Peter looked down dubiously at the drink in his hand. The party had been going good so far, Laura had been carted around by Felicia at the start of the party, taking her from one guest to the other to say something.
Laura was a little stunted in her social interactions but over the last few months had been opening up quite a bit, so it wasn't a surprise that she handled herself well. As they were all her friends and dare he say family, it made it that much easier.
Peter liked to think that the wide smile that had stayed on her face the whole night was a good indicator, especially when it got that bit brighter every time someone presented their gifts.
Though there was a small little awkwardness when Logan had presented his gift and Laura had looked in his direction before almost reluctantly putting on the leather jacket Logan had presented. It was definitely better than the one they had won at the fair, but to Laura it wasn't the same!
Now already 4 hours into the party, the night life of New York was also starting up, the neon lights outside the building lighting up the sky.
Peter had been left to his own devices so far, talking with a few of the people in the room. He had got stuck into a conversation with Dr Banner which had taken up a whole hour, but both scientists and nerds, loved every second.
Why was he starring dubiously at his drink though, one may wonder.
Well, it was because after having carted Laura around, Felicia had been doing the job of party organizer and been going around and talking to everyone else. Something Tony should have also been doing, as it was his building, but the last Peter saw of him, he was trying to sneak off with Pepper into a different room, both clearly drunk.
It didn't take a scientist to figure out what was going on there.
But back to the main topic. Felicia had taken a small amount of time out of her roaming to stop and talk to Peter for a few minutes. It was just as she was leaving that she poured a small vile into the drink he was already holding.
When he had very normally raised his eye at her blatant action, she just flashed one of her mischievous smiles and gave him a wink, leaving a few parting words before she walked off.
"I swiped an extra portion of good old caps, super liquor, no need to thank me."
So now here Peter was staring at his drink weighing the pros and cons. After getting his super powers he had unfortunately never been able to get drunk, some would call it a blessing, some would call it a cruse.
Though after what happened with Aunt May and the rest of his life, it might have been a good thing. But Peter had heard about the super alcohol that Tony developed specifically to get Steve drunk. Blasted through enhanced metabolisms like no-one's business and would last long enough to be nice?
Was getting drunk nice?
Peter had been way too young when he got his powers, he had never actually gotten drunk. Sure, he tried one time but the taste of alcohol doesn't really appeal to someone who doesn't feel the effects.
His eyes came up from his glass for a second as he scanned the room, his mind thinking on the decision. Just as he did a full pass on the room his eyes caught someone lounging out on the balcony of the penthouse.
Her red hair was unmistakable.
Looking at everyone else in the room talking and chatting... partying. He couldn't help but feel it must be lonely out there by yourself. Looking back down at the drink in his hand, his mind made up. He downed the drink and slowly made his way outside.
Natasha wasn't much of a party person, sure she was a super spy that had been to more high-class parties than one could imagine, but that was party of the job. She couldn't pin-point exactly why she didn't like parties, maybe it was the crowd, maybe it was the happy vibe, maybe it was the false masks people wore when they actually hated you.
The last party she could remember enjoying was way back when she was younger.... with her family...
It was as she was lost in her thoughts, cradling a 'black widow' in hand, what could she say the drink had grown on her, that someone sat down beside her. Though she didn't let it show she was annoyed that she had let someone get so close lost in her own mind.
That annoyance turned to...something else when she realized that it was Peter that had sat down. Without knowing it there was a small smile on her lips as she turned her head and looked at him. After a few months living in the tower Peter had already filled out.
With a swimmer body and more muscle that Natasha thought possible on his skinny frame she was actually quite sad that she hadn't been able to talk with him as much as they used to.
When she was meeting up with him in the park, they would meet every few weeks, or days. It depended on what was going on with SHIELD. Now that SHIELD was no more and she could do whatever she wanted she had a small thought about spending more time around the tower.
The fact that Peter was a resident wasn't a factor.
But then there was the trial and hearings. She wasn't as free as she thought, her spy carrier was basically down the drain with her face plastered over social media and TV, though she could always disguise herself it wouldn't be the same.
"Isn't it a bit cold out here, to be by yourself?" There was a warm humor that was always present behind his words as he started the conversation, Natasha liked that no matter when they talked it was always present.
At the same time with her extensive training, she could also hear the slight slur in his words. Her eyes flickered down to the empty glass in his hands before moving up again. There was a playful glint in her eyes that was well hidden as she shifted over.
