Chapter 7:Mina

Mina knew she became the cause of envy for all the other girls of her class. And she also envied them back. Now, as 6 was drawing nearer, she wished that she had any other partner than him. Fate was too cruel. How could it give her a partner she wanted the least, when many others wanted him. She decided to cancel the meeting in the library. That was the only option. But then, she did not have his number. It was too impolite to not come after having an appointment and she had to meet sooner or later for the assignment. The thought of Jared waiting for her for a long time made her cringe. She,at last, finding no way out decided to go to the library. "Are you going to the library? ", Stara asked, "Lucky girl..don't forget to tell him my name.. Okay?" Mina just nodded. She made her way slowly to the library.

At the library she began looking around for him. "Looking for me?",she heard a strong voice saying. Her knees turned weak. Taking a deep breath, she turned towards him. Jared looked the same as always. She forced herself to look into his eyes. They were a warm shade of brown with golden flecks. As usual, she drowned into his stare. Clearing her throat, she asked him," Where shall we sit? " "I have already set a place. I came early to do some researches", he said in his usual flippant way. Like a perfect gentleman, he led the way. The library was deserted except for the librarian. She glanced at them briefly then continued reading the big book which was open before her. He led Mina to the historical play section. The section was small. It was cozy.

A perfect place for a date, Mina thought and then blushed. Why was she thinking that now? I'm just be crazy!, she thought. She shook her head violently as if to get rid of such thoughts. Jared glanced at her. When Mina looked at him, he had turned away, but she could see the hint of a smile on his face. He had seen her actions! What does he think about me? Does he think I'm mad?, she thought, which was again followed by, why do I care? I shouldn't care about what others think about me. Being alone with Jared in the library section must be turning me crazy! Jared sat on a chair and pulled a book towards him. Mina stepping out of her thoughts, sat on the other chair. Jared slowed held out the book to Mina showing her a passage from the play,


Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear.

So shows a snowy dove trooping with the crows.

-Act1Scene5(Romeo and Juliet)

"This clearly shows that one of factors of love is beauty" , said Jared, "For almost all the males the first feeling of attraction comes through beauty. Then follows love. " Mina thought that Jared was thinking about the beautiful girls in the school. I'm certainly not ugly, but according to Jared standard...of course how can he think of me as beautiful, she thought and frowned. "What are you thinking about", Jared asked.

"I personally think that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A beautiful lady to one may not seem very beautiful to the other. Therefore beauty is only a small perception in love and love can not be limited to beauty. I think here Romeo actually means that having fallen for Juliet, she stands out the crowd. Blinded by love he can only see his beloved."

" Do you think so? What is your perception of love? ",he asked gazing at her earnestly. She flushed under his gaze and looking down, she said, "I don't believe in fate but I believe in fated love. I would like to believe that my destined love is out there somewhere and that he is waiting for me." She looked up at him to see his eyes. "Do you believe that he is still waiting for you?",Jared said leaning towards her. " I don't know whether he is waiting or not. But I would like to think that he does. ",she said. They were sitting too close to each other. But still she did not feel crowded, in fact she wanted to close the distance between them and stay in his arms. His eyes for the first time flicked toward her lips and came back to her eyes again. "For now long are you ready to wait for him",he asked softly. "I don't know. I don't even know whether I have met him or not" , she said, this time her eyes flicking towards his lips. He did not miss the movement and drew even nearer until their lips almost touched. Mina closed her eyes slowly. "Jared!" , a voice interrupted them, it was Ashley. She looked murderous. "What are you doing?" ,she asked Jared. He had straightened and again the coldness had returned his eyes. "Nothing important", he said. Mina felt crushed. They were about to kiss and Jared had pushed that as nothing. Hastily packing her bag, she stood up and said to Jared," I'm leaving. " on the way out she avoided Ashley's gleeful look.

The sun had set. It was dark. Mina began walking to her home, blinking back tears. She was upset because he disregarded her so much. I will not cry because of him, she thought, he is not worth it. She hurriedly walked home now and then wiping her face angrily.

Some distance away the creature smacked his lips. His patience had rewarded him. His prey was now alone. He had waited so long for her. He was sure she was worth the wait. The wind blew bringing the girl's scent towards him. He groaned never had he had such an alluring prey. The girl turned towards the deal alley leading towards her home. Now, it's the time, he thought. He could taste the success on his lips. He was so close to getting.and he would not wait any longer.

Mina was so engrossed in her anger towards Jared that she said not notice the creature following her. But she had good instincts and her neck prickled. She turned around there was no one to be seen. Frowning she searched for her phone. She could not find it, she had left it in the library. Cursing, she began running towards her home. Suddenly something jumped in front of her. She shrieked. She tried to look at the person's profile. Seeing it, she screamed. It was a pale,skeletal creature and the scariest part were the two fangs on it's face. The creature slowly walked towards devouring each move towards her. Mina could not run or move. She was hypnotized, just like a rat in front of a snake. A cold bony hand snaked around her throat. Her neck became numb. The scar on her neck seared. It hurt so badly that she almost fainted. Using the last ounce of her energy she screamed, "Jared, Help me!" and then blacked out.
