and balls in this kid! "
"Why don't you fight me head don't fire the right to this place! I wager my life and loyalty if you win, you have over the rights to the fort and everything to me if I win… sounds fair! "
"Ha! You know what?! I'll take up that offer since your the first to challenge me head on forever! Ha! Let him down and give him a weapon! I want ti break him before I kill em'! "
Dropping me intimate the floor, I stood up and stretched as I was thrown a wooden bat.
"Ho… this will do. "
Stepping into the center as me and the boss showed no sign if backing down. Rushing first he jumped and cut the center of the bat. All at the same time, I kneed him in the gut and swiftly moved ti perform my signature move.
"Gelatine… "
Breaking the wooden bat in his back, he fell forward and as he crouched up, I kicked him unconscious.
"Seriously… what the heck was all that bravado if you can't fight? Well! Come in! Anyone else want to fight me?! Huh? No takers! "
Stepping g up from behind the crowd, was a massive, buff, tough as nails looking man.
"I'll take you on, boy! "
Stepping into the center, I held my resolve as this was now a battle of mental fortitude.
"What? You aren't scared, boy?! "
"The only thing that's scary is your face, bro. "
Furious, he came charging at me and as I slipped to the side, he threw his hand back and hit me across the face as I flew backwards. Smiling as I recovered my breath, I tied around my school shirt over his arm and slid underneath him. Pulling with all my might, the ground beneath cracked and his shoulder become dislocated with the pressure.
Not giving him any time to recover, I took a piece of the bat and kicked it into his shin, dropping him to the ground. With a running start, I jumped and spun to knee him across the face. Standing with a bloody nose, I tilted my head towards everyone else and asked if anyone else wanted a piece.
"Okay! Now that I'm the new leader here! First order if business, release my captive man! "
"B-but-" Punching the absolute hell out if the previous boss, he nodded itnetly and ordered their release.
"Now! As far as I am aware… there are other factions out there. This will be the start of my rule. From now in, we will go by a syndicate system. I'll be the boss, leader, whatever. The rest will go as ranks. Those who were held captive, you will be given a fair shot at entering my circle. Those who don't, well, there is the door, gate, whatever. Point is! I'm in charge now and we're doing things my way to the top! "
After a long while, Cub and the girl walked through the front gate as they saw me ordering everyone around.
"Oh! Cub! Random girl who sounded like a buzzkill! Hey! "
Rushing to hug me, I continued to speak to the girl.
"Yeah, I took over a few days ago. This place is currently undergoing a few, minor changes. But, hey, every home needs a foundation. "
"You actually… beat the hunters here? "
"Well… I beat the living hell out if them and they then became my subordinates. "
"What the hell are you? "
"Huh? "
Turning around as a group of workers asked where the pillar would go to hold up our new banner.
"In the center. Oh, make it so we can have anyone around watching "
"Grizzly… when the hell were you going ti cinema back for me! "
Kicking the living hell out of me as I collapsed to the ground in pain, Cub changed personalities as she held and punished me for being late.
"Its nice to see you, too. Cub. "
Releasing me and hugging me intently, I laughed it off as the girl finally told me her name.
"Liah… my name is Liah. By the way. "
"Oh… Im-"
"I'm sorry, if anyone is going to hear his real name first it's me. "
"Hmm! "
"Listen up Y'all bitches! This man is claimed by me! Want him?! You, dead! "
"Holy crap! What the hell happened to sweet, inoccent little, Cub? "
Turning to Liah, she shrugged as Cub supposedly changed the moment I left the bunker. Nodding, Cub held my face and made me promise I was not to look at another girl anymore.
"How will I live?! "
Stopping her punch, I swung her over to me and tilted my head as I told her she was the only Cub for me. Blushing, she stood up and played with her hair as she began ordering the others around. Turning my gaze to Liah as she asked me what I would do next, I spoke.
"Well… first, you are going to train and keep going out ti find newcomers who arrive here. Let them chose after coming here what they want to do. As for what I will do, I think going around and stirring up my name and reputation will be the start for uniting everyone here. Other than that, the people are my first priori-"
Suddenly finding myself in the middle of a kiss, Cub dropkicked Liah and they both stood in opposite ends while looking at eachother with intent to kill.
