
Seeing the old man gazing at him weirdly, he took a step back as he was cautious of the old man since he might suddenly attack judging from the weird looks he was giving. To his surprise, even after 3 minutes, the old man just kept staring at him which made him even more uncomfortable.

Qin Shang looked at the staring old man as he spoke. "Um..."

The old man snapped back into reality as he saw how Qin Shang looked at him. Understanding what he did, he laughed embarrassedly and smiled.

"Young man, would you like this old fellow to teach you to become much more stronger?"

"You mean... you want me to become your student?"

Qin Shang pondered a bit at why the old man in front of him wanted to become his master. Sure, he was an esper just like him and the fact that espers were very rare in the world, it didn't mean that the world lacks of them. Out of the remaining people in the world 99% of the fighters are physical warriors which couldn't use mental energy. Thus only 1% of the population is a beast master or an esper.

However it could be said that espers was rarer than beast masters. In that 1% the beast masters was at least 0.7% while the espers was the remaining 0.3% meaning that out of the remaining 1.8 billion people which was the remaining 25% of the original population 2 thousand years ago, only 5.6 million people was espers.

It was also what confused him. He was only one of the millions of people that was espers and he only became one recently therefore it didn't make sense for a powerful looking person like the old man in front of him to want him to become his student.

Could it be related to the black gem? He looked at the dust in the floor as he hesitantly looked at the old man. He didn't want his secret to be discovered after all and thought about refusing. However, what if the old man had malicious thoughts? He immediately shook his head and removed that thought. The old man didn't look like someone bad and if he really had malicious thoughts, then he wouldn't have been standing here while pondering about his decision.

Seeing Qin Shang's face changing gradually each second, the old man had guessed what he was thinking and laughed.

"Do you think I, Old Wu, am that petty? If I really did that then what face would I have left if I really forced someone to become my student? Hahaha!"

The old man gleefully laughed as his white beard shook up and down. Hearing those words, Qin Shang felt as if all the weight in his shoulders has been removed as he relaxed. Seeing the old man's carefree attitude, he felt that he wasn't that bad at all and decided wether the old man would become his master or not.

"I accept becoming your student."

"This student greets master!"

Qin Shang bowed his head as he spoke respectfully. The old man was satisfied as he shook his head up and down. "Good, good! You don't have to call me master but call me Old Wu instead!"

Old Wu then suddenly took out a ring out of nowhere as he passed it to Qin Shang. "Listen here. Ummm... what's your name my student?"

"Qin Shang."

"Ah yes. Now listen here Qin Shang, this ring here is proof that you are now my student. When you meet those arrogant ang haughty people from other cities, show them this ring and they would immediately bow down and lick your boots! After all, although I am your master, we might barely meet in the future. Carefree as I seem to be, I am actually a very busy person."

Qin Shang looked at the ring in his hand as he had thoughts of guessing who his master really was to be able to say those words with confidence. He wore it as he nodded towards Old Wu.

"I was about to leave until you had met me therefore, I need to go now my dear student. But before that take this other gift of mine."

Old Wu then pointed his finger at Qin Shang's head as knowledge was poured into his head.

After some moments, Old Wu removed his finger from Qin Shang's head as he spoke.

"What I had passed to you was a cultivation manual called 12 Phases of Godhood. It is the only one in the world and though it has a domineering name, I don't actually know what it holds. Originally, I found this 4 years ago near a million year old canyon formed by a meteor during the ancient times. I wanted to use this back then, however it required me to be a person with at least the strength of an Iron Rank therefore I didn't use it. But since you are my student, then I shall pass this on to you."

However, while he was talking, Qin Shang was already cultivating the manual as his eyes was closed. Old Wu sighed as he wrote something on the dusty wall beside him as he disappeared into thin air.

After a couple of minutes did only Qin Shang finally open his eyes as a bright light appeared and slowly disappeared. He stood up and stretched his arms as he looked at the words written at the wall and grinned a bit.

I'll see you when I see you my dear student.

-Old Wu

Qin Shang then checked if there was any changes to his strength.