Happily noting his eyes tracking her movements, not that she would admit that. She pursed her lips as if in deep thought at the question before finally giving out a playful wink and raising her glass, her voice turning slightly sultry and leading as she replied.
"I believe everyone should know the secret to Russians keeping warm in the cold..." She did find it funny as Peter's eyes almost bugged out as the words registered. His eyes couldn't help but to flicker to her body before coming back to her twinkling blue eyes. She could instantly tell where his mind went, it made it all that funnier when she continued.
"... A strong vodka warms up the body in any temperature..." It was almost as if he deflated at her words and Natasha had to hold back a giggle at the sight. While Peter's eyes were down and he was berating himself for his wishful thinking on the inside, if anyone were to see the way Natasha was looking at him right now, they would be surprised. Of course, they would also then die pretty quickly afterwards so they couldn't tell anyone what exactly they saw.
Starring at the brunet before her Natasha felt a certain emotion well up inside that she hadn't felt in a very, very long time. Her eyes were soft and loving, but were quickly hidden when he raised his head again.
Hoping that he didn't catch her starring she quickly changed the topic, her eyes searching for something to use. Looking at the drink in her hand her mind quickly moved.
"Would you like a Black Widow?"
It was lucky that Peter hadn't been drinking anything else or he would have done a spit take. With his shout of surprise and exaggerated look, it was lucky that noise in the pent house was too loud to attract attention.
Realizing her recent words Natasha almost blushed, almost. While also holding back a laugh, she had just realized that she quite liked teasing the boy before her. Thinking that she should clarify before more misunderstandings took place she motioned to her drink.
"This drink. I'm not much of a narcissist, but whoever named this drink after me knows how to pick a damn good vodka." Realization came to Peter once more as a small blush grew on his cheeks. Natasha also realized she thought he looked adorable like this, her mind once again wondering.
"Oh. Yes Please, if a super spy recommends it, it must be good. Like a Vodka Martini, shaken not stirred." Natasha actually snorted at that.
"Bah! Vodka Martini! What a scam, it is too weak tasting! You need to drink a proper vodka mix!" Shaking her head in disdain and drawing on her Russian heritage she started to go into a spiel about the best Vodka's in the world, and especially what they mix best with.
At the same time, she was making another two Black Widows for each of them. Peter had a smile on his face as he watched her work and remembered her words. He could tell she was passionate about Vodka, which shouldn't be surprising since she is Russian...or was that a stereotype.
With both drinks done, Natasha also finished her spiel and handed him his drink. "So, you understand how to properly enjoy vodka Да (Dah)?" Not wanting to be killed he slowly nodded head as he took the new drink.
Sure it didn't have any of the super alcohol to give him a buzz, but if Natasha recommended it herself he wasn't going to say no. He was also still buzzed from the last drink. Taking a small sip of the drink Peter was surprised how good it tasted. Though he couldn't get drunk this might become one of his knew favorites.
"So how is it?"
He was so wrapped up in the drink, that he almost jumped at her words. Looking to the side to where Natasha was resting, he could swear there was almost an anticipatory look in her eyes as she asked the question.
Taking another sip and letting his body warm up, he gave it a few seconds before looking back. There was a warm smile on his face as he replied.
"I love it."
He looked into her eyes as he spoke, a warm feeling shooting through Natasha as her mind drifted her eyes starring softly at his matching smile. His body moved closer ever so slightly as she snapped back to reality.
"You know what. I also have a secret."
His words came out in a conspiratorial tone that intrigued Natasha, with the raise of an eyebrow and an openness she barely ever showed she also leaned forward. There was now only a few centimeters between them, if one looked at them from the inside they would look pretty intimate.
"What is it?"
Her breath was warm in the cool night, it tickled across Peters cheek, sending a shiver down his spine. He got lost in those deep blue eyes for a second, his own gaze shifting to her red lips for as long as he dared. Did he think she missed that small slip up, no, but he could hope.
His own breath jittered across her cheek as he remembered what he was saying, looking back at her eyes he smiled.
"I always wanted to have a midnight rendezvous with a super spy. I didn't realize this was how it would happen."
At that Natasha finally couldn't help it, she laughed out loud and held her stomach it was so bad. Peter's smile only got wider as he leaned back, letting her get it out.
He took another sip of his drink as the stars shinned down on the pair.
The cool wind caressing their bodies, the night life of the city illuminating them, the party going on behind them.
But all of that felt so far away as he listened to the bell like laughter of the woman next to him.