The door opened into a large living room area, stepping out of the doors, the first thing that came into sight was the kitchen, with a huge state of the art fridge, island and cooking equipment splayed all over the place.
Peter took a second to look past the sink and cupboards before walking past it briskly, he looked to see if there was anyone else further in, but only came across 2 large couches, followed by a wide screen TV and game set up that would be a nerds wet dream.
Behind them was an unobstructed view of the outside sky line that dominated New York city. Leading out to a patio that overlooked the city, it was quite beautiful. But Peter didn't care about that. There were only 2 other doors out of the room, one leading to a bathroom area and another to a different indoor cinema room.
Not having time to appreciate the set up, or the technology Peter made sure there was no one around before he once again rounded on Felicia who had quietly followed behind him. "Do they know!" Felicia's eyes widened in shock as the words slowly registered in her mind. A slight hurt expression came to her face as she replied.
"You think I would tell them your secret Peter?" A bit of the anger bubbling to the surface cooled as he looked at her hurt eyes, but he was still angry with her. Starring into those eyes, as if searching for the truth, but knowing in the end she wouldn't betray him like that. Well he hoped.
Once you have your best friend betray you it's a bit hard to trust anyone ever again. So even though he wished he could say he trusted her 100% there was still a small voice in the back of his head that told him she was lying.
The silence seemed to stretch on for a few more seconds before finally he turned from her again and shook his head. " you wouldn't." Felicia felt a few tears start to prick at her eyes as she felt new emotions swell within her.
The small sliver of doubt she had heard in his voice was all she needed to know to feel the hurt deep down. She turned her back and focused onto anything in the room she could focus on, not wanting to speak, not wanting to let him know how much that actually hurt.
There was a pregnant pause through the common room for a full minute before finally Peter brought himself to speak again. "Why...could you just tell me...why here?" Felicia slowly gripped her fists as she felt her anger topple the other emotions swirling inside.
She couldn't stop herself before she rounded on him. "WHY?! Because while you were away gallivanting wherever, worrying me to death, my apartment got blow up and partially because of you!!!"
Peter took a small step back in shock at the words, his worst fear starting to rear their head. "What?" The voice was quiet but it cause Felicia to cool down in a second. The insecurity of the voice, the slight waver at the end, the pitiful look in his eyes.
She realised in that second she might have said the wrong thing. If there was one thing Felicia knew after seeing Peter, after living with him for that short week, he still blamed so much of his Aunts passing on himself, maybe even much more. He didn't like seeing anyone close to him in danger, and if he thought it was indirectly his cause, he would take full responsibility.
Just before at that small coffee shop, she could see how shaken he was until she gave him that hug. She mentally kicked herself in her mind as she moved closer to the slightly twitchy Peter. Reaching out to pull him into a hug again, it seemed like he was out of it until her hand brushed against his shoulder.
All her anger turned to remorse as she watched his body flinch back in response. Before he could get further away thought she threw caution to the wind and practically dived on his body. Peter wasn't ready for the sudden move and they both quickly tumbled to the floor.
That just seemed to make matters worse as he started to struggle to get her off. Something that hurt many times worse than when he was angry at her was seeing the pain in his fear stricken eyes. She gripped on tight as she started talking. "I was angry, I'm sorry, it wasn't your fault Peter, it wasn't your fault. I'm fine, there's nothing to worry about, ok."
The struggle started to slow down as she quietly looked into his terrified eyes. Their calm was slowly returning as he once again looked her in the eye, to make sure she was telling the truth. "Please tell me I didn't put you in danger." The voice was just above a whisper, soft...weak, but Felicia heard him.
"You didn't." He starred for a few more seconds in to her eyes before a visible weight seemed to lift off his shoulders. Glad that the small episode had sorted itself out, Felicia relaxed her hands as she held him and realised the current position they were in.
Straddling his body and holding down his arms above his head, their bodies were intimately close to each other, a sly smile slowly came to her lips as her thoughts ran wild. Noticing the sudden change in the person above him, Peter also realised what position he was in.
Seeing that Felicia just dangerously licked her lips and was biting it in that ravenous sort of way, he quickly racked his brain for an answer. "Iron Man you perv what are you looking at." Looking in the direction behind her, Felicia quickly snapped out of her delusions and looked back in shock to see...nothing.
Using the small distraction Peter broke the hold Felicia had over him and bucked his hips throwing her up in the air slightly before doing a combat roll to the side springing to his feet. A pout came to her lips as she watched her prey get away but a small Cheshire smile came back in a few seconds.
Peter watched her like a dangerous animal and defiantly didn't like the smile that was now plastered on her lips, though he didn't want to ask, the words just slipped out before he could stop himself. "Felicia...why are you smiling." The smile only seemed to get wider as a small noise came from the elevator they came from.
Peters eyes flickered over to it for a second before she spoke up. "What a hip thrust Peter, save it for the bedroom~ Don't worry we'll get you later little spider, you have nowhere to run...and as I was saying there were a few reasons for why I moved in here specifically. There was someone who was desperately looking for you."
The words were processing through Peters mind as he blushed before stopping on one specific thing in Felicia's last sentence. 'We?' Before he could dwell on it further though a small black blur came from the kitchen and dashed its way towards him.