"He's mine! Back off! "
"I don't see any collar that says he is! "
Standing as I was being compared to a dog, I tried to stop them both until being simultaneously drop kicked into the air.
"Agh! Why did you hurt him! "
"What! You started it! "
Looking up to the vacant sky, I thought to myself of possibly having the most beautiful girls here and at the same time, having to delay with their drama at the same time.
"Damn, that suit guy! "
After recovering from my injuries, I had Leah set out to find more newcomers with a few trusted people in her disposal. Cub stayed beside me as she took care of the building renovations as I made a table to set a map for the outside of the forts defenses.
"Boss! Urgent news from the camp to our right! "
"Hmm… go ahead. "
Setting down a declaration for a visit, I smiled brightly as this could prove beneficial to my efforts.
"Okay… Have someone greet them for arrival. "
"Sir! "
Leaving, I grabbed my school shirt and headed outside.
Stopping at the front gate, I saw a dozen men ready to fight outside our walls. However, only two were coming in to talk on foot.
The first was a man with a beard and as for the second, a little girl who held glasses and a thick book.
"You the kid who took over this fort? "
"Whos asking? "
Kneeling down, it came a saying surprise that his surrender would be this quickly.
"We only want to find a way to live in peace. When we heard about how you freed the captured newcomers, I just had to meet you. "
"Uh, sure… um. What's with the show of force? "
"This is my entire army, of sorts. It's been a long, long time since anyone has ever taken over a fort and began moving for a future… I'm willing to hand over my army including myself over for you to lead an you see fit? "
"You do know I'm just a kid? "
"I'm well aware, however, that's not the strangest thing here in this place now is it? "
"I suppose. Very well, send half your force to sign in over there and the other half to help out my Cub over there… After a while, have then switch. "
"O-oh… very well. "
Things were processing accordingly as a few tough men came to try to knock me off my pedestal. Losing miserably, I had them work in renovating the defenses or banished them from my sight intimate the vast, open plains. Regardless, there was little resistance when it came to turning their armies into my subordinates.
"Boss! New message from the fort to the left! "
Using the fort banner as a form if direction was the tight call as I knew which way he meant.
"They ask an audience with you… they set up camp outside that is half if ours, sir. "
"Hmm… they have. Tell them I'll be out to greet them soon. "
Nodding, he left and as I went to greet them, Cub arrive at my side and asked me to take some time off and rest. It was apparent that food easily no longer a necessity, however, we still got tired after failing to sleep enough for a period of time.
"I'm okay… Just this last thing and I'll rest my head. "
In truth, my body was already hurting from the half a dozen fights I took on and won, previously.
Meeting with the leader, I was taken back by her fierce and clear demeanor.
"Are you the one they call, Grizzly? "
"Who's aski… ugh. Yes. Can I help you? "
Turning her gaze and having one of her subordinates hand a box to Cub, she opened it and we saw various colored stones.
"What's with stones? "
"It's a sign if peace, Sir Grizzly. "
"Sir? "
"Look, what us it you guys want? "
"Straight to the punch, I like that in a man. "
Cutting off Cub from going medieval on her, I spoke.
"What do you want? "
"An alliance… the Grizzlies and the Rosen Maidens… it'll cause a huge power shift in Purgatory. We want to offset our enemies. How about it? "
"Sure. "
"I have prepared for gift-wait? What? "
"Sure. The alliance thing. Let's do it… if that's all, you can enter my fort to rest up your men. Stay as long as you'd like. Since your going to be sticking around, might as well make yourselves at home… Oh! I would like to ask you to spare a few men to send out and seek newcomers as to offer them aid. "
Turning as I headed back, I walked up the steps of a newly made wooden cabin and laid down to get some sleep. Cub stayed beside me as Leah was running things after my nap. With the short while I would have to myself, Cub left to tend to the newcomers who had arrived earlier.
Waking up to feel a warmth behind me, I slightly turned and reacted as I heard the voice of a woman. On cue, Cub and Leah walk through the door to see me and a half dressed woman with her eyes solely in mine.
"Y-you… jerk! "