Get Ready!

Laura locked eyes with her again as she brushed her nose with her knuckles. *Sniff* Her eyes slowly went to the door leading into the room and pointed at it. "The same way I know there are 3 men standing outside the door right now."

Natasha was surprised for a second, but not as surprised as the people hiding outside. The door was opened just a crack and swung fully open as Tony walked through the doors looking at her in amazement. "How did you know?" Laura just shrugged her shoulders. "The nose knows." Tony was skeptical. "Riiiight…"

"Maybe an acute sense of smell due to her mutation…" he started to talk to himself as he went to look at the scans of to the side. While he was doing that, Clint and Steve walked into the room. Clint was still a bit tired having been the person of watch duty just before Natasha.

*Yawn* "Jarvis notified us when Jane doe here woke up, we came down as fast as we could just in case, but we saw you had everything under control." Laura cut in before he could continue. "Jane Doe has a name. Laura, Laura Kinney"

Clint raised his hands in apology, but sent a look to both Steve and Natasha about the name. Steve spoke their thoughts. "Daughter of Laura Kinney?" Laura was shocked for a second. "How did you…?" She looked around the room she was in again and quickly noticed Tony at the side, looking at medical readings shown on some type of holographic screen.

Realizing what happened she retreated a bit, putting her guard back up. The others saw her reaction and tried to calm her down before something else happened. "Hey, hey, no need to panic. We only scanned you to see if there were any internal injuries. That's when we found out about your heritage." Steve's words did nothing to assure Laura, she was still on edge, she didn't like people doing tests on her.

Steve and the rest saw this, but it was Clint that couldn't help but ask. "Who did it? How could someone do that to a child? I want to rip them apart right now!" Clint's voice turned dark as he thought about his own daughters.

Laura looked at him for a few seconds but said nothing. They might have wanted answers but Laura wasn't going to give them anytime soon. Clint looked at the distrustful gaze and couldn't help but feel more hate towards whoever experimented on her.

An uneasy tension filled the room, before Laura tried to move the conversation on. Though she may not be as trustful of the 'heroes' before her anymore, she knew it was par the course. They didn't seem to hold any nefarious ideas towards her, or wish her harm.

But she still wouldn't talk about her past with them. "So when are we going to find Peter." Addressing Natasha, the red head looked at her for another few seconds before responding. "We'll go and look for him…" *Growl* She didn't get to finish as the sudden noise filled the room.

Everyone looked at Laura as she turned red in embarrassment. Looking down at her stomach in accusation she didn't look any of them in the eye anymore. The Avengers cracked small smiles at the situation before Steve got them moving.

"We'll look for him after we've got you some food young lady." Laura gave a bit of a stiff nod, before they all left to the common room. It was almost lunch time. After they were done they would get to finding Peter, with the one lead they had.


(Xavier Mansion)

Delicate hands slowly reached for the metal helmet on her head before dragging it off. A smile blossomed on her lips as she got up from her seat and turned to Charles and Logan behind her. "I've found her professor; whatever was shielding her has suddenly retracted."

Charles looked up a Jean as she delivered the news, her excitement was clear to see. Logan next to him gave a clear nod, raring to go find Laura as well. Seeing the small flicker of red in her eyes, as she looked at him, still created a small sense of doubt in his mind, but he shook it off.

"Good, Wolverine after lunch I want the main team gathered and ready to go. I'll be coming with you guys this time, I have a feeling that something is going to happen on this mission." Wolverine gave a nod as he stood behind Charles and began to push him towards the exit.

Jean started to follow behind them, a small spring in her step. "Jean, please have something to eat before we leave for the mission today, though whatever was hiding her has disappeared, if it comes back while looking for her we will be relying on you."

Jean gave a nod just as they reach the elevator to the main floor. "Yes professor. I'll go get my gear ready now!" Before Charles could say anything else Jean sprinted off into a different corridor and was out of sight in seconds.

Charles still had a frown on his face as he watched her leave, something Logan took note of. "Something wrong Chuck?" Charles looked at his friend and could only shake his head. "I don't know my friend, I don't know."

Getting into the elevator Logan reassured him. "Don't worry, me, Hank, Ororo and even that dick Gambit will protect the kids." "Logan language." Charles reprimanded him in good humor as Logan just shrugged his shoulders.

As the elevator reached the ground floor and they rolled out, heading for the headmasters room, Charles spoke his worries again. "I know that Logan, but something is coming on the horizon, something big and dangerous. I can't tell what it is, but we will have to be ready."

Logan rolled his eyes at the foreboding in his words. In his eyes whatever was to come, the x-men would take it down, if not them then other super heroes, more and more had been popping up recently. The rest of the trip was spent in silence. Once Logan dropped Charles off in his office he had to go inform the others that they had a mission.