Convergence Part 1

(Around the same time, Black bird)

Jean sat quietly with her hands pressed to her head, mentally looking for Laura as the ship quietly hovered over the streets of New York. With a special stealth mode installed into the ship, the only indication that they were there were the low sound of the jets and the heat they produced as the hovered there.

Wolverine looked out the front window, standing next to Storm as she flew the ship. Next to her was the Professor, while behind him in the seats were all of the x-men. Hank or beast was the closest to him, reading a book as he passed the time.

Next came Gambit and Scott, both in their own worlds, one playing with a deck of cards in his hands, while the other was looking intently at Jean. After them there was Jubilee and Kitty pride or Shadow Cat, both talking up a storm having been long time friends.

Finally near the ramp of the ship was Rogue, looking a bit disinterested, Kurt or better known as Night Crawler and Jean. Each of them doing their own thing as Jean and the Professor both tried to Locate Laura, who they knew, was close.

Logan's eyes peeled slightly as he looked at the building before them. "Is this the place?" Turning to look at both the professor and Jean, they both said nothing for a few seconds before their eyes opened. Charles was the one to confirm. "Yes I can sense Laura inside, along with a few other people."

Jean nodded her head in confirmation as she stared intently at the building through the side window. Kurt raised his hand at that point, as he positioned another towards the roof of the building. "Umm, guys, there's already a ship on top of that building." The rest of the x-men in the ship turned to look at what he was pointing at. A few frowns appeared as Logan let out a full scowl. "Who the hell owns that?"

Storm didn't even turn to him as she maneuvered the ship to get a better vantage point while replying. "Watch your language Logan." Logan rolled his eyes but didn't talk back as he turned to Charles. "What do you want to do chuck?"

Charles stared at the unknown ship and was about to say something when below them a loud crash sounded out and two people came flying out from one of the top floors! Nearly all of them could see the two figures as they fell down, rubble accompanying their fall.

"Oh my god is that Laura?" Jubilee, who had been chatting, sprang to her feet as she watched the two fall. Logan's mood fell even further as he felt his claws itching to come out. Storm as the field commander quickly noted down the situation and took command.

"Kurt,I want you to take Rogue and go help Laura, we'll be down as soon as we can. Everyone prepare for battle!" *Poof* Everyone nodded as Night Crawler disappeared in a puff of blue smoke and appeared next to Rogue who had just undone her belt.

*Poof* With another flash of blue they were both gone. The rest of the x-men started to fix their gear as Storm steered the ship towards another roof as fast as she could, the Black bird couldn't fit down at street level. They were ready to save Laura.


(Felicia's Apartment)

"Did a Latino super model looking babe just spear tackle Laura out the window?" Every ones head swiveled to Tony for a second at the word, they had all see a lot in their time, but tackling someone out of a high rise apartment did sound like suicide!

But they weren't shocked for long, Steve took command in seconds. "Tony I don't know how long it'll take your suit to get here, but get it now!" Before he could continue to give out his commands Tony smirked at him and strapped the bag he had been carrying the whole journey over his shoulders.

Pressing the small button in the middle and then pulling the straps a little, he flushed out his hands as suddenly the pack let out a whirl and pieces of gear began to wrap around his body. Everyone was shocked again, most of all Felicia as she was starting to realize who had broken into her apartment.

The gear wrapped around his body and in just 30 seconds Tony stood before them in his trade mark Iron Man armour. Steve looked at him for a second. "When did you design that?" Tony shrugged as he started to walk to the destroyed balcony. They had done quite a bit of damage on the way out.

"The suit was taking too long to reach me in certain distances, I thought it would be better to have the armour on hand, though the backpack was heavy. I really need to find a better way of storage and retrieval of the suit."