Chapter 4:Mina

"Mina, Mina ...SOS. Oh my God, you wouldn't believe this..." , Stara exclaimed running down the hallway to Mina, who was standing next to her locker. Mina, used to her over enthusiasm, paid no extra notice to her. Sid, who was standing near the girls, asked "Did you find yet another lizard in your bag? This time I swear I didn't do it..." Stara looked at him sharply and asked, " Then...the last was you..? " Stara was about to open her mouth to say one obscene word, when the bell rang, saving Sid. "I love you bell", said Sid sending fly kisses to the bell.

Stara looked at Mina and said," You won't believe me. I saw the hottest guy in the world today... " "Are you talking about me?" , Sid interrupted. Stars swatted him with her bag and said, "Aren't we girls gonna be lucky? He is an angel fallen from heaven. You won't believe me. He is absolutely gorgeous. He is a newbie. And I hear he is in our class.. .Mina are you sure you don't want him?"" No thanks. Dear goodness I didn't even see him", said Mina. "You sure? Then I want him. Oh I think I have fallen in love, don't you think so?" "Of course not" , shouted Sid startling both Mina and Stara. He hit the locker and left. Stars eyed him curiously, "What's wrong with him?" she asked. "I do not know", Mina said already knowing why he acted that way. She did not want to interfere. Suddenly they saw Ashley running down the hallway towards the entrance. "Has everyone gone nuts?" Stara asked loudly to no one particular.

The first hour was Monster's class. Stara kept putting her makeup on. Seeing her efforts, Sid scowled at her. His scowling increased when he saw Stars looking at each person who came inside the class expectantly. Mina silently watched this drama, being unable to do anything to reduce the anger given out by Sid. Monster entered the class. The new boy still hadn't arrived.

Then suddenly everyone heard talking outside. It was Ashley's high pitch voice. She spoke very softly and sweetly. When she came to view, everyone saw that she was not alone. She had her arms on the hand of a stranger. Monster bade them to enter the class. "Miss Ashley, I believe that you can return to seat now." said Monster. Ashley replied as sweetly as she could , " I was afraid Jared would lose his way. So as a responsible person, I considered it my duty to lead him to his new class. " Then she turned around to give the new boy a wink. Everyone leaned forward in unison to look at the new boy. Calling him handsome would be an understatement, he was hot and sexy as hell. Jared looked at Ashley and gave her a hint of a smile. Stara looked at the interaction between them closely and gave a sigh of defeat. "I don't see in what way he is better than me", muttered Did to himself darkly.

Mina, like the others looked at him. " Jared", she said to herself "It is a good name." Suddenly, Jared looked at her. Their eyes met. It was as if he had heard her saying his name. Mina was suddenly drawn into his gaze. She felt it impossible to blink and severe the gaze. She did not want it look away from him. Suddenly she felt a pain in her chest. She looked away and clutched her chest. It hurt so terribly. It was as if a hole was gnawing into her a heart. When the pain subsided, she looked up, Jared was seated on his chair one seats away from her, next to Ashley.

She could feel him near her. It was as if whole heat of the room was concentrated on a point near her. She looked him from the corner of her eyes to see whether he was looking at her. He was not. She did not know whether to tell disappointed or relieved. In whole class, she did not or rather could not listen to the lecture; her whole concentration was on the person sitting near her. Whats wrong with me she thought. It was as if a strong was pulling her attention towards the stranger.

When she looked at him again, Ashley was leaning towards him, flirting and talking. Mina strained her ears to her what they were talking. To her surprise She could suddenly hear Ashley voice very clearly, as if Ashley's was talking to her. Then she saw that Jared never spoke to Ashley, it was Ashley who was doing all the talking. She immediately felt better.

The class ended, the scraping of chairs as the students got up jolted Mina back to reality. Everyone left except Mina, Stara, Sid, Ashley and Jared. The other girls of their class were lingering behind to talk to Jared. But then they saw Ashley's possessive scowl and thought better of it. Both Mina and Stara were reluctant to get up. Ashley again put her hand on Jared's arm and said, "Sweetheart! Shall we go? I will show you something special." Jared stood up suddenly and said coldly, " There is no need. " and left the room. Ashley looked after him like a puppy not given her favourite bone. She looked at Mina and Stara icily and left.

Both Mina and Stara looked relieved. "He is too cold",said Sid. Stara becoming gooey eyed said, " He is so charismatic. I like cold men. " Sid gave an impatient huff and left the room. Mina had paid no attention to their bickering. She was preoccupied with Jared.

The whole day, Mina could not concentrate on any class. She kept being aware of him.

Later at night, Mina looked at the moon and thought about Jared. He was too handsome. Reading enough novels, she knew that handsome boys meant danger and trouble.How could she be attracted to such a cold person, she thought. Of it wasn't love, it was a girl crush on a handsome boy. But the attraction she felt was stronger than that. She felt like a moth getting attracted to fire. She was sure that she would get burned. Yet she couldn't let go of him. He is dangerous, I must avoid him at all costs, she decided before going to bed.

Just before falling asleep, she saw two stars a shining brighter than the rest
