We finally join The Night Chasers Group, I can finish my quest in here. I hear at the news that "There are three people trying to rob the bank!" And I call all of the heroes of TNCG, and we continue to the bank.

A few minutes from driving to the bank, we hear explosions from the bank, that makes me feel rush. A minute later, we are at the front of the three storey bank, and the robbers are inside of the bank, and we need to go to the basement to get the robbers, since we are only 20, we half the teams, these are Alpha and Beta. Alpha team will secure the outside, maybe the robbers are planned to go out of the bank, and the Beta team will go inside to be sure that they'll gonna be tortured if they'll stay there forever.

We start doing our jobs, John is in the Alpha, while me and Victor joins the Beta. We come inside, it's too dark, so we light up my sword, and the basement is too creepy to stay with, but we still continue, and a few steps later, we hear another blast, but not too strong, so I call the Alpha team "The enemies are trying to escape, please make advance guarding position!". And John uses some wall vision to see where are they, but he notice that they're not moving, he says "They just throw a bomb anywhere, maybe a grenade." and we keep going.

A few minutes of walking, we see them, and I use my summoning technique, and the summons capture them, and they teleport to the entrance. The robbers have no chance to escape, but to pay.

We go back to the base, each one of us receive a golden token, but none of us received the golden token of dreams, so I keep finding it, and I see someone who hold it at it's hand, and I steal it, use the legendary gem, and we escape from that dimension.