The Day Part 1

(Battle of New York.)

*Ring Ring* *Pant* *Pant* *Ring Ring* *Scuffle* *Bang* *Stomp* *Ring Ring* *Stomp* *Crash*

Peter slammed the door to his house open as his phone continued to ring. His heart rate went to new heights as he heard it go on and on. *Click* The phone finally picked up. "Aunt May where are you!?!" Peter almost screamed into the other end as he rushed into his room. There was a bad feeling in the bottom of his gut and her next words confirmed them.

"Peter? I'm in the middle of down town, in a mall…" *Bang* *Crash* Peter's heart left into his throat as he heard the other side of the phone. "We are trying to evacuate to somewhere safe. Are you ok?!" Peter could tell aunt May was panicking as she asked about his safety. She was most worried about him, but the same went both ways, Peter was most worried about her!

"I'm fine Aunt May; I'm at the house…" He could hear her make a sigh of relief. Before he could continue she spoke up. "Good stay there, where it's safe." "BUT!" "No Buts Peter! I'll be fine! Do not come into town to find me. Everything will be alright; there are people outside fighting the monsters." Peter stopped trying to argue with May as he knew no matter what he said, she would never let him go into the down town area.

It was only a few minutes ago that some type of portal opened up above Stark Tower and emergency procedures were put into effect. The school was immediately closed and everyone told to move to the nearest shelters. Peter had rushed home as fast as he could at the news. He had for once in his life left his outfit back at home.

It was ripped the other day and still needed to be fixed, but the little detour had taken precious minutes. Peter knew that Aunt May had to go into the center of town today because she was meeting with some old friends.

Knowing this information and seeing the carnage that was being wrought by the aliens, which kept pouring through the portal, Peter was in panic mode. After a small talk where Peter went into auto pilot and jumped into his costume and slapped on his web shooters, he sprang out his window.

"Crystal immediately triangulate Aunt May's phone and send me in her direction!" Slinging as fast as he could towards the explosions and terror the voice of crystal spoke in his ear. "Yes Sir, triangulating now... Located, giving directions now." The voice was low and orderly, even the usual Peter was dropped for Sir, the gravity of the situation setting in.


(A few minutes later)

*Thwip* *Urgh* "Argh!!!"Peter grunted as he webbed and pulled another alien over. Their distorted skin color and sharp teeth snarled as there body flew a few meters before being slammed into another group. Peter swung over the group of civilians that had just been screaming and made sure they were ok before moving on.

He really wanted to rush towards where Aunt May was, but he had to help people when he could. *Shing* *Bang* *Pow* Blue energy beams of power were flung all over the place as more and more aliens scattered fire everywhere. Peter shot and webbed all that he could, but it was like a drop in a bucket, they were never ending.

A whale like creature flew over Peter's head and he could just make out 2 big men standing atop it. One was a golden haired giant of a man, covered in armour and swinging a hammer around. The hammer was covered in lighting and was blasting the aliens left right and center. The one next to him was even more of a hulking figure. Their green body rippled with muscles as they grabbed the aliens around and tossed them like toys into buildings.

Peter stared at them for a second before continuing to attack all the aliens around, making his way ever so slowly towards a certain area. "1 block over sir. To the left." Peter didn't respond as he saw blue lights of energy in that direction. Swinging with speed and grace he covered the block in a second and landed on the roof. Seeing 2 aliens firing from the rooftop, Peter bounded over and sent 2 powerful punches to their armour. The metal caved in from the force of the blow and they were sent flying over the edge of the building.

Moving to the edge and peering down at the ground level he was across from a mall complex. Just outside the door were a bunch of aliens that were shooting at those inside. Aunt May could be in there! Peter strained his body as he dived from the air at maximum speed and speared one of the aliens to the ground.

Rounding on the creature next to him, he didn't hold back with a fist to the face and sent the creature flying. *Thwip* Turning to another he webbed the face and pulled it close. Close lining the alien he then flung the body at the last one.

His spider sense went off for a second as he dodged a shot from the last one before its body was also taken out. Looking around to make sure there were no more, he sprinted into the building, passing scared civilians.

Looking around frantically and not seeing Aunt may, Peter sprung up to the second floor and continued to follow the instructions from Crystal. He ran into a few more parties of Aliens and took them out with extreme prejudice. "10 Meters to the right, Peter." Snapping his head towards the direction he saw a destroyed shop front.