Strength: 3.9

Vitality: 3.6

Mind: 3.3

Speed: 3.6

Constitution: 7.5

He stared at dumbfoundedly at his new status with his mouth opened wide. His stats was tripled and everything except his constitution had reached high stage 3rd Class Iron Rank and his constitution reached the mid stage 2nd Class Iron Rank!

He now felt a bit sad after this incident. If he had trained more before training the 1st Phase of the manual Old Wu gave him, then wouldn't his strength be more than this? However, regretting wouldn't change the fact that he had practiced it too early and decided to go back home.

Soon, the sun had rised as Qin Shang opened his eyes. It was going to be different today. He had now gained strength stronger than the other students. He now had strength to back him up and a disciple of his master as his status. Though he didn't know his real identity, he believed that Old Wu wouldn't lie to him.

Greeting his mother and sister downstairs, he rushed breakfast and soon headed to the university as he waved his family goodbye.

Soon, he had arrived in front of his university which had over 300 students. As he walked at the hall, most of the people's attention was directed towards him. Girls had looks of pity and stars in their eyes as they stared at the extremely handsome face of Qin Shang while the men was glaring at him with envy and jealousy.

Soon enough as he had expected, right in front of everyone in the hall, a group of arrogant looking students blocked him as they mocked him. "Oh? It seems you haven't learnt your lesson last time Qin Shang! You still dare come and reveal your pretty boy face here! Don't blame me for disfiguring you this time then."

Everyone expected Qin Shang to runaway but to their surprise, he still had a poker face on as he stared at the opposite party. The opposing person in front of him was called Bai Shaoming and was also from one of the influential families in the Ba City. He had a typical young master attitude and was very arrogant. Usually, in this era, strength ruled over status. If the young master was a weakling and the person he opposed was a genius commoner, then should the Shan Alliance intrude, then they would no doubt pick the genius.

The Shan Alliance had certain rules after all. If a genius appeared, then they would protect them as they were a valuable asset to humanity. But in this case, they picked quality over quantity. If a group of geniuses tries to kill a single one, and the single person wins, then they wouldn't care about the group and would pick the winner.

However, Bai Shaoming was from an influential family in their city and also a strong person in their generation in this city. A lot of so called geniuses had fallen below him as his arrogance just grew stronger and stronger. Therefore, even though many people wanted to stop this tyrant, they weren't as good as him.

In reality, Bai Shaoming really didn't care about Qin Shang at all and just saw him as a weak pretty boy. However, Lu Xingyu, the prettiest girl in the university, suddenly had interested in Qin Shang for some reason, which angered Bai Shaoming and constantly messed with Qin Shang as it was known that he had liked Lu Xingyu for a some time now. If she had been from the Ba City, then she would have been most likely forced to be with him but she wasn't. Her background was said to be so immense that even the Bai Family would just be an ant to them.

She had only visited the Ba City and studied in it the university because of curiosity on how other people below them lived like. And as soon as she departed and returned to her home, Bai Shaoming started to bully Qin Shang.

Naturally Qin Shang couldn't do anything as Bai Shaoming was the strongest in the university with the strength over 750 kg!

But now it was different as he now had the strength of almost 4,000 kg.

"What are you looking at?!", Bai Shaoming seemed angry at his poker face as he dashed forward and hit Qin Shang in the face.

Even when he was hit, Qin Shang stood there unmoving as a snap sounded throughout the hall.


Everyone heard a loud scream as they all stared at the man kneeling down.

Bai Shaoming!

They were all unable to move as they stared at him screaming as he held his broken hand.

They all thought that it was going to be Qin Shang that was rolling in the ground but they were wrong! Clearly, it was Bai Shaoming who hit Qin Shang in the face but the outcome was him breaking his hand.

They all stared at Qin Shang as if he was monster. Bai Shaoming had the strength of over 750 kg and yet he actually broke his hand when he hit Qin Shang!

What a thick face he has!

However, all their thoughts was oblivious to Qin Shang himself as he laughed in his heart. Now you can taste what I feel!

Qin Shang then smirked as he raised his leg and kicked him with half of his strength which contained 2,000 kg worth of power.

Another expected result was that Bai Shaoming flew more than 10 meters away as he was launched at a wall which left him hanging.

The tables have turned Bai Shaoming!