Unexpected Duo Part 2

"Got you!" The distraction was all the Rhino needed as he jumped up and grabbed onto him. Out of the speakers Tony's curse could just be heard. "Ohh son of a bit...." *Groan* The metal groaned slightly from the crushing hands before he was flung into the ground.

*Bang* *Crash* The armour bounced off the ground before flying into a shop window and shattering it. Peter winced at the sight, before looking at the Rhino. He was moving towards the shop to finish the job.

*Thwip* Leaping off the wall, Peter swung into the back of his head, creating a resounding, *Thwack*, barely budging the giant, but it did grab his attention. "Hey big guy, Remember me?" Cocking his head to the side he grabbed onto another wall as he flew by. The Rhino shook his head for a second before looking at the blue and red hero.

Eyes widening in surprise his arm came up and shook as it pointed at him. "YOU BUG MAN!!! RHINO SMUSH!!!" Like a raging bull he dipped his head as he rushed head long in the direction of Peter. Peter leapt out of the way at the last second as he flipped towards where Start fell.

"Mmm, sounded too much like the Hulk and you messed up the saying as well. I'll just take that as a yes." *BANG* *CRASH* Rhino didn't respond as he crashed through a few shops and had to slow himself down. Using the small amount o time he had, Peter rushed over towards Iron man. Sliding to the ground next to the prone armour, he shook it waking up Tony, who had been knocked out.

"Huh, anyone get that guys number?" Peter smacked the face mask. *Ting* "Hey! Leave the quipping to me!" Shaking his head again Tony responded. "Yeah… sure." Taking a few seconds he finally seemed to figure out what was going on. "Wait Spider-Man? Why are you here?"

Peter shot a thumb towards the raging figure that was pulling himself back out of the hole he created. "You know, I was on a stroll with my girl when I heard an earth quake, I was sure it wasn't natural, but I just had to check. But once I did that, what do I find? I find you and the Rhino going blow for tickle. And yes you were tickling him with those blasts." "Hey.." Tony protested. "… I was doing just fine, he was about to go down."

Peter gave him a look under his mask that Tony could still somehow figure out as being skeptical. "Riiiiiiiiight." Taking a quick peek over his shoulder Peter turned back to him. "Well I would love to continue this banter, but I think we should take this guy down and then talk later."

Peeking over Spider-Man's shoulder Tony could just make out the hulking figure that was charging towards them, the ground shaking with every step. "I think you're right." Lending him a hand, Peter pulled him to his feet and they both starred at the incoming projectile.

*Bzzz* Blasting to the skies, Tony began to unload on him once again as Spider-Man jumped out of the way. The Rhino didn't care about Iron man anymore; his entire focus was now on the blue and red spandex wearing Peter.

Jumping left and dodging right around his body, Peter kept close to him so that less was destroyed. If he were to swing off the mall would crumble in a few minutes as the Rhino went on a rampage. Thinking quickly in his head he looked left and right for anything that could take him down.

There was one fatal weakness that came with the experiment that Aleksei went through, because his skin was infused with the super armour, he couldn't regulate his heat. If he were in a hot temperature he will go into heat stroke and faint.

The first time they fought Peter was lucky that it had been a hot day and the fight had lasted for more than 30 minutes. Rhino had tried to get to a water source to cool himself down when Peter finally realized his weakness.

Ever since then he had been exploiting that weakness to win all their fights. Maybe if he was smarter Rhino could have won some of their fights, but sadly he wasn't. *Hmm* *Bang* Another repulsor blast slammed into the back of the Rhino when Peter noticed that his brow was starting to accumulate sweat.

Leaping high in the air to catch a breather he looked from the sluggish Rhino to the floating Iron man still firing. The repulsor blasts were all that Tony had left; he had used all his ammo and mini rockets. If he used the higher yield missiles he might destroy the mall.

'WAIT…Repulsor… energy… heat…Bingo!' Quickly swinging over to the flying suit Peter landed right next to him and began to talk. "Fire a continuous repulsor blast at him, aim right for the back and head." Tony looked at him and Peter could understand the unsaid question. 'Why?'

*Thwip* "Wha?" In surprise Tony was webbed closer to the wall crawler as he spoke right next to his ear. He turned his head with his free hand as if to get a point across to an idiot. Something which irked Tony to no end. "He can't regulate his heeeeat. Repulsooooor Energyyyyyy hooootttt. Boil him like a kettle."

Ripping his body away from the wall crawler, behind his mask a frown came to his face. His voice came out in a pout as he turned his back to the bug. "Fine I get you, talking to me like a 3 year old, who does he think he is. I'll buy his whole neighborhood if I get the chance…."

Grumbling curses under his breath Peter didn't pay him any mind, he was laughing on the inside with what he just did. He did enjoy making fun of someone so rich and smart, and an old idol. Stifling a chuckle, he once again reengaged Rhino.

For a few seconds the fight was in a stand still before Iron Man flew right behind him and started to fire. *Whirlle* *Bam* A continuous beam came from Tony's suit as it slammed into the back of Rhino. He gave it no mind as he continued to try and stomp the bug before him.

It was only when he started to heat up and started to sweat that he turned towards the attack. He was too stupid to realize what was going on, but he knew that he needed to cool down. Turning away from the two heroes he started to run towards any source of water he could find.

*Bzzz* The power increased as the heat began to overwhelm him. He started to get dizzy as he swayed from foot to foot. Finally after a full minute of wobbling he fell to the ground and fainted. *Thwip* Peter landed next to the downed foe as he began to web his body to the ground. He could already hear sirens in the background. The police would be there in a minute or two.

*Pak* Tony landed next to the hero and looked down at the super villain that he had just taken down. A smug smile surfaced on his face as he puffed his chest out. Somehow doing this had been a good stress reliever. He had needed it for a long while.

"Up top." Also happy, Peter raised his hand for a high five; Tony instantly shot his hand out. *Clap* "So what were you doing here?" Tony finally asked the question. Peter shrugged his shoulders as he prepared to leave. "I told you already, came to investigate a noise I heard. I really should get back to my girl now."

Tony leaned back. "You actually have a girl?" Perter stopped and turned back to him with a hurt look. "What's that supposed to mean." Tony raised his hands in defense as he tried to find the words for that blunder. "I mean…. She digs the spider stuff?"

Tony almost face palmed at the words, that was not what he meant. He was just looking for an excuse for what he said. Peter stopped for a second as his mind came up with a comeback. Beckoning Tony closer, he whispered in a conspiratory manner.

"Trust me, the women love it at night when you start doing things on the roof." Tony was shocked for a second as his mind drifted off to the possibilities of being able to stick to anything….. Giving him a small pat on the shoulder, Peter shot out a web. *Thwip* "Well, I better be getting back."

Finally snapping out of his perverse thoughts Tony looked at the leaving figure. "Hey wait a minute!" About to go after Spider-Man he realized that his suit wasn't responding. "What! How in the hell did he do it?!?!" Shocked from the discovery that he had been hacked again, he finally realized something!

"He was the one who messed with my music!!!!!!" Peter chuckled to himself as he scurried back to his backpack. He could just hear that last shout.