Beginnings Of A Magus

So apparently, I received all the powers of Sitonai but not the memories on using said powers. This means that I am guided by my instincts for now. It seems like the main issue with [Item Construction] was that the natural resources in the Danmachi World are different compared to the earth such as different plant life so only some recipes could still be used. Maybe if I research the effects and ingredients of this world, I could potentially unlock more crafting options.

Losing the ability to use [Territory Creation] isn't a big problem because the only use I could think of at the moment is fortifying the house. I doubt I could maintain a territory in the dungeon if Enyo could reject it kinda like how Gaia rejects magecraft.

It seems like I don't have the skills [Emotional Freezing], [Kamuy Yukar], and [Crimson Gold] from Sitonai for some reason. It seems like [Emotional Freezing] is something Sitonai developed over time so I didn't receive it. [Kamuy Yukar] is like a contract where you borrow powers from spirits. Since I don't know any spirits in the Danmachi universe besides maybe Ais, I didn't receive that skill. [Crimson Gold] is a charming skill from Freya so its probably being hidden until it awakens I guess.

Might as well check out the [Store] for now to see how much I could spend at the moment. I do wonder which I should focus more on getting more functions for the system or for more skills I could use. Speaking about that I wonder how much points I have?

[Elysium Points: 5000]

Huh. It seems like I could purchase an [Inventory Module] which gives me a 2 x 2-foot space for 500 points. Class skills such as [Presence Concealment] and [Independent Action] are 2500 each for the lowest rank. Personal skills, however, costs vary from each depending on value. [Noble Phantasms] costs changes depending on their rank and classification.

I decided on buying an [Inventory Module], [Presence Concealment], and some books about [Bounded Fields]. This reduced my points to 1600 points which I will save to buy more books about [Magecraft].

Apparently, skills bought can only be ranked up if they reach a certain mastery on that rank. So if I wanted my [Presence Concealment] to be ranked up to D then I would need to gain enough experience using Rank E. Its kinda like [Development Skills] except I need to pay money to rank up after training the skill.

I bought books about [Bounded Fields] because I wanted to unlock my [Territory Creation] to at least protect the house while I go to the Dungeon. Also [Bounded Fields] sounds useful because Kiritsugu Emiya's [Innate Time Manipulation: Time Alter] is a type of [Bounded Fields] and King Arthur's [Invisible Air: Barrier of the Wind King] is said to be a [Bounded Fields].

I decided to learn [Bounded Fields] first because of those two skills. It seems like some skills require prerequisite skills like [Territory Creation] to even use so I should learn some [Magecraft] before buying [Noble Phantasms].

I decided to spend the next few hours reading the "Learning how to do Basic Einzbern Magecraft 101" which mostly talked about how to use some basic spells, alchemy arrays, creating homunculus, and turning hair into a shape.

Apparently, it was a [grimoire] which meant that I learned how to use those spells but I the book because all the pages turned blank after I finished. Kinda like Bell's [Firebolt] was learned from a grimoire from Freya. The only downside was that everything I learned was pretty basic so I couldn't do anything advanced like making specialized homunculus that lasts longer than a year or makes magical metals.

The book taught me how to 'open and 'close' my magic core which I got from being a part god. Opening my magic involves a form of self-hypnosis as a trigger to turn it on and off. The book also taught me how to do [Structural Analysis], [Reinforcement], and [Gradation Air]. They are apparently the basics of the basic of magecraft. It then continued onto some things about making alchemical circles and symbols. It then showed me the basic foundation of manipulating hair to make shapes like the rest of the Einzbern magus.

If I wanted it to continue learning about the magecraft of the Einzbern family then I would need to buy the Advance book for Einzbern Magecraft. Apparently, it went from the ranks basic, adept, advance, journeyman, and master. Apparently Master level grants the ability to use [Third True Magic: Heaven's Feel].

I could use [Engel Note: Angel's Poem] like Illya but since I'm not exactly good at using alchemy I could only make 1 [Storch Ritter: Knight of Stork] after taking some time in the crafting process. I can't exactly make 4 effortlessly like Illyasviel because I didn't receive the memories of Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern like the rest of the homunculi.

I wonder if I could advance the use of [Engel note: Angel's Poem] if I buy some books about alchemy later. Maybe the answer to making familiars out of hair is inside those books. Seeing no point to continue reading I decided to get used to fighting in my new body since its shorter than what I'm used to.