Friend Part 1

A red hair woman slowly strolled down the busy street and expertly dodged any person that tried to bump into her. Her eyes flashed every now and then as some people tried and failed to crash into her, the small look of disdain she sent them each time they failed showed how much she hated this act, and her expert maneuvers told how many times this happened to her.

She wore blue jeans and a nice loose fitting black crop top. Her hair flowed in the small wind that was around and her beauty was something that attracted all males around her. On her shoulders she carried a black bag and wore sunglasses covering her eyes.

With light makeup and a small amount of lipstick she was the definition of a natural born beauty, if it wasn't for her coldish face and constant disdain for the men trying to cop a feel, she would be one of the most approachable people someone might ever meet.

She was at this point on auto pilot as she dodged every incoming person, while she was at this she scanned the area and all that approached her. Behind her sunglasses her cold eyes would drift from person to person, marking them with mental markers. If anyone was to be considered a threat on any level she would not let them get close, or prepare her for something to happen. Her training that had gone on for years had made this a automatic process and even if she didn't want to, she would find herself scanning every person that walked by.

Not that this hadn't saved her life before and made her who she was today. But because of the early morning time and small amount of people where she was heading, most if not all the people would be considered negligible threats, and only a scant few would be considered notice worthy.

Having done this for so long Natalia Romanova, known as Natasha Romanoff or Nat by friends, and better known as Black Widow to the greater masses, continued to walk in an elegant manner. She had just left avengers tower in her civilian clothes and was heading towards the nearby park.

Those that thought she would be defenseless in such clothes would be wrong as she had knifes and weapons hidden all over her person. If someone was really considered a threat and they wanted to attack her at such a time, they would be in for a nasty surprise.

In her auto pilot mode her thoughts drifted back to her training in the Red Room and how they had programmed such training in her from such a young age. She couldn't even remember a time when she would walk out and not assess all the people that she came across. Although the skills definitely were necessary for her profession while under them, and had become such an important asset in her new work place, there was still a small part of her that hated the training.

Natasha shook her head slightly as her thoughts continued to drift off; she didn't want to think about that type of stuff right now, for now she had better get to the park. At the thought of who she was going to meet at the park a small smile graced her lips. If any of her team mates were to see her smile like this they would have done a double take, before rushing over to check if she was actually the Nat they knew.

It was a very rare occurrence when the Black widow smiled, and her team mates could probably list on one hand how many times they had seen her do such a thing. Of course the team had only been put together a few months ago, and they hadn't had many missions together, but still. She was the coldest one of them all, the trained assassin, who would have thought she could smile so radiantly.

Tony Stark, or better known as Iron-Man, would have instantly taken a picture and went searching for the reason for such an occurrence at the drop of a hat, had he known. Thankfully for Natasha nobody knew that she went out to the park every few days.

Well maybe shield knew, they always kept track of their agents, whatever they were doing, especially if they were a high priority asset would be tracked. It was a small thing, but it was her only way to de-stress.

Well there were a few other ways that she blew off steam, but recently she had been going to the park. The tranquility that it provided, the silence that pervaded the area drew her in, that and one other thing. The smile graced her lips again at the thought.

There had been a new reason that she had been going to the park more and more recently. And it was something no one could have guessed. She had a certain bench that she always sat on when she went to the park; it was in the perfect place, a nice view of a small pond, trees and area around her. But recently there had been another person that occupied the bench she always went to, a homeless person.

A homeless person named Peter.