The Arrival part 2

Helicopters hung over the area as film crews tried to get close to the fighting. But because of the narrowness of the street the fight was taking place on, they couldn't get too close. All they could tell was that the Avengers were fighting someone and that would be prime time television!

The battle was now in full swing. Sabretooth was putting up a good fight against the 2 ex-soldiers as they used an uncanny amount of teamwork to force him back. The problem was how fast he healed at the rate they were going it would be a few hours before a victor would be decided.


Gambit and spike were in a mid-distance battle, throwing their long ranged projectiles at each other. Gambit had the advantage as the cards he threw actually blew up. Whenever they would get in close they would clash pike to bone, trying to take each other's heads.


While that was going on 2 red heads and a brunet where in a close quarter fight with Avalanche and Pyro. Receiving help from Jean and Scott, Natasha had been able to get out of cover and get in close to Avalanche. Though his powers were deadly if caught, Natasha kept dodging ever blow, knowing she couldn't take a full punch straight on.

Next to her, Jean was also fighting, restricting his movements and throwing rubble at him. Scott was taking Pyro's attention as they both blasted each other with extreme heat. Pyro had to dodge each and every time Scott got a good shot in, while Scott had to duck behind cover to dodge the scorching flames.


Over with Laura and Kimura, Kitty and Jubilee didn't know what to do. They starred a bit away from the fight as they watched the two women try and rip each other apart. The blood lust and battle intent would have put elite soldiers to shame.

But after an initial hesitation Jubilee jumped in. Standing at a distance she sent a pyrotechnic blast right into Kimura's face, She was distracted enough for Laura to land a clean blow to the chin knocking her to the ground. "Argh!" Quickly rolling to the side avoiding Laura's foot claw she sprung to her feet and sent a death glare Jubilees way, which sent a shiver down her spine.

Jubilee didn't have to be told twice. After that death glare she started to rain shot after shot on the woman, though it did no damage to her tough skin, it was enough to blind her and force her back. All this did was make Kimura even angrier.

Laura wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth taking advantage of the help to land ever heavier blows. During this time Kitty sprinted forwards, not minding the rubble or overturned cars in her way. Circling around Kimura she came up on her back.

"Argh!!!" Screaming once again in rage, Laura was caught off guard as her foot got caught before Kimura dropped with all of her weigh snapping the joint as she came down. *grit* Laura clenched her teeth as her body already started to heal the damage, while Kimura got up and flung her to the side into a building. *Crash* Bang*

Something must have been left on in the building as it let out a small explosion as Laura's body flew through the window. Kimura looked that way for a second before turning to Jubilee, red death in her eyes. *Gulp* Jubilee felt her mouth go dry and she stepped back a bit, Kimura making her way over.

Before she could get close to Jubilee though a new pair of hands grabbed her from behind and she felt herself sink into the ground. "What the fuck!" She stopped sinking into the ground just as it reached about half way up her biceps, she moved for a few seconds feeling the ground, her eyes turning an even darker shade of blood red.

The amount of anger she felt was bubbling to a breaking point. Her eyes turned into slits as she watched Kitty appear from the ground in front of her a small smile on her lips. The smile sent her over the edge. "Don't you know who I am?! I'm Kimura BITCH!!!!"

Kimura flexed her muscles and increased her power as she tore the asphalt beneath her and sprung from the ground ready to strangle and mutilate the girl before her. "Rargh!!!" Just as she got out though a missile called Laura smashed into her from the side blood caked on her face. "Die!!!"


Storm, Beast and the professor stood before Magneto as he starred at them. His face was calm but stern as he locked eyes with his old friend, Charles. "Don't you think this is enough destruction Magnus. You should know by now that Laura will not join your cause."

Magneto sent a look over to Laura as she fought with Kimura, the fight had just entered another level of viciousness. Though he would love to have someone with such prowess on his side, he could tell she wouldn't join them. She was too much like the metal beast for it to be a coincidence. Possible a relative.

Honestly he would also like to finish the fight and get back to more important matters. But the Brotherhood had been craving this fight, he had to oblige them to a certain extent. He slowly began to rise in the air as he let his powers loose.

Storm's eyes changed color as she too began to rise in the air. Beast let out a small growl as he got ready to face down Mystique and Blink. Charles could only let out a sigh at the sight. "We don't have to let it go this far." Magneto looked at him. "Yes we do Charles!"

The skies darkened as thunder rumbled into the area. Everyone looked up for a second at the weather phenomenon that was severely affecting the surrounding air crafts trying to get a good glimpse of the fight. But the X-men and Brotherhood only looked up for a second, assuming it was Storm about to get serious.

But Storm was the only one of them to keep looking at the sudden rain clouds above, because she knew, she hadn't Caused them!

*BOOOOM* *Crack*

Lightning struck and something slammed into Sabretooths chest so hard that it flung him right through a building! A hammer floated in the air at the place his body once was as Steve and Logan looked at the sudden appearance of the tool, before it suddenly retracted and flew back into the air.

"Sorry I'm late, son of Steve!" Everyone stopped for a second as they looked up at the new entrant a man with flowing golden locks and an armour showing off his sculptured physique.

The God of Thunder had arrived!