Mina's head was still swirling with the knowledge that what to happened to her was real. That creature, whom Monster had called erew was all real. It looked like a vampire. That did that mean the other mythical creatures, faeries, vampires, goblins,giants, werewolves were all real.
A sudden knock on the door startled her. She was too shaken up after the nightmares of yesterday. She composed herself and said,"Come in." Her voice quivered a bit.
Jared heard the quiver in her voice. She was afraid. He longed to rush to her and hold her tight in his arms until her fears went away. He suppressed his feeling and went inside.
Mina looked up thinking it was Monster. But it was Jared. He looked handsome as always. But on his usual cold face she could see concern. Concern?...Was it for her? ... May be not. He came to her side and sat beside her on the bed. He looked at her and asked," Are you okay?" She looked down and without looking at his eyes ," Yes I'm okay." He lifted his hand and held her chin and lifted her face so that he could see her eyes. " No, you are not." , he said. Mina felt tears spring into her eyes. She brushed them away quickly. Jared saw this. He put his arms around her and hugged her. Mina froze. "It's okay, you can cry. I know it had been a shock for you." He stoked her hair slowly. She melted in his arms. She sobbed. Yes, she was not alright. She could still feel those cold hands on her throat. She was sure she was going to die. She hated feeling helpless and that was what she felt when that creature had gripped her throat. She just couldn't move. And to think that such creatures were present. She shuddered. Jared felt her and hugged more tightly. Slowly in the warmth of his arms, her shock slowly faded away. She stopped crying. But It was soon filled with embarrassment. She slowly pulled away. She looked up at Jared. She suddenly looked down. Oh great, she had covered his shirt with her tears. "Are you okay?",he asked. She smiled at him sheepishly and said," Yes, I am. I'm sorry ...I have soiled your shirt." Jared looked at his shirt. He laughed.
" Wait for a moment.", he said and walked towards his wardrobe and pulled out a new shirt. He then unbuttoned his shirt and removed it. Mina who had been watching his every move suddenly turned away, cheeks flaming. She still got an eyeful of his abs. He was seriously hot and fit like he had been working out daily. Suddenly she heard him coming towards her. She shut her eyes. "Mina?"
"Are you dressed?", she asked. He laughed, " Of course I am. You can open your eyes. Sorry I'm used to dressing here. I forgot that you might be watching." She opened her eyes," Who said I was watching you?" However her cheeks were turning red. Jared saw that and smiled. She blushed more.
He sat down near her again and said," I thought that you would have many questions to ask me." The mood turned serious again. "What did that thing want from me?" " Blood. It is a blood sucker. Similar to the modern stories about vampires. Except that they are not as good looking as the stories say." Mina agreed , the vampires she always fantasied were handsome not anything like the thing that she saw yesterday. " Will that thing come after me again?", she asked. " No, don't worry. It won't. I took care of it for you." Jared said without thinking. Mina froze," You took care of it. How?" Jared looked at her and hesitated. " You killed it, didn't you?" She asked. He wanted to lie to her that he hadn't. But he couldn't lie to her, he couldn't make himself do that.Even though if he said that he had killed it, she would think of him as a monster. " Yes ", he said slowly. She blinked, processing it. He waited fo her to tell him to get lost from her. When Mina looked him, he searched searched for signs of revulsion in her eyes. He took a deep breath and waited for the worst.
"Teach me how to", he heard instead. He looked at her in shock, " I don't want to be in the same situation ever again. Please teach me how to fight them."
He looked at her for a long time. She stared back at him in the same way. Suddenly the door opened. They looked up with a start. It was Monster. "Sorry to interrupt you guys. But it time to go to school."
"School?", Jared asked. "Yes, school young man.", he said , then turning to Mina "If it were up to me, I would be happy to let you dear stay here for a day. But your friends and your parents would be worried. Now come downstairs both of you, the breakfast is ready. And Mina here wear these clothes.." " it's okay Mr Salvander. I could just wear the clothes I'm wearing now.", she said. " Don't worry. These are new. Jared just bought them today. And if you wear the same clothes don't you think your friend Stara would notice.", Mr Salvander winked and said. She smiled and thanked them.
She went into the bathroom. And started getting dressed. She was surprised that Jared had picked clothes that exactly fitted her. And they were almost of her taste. Almost. Smiling to herself, she went to downstairs. They were waiting for her. She had a piece of toast and orangejuice. Mr Salvander looked at both of them and smiled. They looked good together. After the breakfast, he looked at both of them," Mina, if you could, could you keep all these a secret?Not all the people know about these creatures." Mina smiled sadly and said"Of course I will, well... no one is going to believe me if I say them." Salvander smiled at her and said," Anyway, now it time up. Both of you start going I'll lock the door and will come a bit later." Jared took her hand and walked of out the house. Mina looked around. The house was pretty and the garden was prettier.
Out side the house, Mina turned to Jared," Hey I'll get going first." Jared frowned" Why can't we just go together." "No way, do you want me to die? If they see me with you, all the girls of our school will kill me." " Don't worry I'll protect you. " " You can't, you don't know how much crazy the girls can get." They laughed. " I'll get going then.", she said and ran ahead. Farther away, she turned and waved. Jared smiled and waved back at her. She turned and walked towards the school. Jared walked just behind keeping her always in sight. He never got time to asked her about her past. He will, one day, he thought. When the time was right.