The Average Grind as a Adventurer

Walking around the second floor I thankfully found an empty room that wasn't occupied. The area was dimly lit by crystals in the ceiling and was a mid-sized room connected by a fairly long hallway. Seeing a goblin and kobold being born was weird as they just exited from the wall.

The swing easily killed the goblin but the kobold was stronger and have more skill than a goblin. It was faster than a goblin and possessed the ability to run on all fours which made it easily dodge attacks.

It narrowly dodged my attack but still go cut slightly due to its instinct. As the monsters aren't exactly intelligent it just runs and tried to attack me like a berserker. It was pretty annoying until I did a spin attack to bisect it.

After a minute my heart was still pounding, even though the encounter wasn't that bad I couldn't disregard the fact that this was my first time killing. It didn't exactly weigh on my conscious because like a game the corpse are disappearing into black ashes.

I remember that one of the jobs of a supporter is to move the corpses out of the way and extract their stone while other adventurers continue to farm monsters. It's only necessary on the lower floors because the spawn rate is massively increased. Why would an supporter cut open a monster to extract it if they could just wait for the monster to disperse? Seems like a lot of unnecessary work.

While I was examining the decomposition of the corpse I realized that the dungeon decided to spawn more to get rid of me. Having divinity sucks doesn't it, it seems like the dungeon must really hate me to spawn this much. Several goblins and kobolds had been spawned in the surrounding areas walls/

Deciding that I would probably need some backup I grabbed a lock of hair and used it to form a familiar with [Engel Note: Angel's Poem]. Sadly I could only create one bird, but it still a ranged supporter that can attack so I could deal with it.

Without waiting any longer, I charged at the monsters who stared in my direction using reinforcement on myself to make myself go faster. I then spun and turned my blade into a tornado of steel and quickly decapitated 2 goblins. The rest were mostly trying to avoid getting hit by my familiar. I got hit unexpectedly by a kobold who pounced at me, cutting my side slightly before I punched him with a reinforced fist sending it to the wall.

Seeing its allies all dead, the rest of the monsters did a reckless charge towards me. I just defended while my familiar finished them off with some well-placed shots. Seeing that all the monsters were pretty much gone, I gathered the magic stones on the ground and put them inside my inventory before I just waited in the room for the next spawn.

Using magic for practice wasn't this taxing as fighting with it. I guess fighting monsters itself takes up the mental strain and magic costs 'Mind'.

While I was waiting for the next spawn I created a territory with [Territory Creation] to alert me when a monster steps in it. I wonder if imbuing my territory with [Snow Fairy] grants a higher effect.

I was alerted by stones falling off the wall as monsters crawled out of the walls. I wonder if the dungeon has auto repair if they all respawn out of the walls. Well, I waited to till they were almost out before I cut them. Spawn killing is allowed, right? I mean if the dungeon hates me for being a demigod then might as well just spawn kill.

I wonder if I keep spawn killing would the room become bigger slowly from the monsters crawling out? It seems like the spawn time seemed a little overboard if they respond every 5 minutes. Man, I hope no one reports the odd spawn rates of the second floor to the guild or that would be awkward and bring some suspicious looks from the gods.

I decided that I might as well practice fighting with magic and try to burn as much of my reserves as possible before I leave and return back to base. Seems like creating throwing spears out of ice isnt that great as it has a chance of breaking after impact. So far what seems like the solution to this problem was get better at throwing or make the spears better.

So far I spent 3 hours just farming in this one room. Fortunately, my luck procced and I got some kobold claws as drops. I checked out the system and wondered if it is possible for it to possess a homunculus and acts as the goddess Chaldea during my wait time for the monsters to respawn.

It seemed like a decent solution to throw some attention of me. I wonder what type of homunculus body I could make for the system to temporarily possess to act as the goddess of my familia. Maybe I could make its appearance based on a character from a video game such as the Plains doll from Bloodborne or the Firekeeper from Dark Souls.

Seeing all the corpses of the recent batch of monsters decomposed I decided that I would think on the subject of making a homunculus later. The time is already near dawn so I might as well leave and grab some food. Maybe I could go to the [Hostess of Fertility] and see if there are anyone famous there currently.

Deciding that I might as well go there to the [Hostess of Fertility] and grab some food considering how much mental stress I accumulated would have made me too mentally tired to cook a meal by myself. I harvested all the magic stones on the ground and proceeded to walk back up to the city.